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October 2024


I Knew It [Dan Collins]

The Oscars were once again all about scumbag millionaires.

Here’s Jules’s critique of the thing:

Here’s what I think: That show last night was like a St. Vitus dance by a plastic surgery addicted dowager who’s misplaced her reading glasses and keeps forgetting which decade she’s in. She was in constant danger of popping out of the front of her elaborate napkin-arrangement designer dress, a prospect that only filled viewers with horror. The presentation skitlets weren’t even as good as bad SNL. More like bad high school talent show. Forget salvaging it. Junk it. The whole “Oscar” franchise, in this day and age, has become a little small, dowdy and dated. Even the statues look like they’re from another century, which they are. The whole thing reminds me of newspapers. A litte too self-referential, under the impression that what they do is a great mystery and that they as the unassailable high priests have a lock on the secret, yet painfully aware that it’s slipping away, scrambling desperately to keep from sliding off the roof.

I’ve taken my daughter and one of her 35 BFsF skiing, so I’ll be on and off today.

81 Replies to “I Knew It [Dan Collins]”

  1. Carin says:

    How dare you refer to such courageous Americans as scumbag?. They speak such truth to power.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    I hate society, man.

  3. Carin says:

    I find it sort of amazing that Penn admonished, on national tv, a state issue. I think he should have been more specific and addressed black voters in California.

    DEEP SHAME, they should feel.

    Too bad they can’t all be elegant like Obama. Who’s against gay marriage, but he’s still ok.

  4. serr8d says:

    Didn’t watch it. Wouldn’t watch it. Sorry. That Sean Penn won anything says that, next year, I won’t watch again.

  5. Pablo says:

    I was watching the Oscars last night and I kept waiting and waiting for someone to mention that the term “Slumdog” is dehumanizing and racist. But instead, they just kept celebrating the thing.

    OK, that’s not true. I wasn’t watching the Oscars.

  6. I wasn’t watching the Oscars

    I know ;)

  7. […] “You commie homo-loving sons of guns.” Another quote of the week from Dan Collins at PW: “I knew it … The Oscars were once again all about scumbag […]

  8. […] Dan has a way with words, doesn’t he? crossed from home […]

  9. Mr. Pink says:

    I saw the movie Taken over the weekend. Very good. Two thumbs up.

  10. Mikey NTH says:

    The Oscars were last night?

    I missed them again! I miss a lot of things like that because I don’t give a whoop-and-a-high-holler about them.

    Apathy: Because…meh.

  11. alppuccino says:

    Did Obama win for best extra in a short?

  12. BJTexs says:

    al: He won for best extras in his shorts.

  13. happyfeet says:

    I didn’t watch the stupid gay Oscars. I did catch up on Dollhouse though. It was sorta cute cause there was this one scene where Eliza is gadding about the woods for some reason and this guy is intent upon killing her. So this other guy who was gadding about but what got shot hands Eliza his gun and says do you know how to use this and she gets all butch with chambering the gun or whatever and snarls “Got four brothers not a one of them Democrats.”

    But I didn’t watch the stupid gay Oscars.

  14. Joe says:

    I did not even know it was Oscar night. I am hearing about it now.

  15. cranky-d says:

    Over the years, the Oscars have told me that they really aren’t about anything I’d be interested in. Eventually I got the idea and stopped caring. I used to at least attempt to see the best picture nominees, but I no longer have the energy and would rather not spend the time. Oscar and I are disconnected. I thought Dark Knight, Iron Man, Kung-fu Panda, and Wall-E were all very enjoyable movies, and while they got some nods, they weren’t politically correct enough I guess to get more than nods.

    I wonder if the Oscar voters realize that they have pretty much lost most of America. I wonder if they would care. In both cases, I doubt it.

  16. I Ti’od Dollhouse but haven’t watched it yet . What’s the opinion on it? Is it Josh-worthy?

  17. happyfeet says:

    Was Katherine Heigl there? She should get statues I think.

  18. Carin says:

    Excuse me, Pablo’s Stalker, but do you mean Joss?

  19. Well, EXCUSE ME, Carin. But, it’s hard to watch TV and see all the little names correctly through Pablo’s window.

  20. BJTexs says:

    Sybil is inna house!

  21. cranky-d says:

    Pablo’s Stalker: It is very Jossy. Skinny girls that can kick ass is of course one of his signatures, and he delivers. I would say it’s worth checking out.

  22. happyfeet says:

    oh. Dollhouse is sort of not there yet but it works well enough. The opening credits are passable but nothing really remarkable, which is how you can tell if a show worth giving a chance or not. It’s still working out its back story and also it needs more cast yet. Josh always has been very ensemble and so far just the Eliza character person is really showing any depth but it’s only been two episodes.

  23. happyfeet says:

    oh. show *is* worth… there’s a cute outtake on the website where summer glau and eliza are doing their promo for Fox cause they’re on the same night and that’s worth watching I though cause of it was so cute

  24. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I intended to watch it, but I’ve fallen out of the habit of watching TV shows at a set time and I didn’t set the DVR.

    I saw part of the first episode on YouTube before Fox pulled it because they want you to use that stupid-assed fucked-in-the-head Flash player on their own site, which I won’t.

  25. Sdferr says:

    You can see it on Hulu SBP, if you still have the desire. I watched the first episode there yesterday.

  26. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Hulu is just about as bad, Sdferr.

    Sorry, TV guys, your show isn’t important enough to me to let you track me for marketing purposes.

  27. Sdferr says:

    Ah, you have a point there SBP, I had unwittingly ignored, out of ignorance of the hidden processes I guess. There is much about the world I do not know.

  28. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Do you run NoScript? If not, you might be surprised.

    A Flash player gets maybe one or two attempts to store stuff on my computer. More than that (or if it won’t play after refusal) and I go elsewhere.

  29. Happyfeet – the opening to Firefly was, imho, one of the best. Battlestar’s is good too.

  30. Carin says:

    Stupid sockpuppet won’t go away.

  31. steveaz says:

    I got the impression that even the actresses and actors themselves are becoming self-conscious about all the Oscar-regalia. What with the “crisis” and all.

    When Hollywood insiders begin to chafe under all the self-congratulation, you know the party’s mostly over. Some folks are still milling around, fingering the discarded cigarette butts that were left smoldering in the ashtrays, but, the party is, for all intents and purposes, ova’.

  32. happyfeet says:

    Being tracked for marketing purposes is good and right. You see more better ads this way and you help people optimize their ad spending. This way they can get their message out and not give as much monies to the dirty socialists what make content. This also helps online compete against other mediums, which should help kill dirty socialist print vehicles like Newsweek and The New York Times more faster.

    For reals, and this is most important, if you let online content people know you are a right-thinking conservative person what loves America unlike Baracky Chavez and his dirty socialist pals then that won’t go unnoticed.

  33. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    A Flash player gets maybe one or two attempts to store stuff on my computer.

    Also, this is useful. I recommend working through all the tabs on that.

  34. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Sorry, hf. I don’t (yet) have to show my ID when I buy a book or a newspaper. I won’t do it for online content, either.

  35. happyfeet says:

    Battlestar’s is one of my favorites. I need to catch up with them. Carnivale; I think is my all-time favorite. Also Bones does a good job and shows you don’t have to throw a whole lot of money at it. I haven’t been watching much tv lately though. I will get caught up on Battlestar probably next weekend.

  36. Pablo says:

    Y’ever wonder whether to leave the curtains open or closed? It’s a conundrum, I tell ya.

  37. Carin says:

    I don’t get HBO (I had to look it up to see what you were talking about), so I’ve never seen Carnivale. Mostly I just watch BSG and Lost and then the other nights I have no control what’s on the tv, so I go to bed and read.

  38. Sdferr says:

    I installed NoScript at your suggestion SBP and have been running it for awhile now, though initially I was merely seeking to have some measure of control over annoying flashing ads which distracted my reading. As a result I find I override it when I want to see something blocked, without thinking of the information consequences streaming along in the background. Hence to Hulu use.

  39. alppuccino says:

    Speaking of TV, caught just of little of Chris Wallace where Gov. Sanford says, “Would you want the bunch that mishandled Katrina running your bank?” and then Ed (Murtha-clone) Rendell says, “There’a new bunch!” and then Jenny (Will-tickle-any-scrotum-for-an-important-job)Granholm says, “Yeah, there’s a new bunch!” and then Sanford says, “Well my point is still valid.”

    You know what? Nagin and what’s-her-face screwed the pooch in New Orleans. Hell Mississipi took care of biz. But Sanford still uses the Katrina myth on TV. Hey dipshit! Why not say something like “Do we want morons who don’t even know how to pay thier taxes to be running our banks?” That’s way more effective.

    I like Bones. Bones is good.

  40. Carin says:

    Jenny “no-new-taxes” Granholm?

    if approved by the Legislature, state taxes on non-cigarette tobacco items would jump from 32% of wholesale price to 64% next year. Combined with the new federal tax, the average price of a one-pound bag of popular Gambler tobacco would skyrocket from $19 to $70 in Michigan.

  41. Sdferr says:

    It’s almost as though these gov lovers want thriving blackmarkets in everything, isn’t it?

  42. alppuccino says:

    Well, I here Kenny Rogers has been thinking of quitting smoking. This clinches it.

  43. Sdferr says:

    Or to put it another way, Carin’s tobacco example is the Tea-Party connection.

  44. Dan Collins says:

    I think that will be good for Indiana, Carin.

  45. Carin says:

    Theses stupid-assed Democrats are planning on using all that delicious tax money on funding Childrens Health care in Michigan.

    Do ANY of these geniuses see a problem with this plan?

  46. Sdferr says:

    You mean, another problem beyond fostering a disrespect for the rule of law, Carin? What could go wrong?

  47. Matt says:

    Happy, you had me at “Eliza”.

    The show is bit … I don’t know. I like Whedon’s stuff so I’m going to give it a chance. That line was hilarious but the plot made almost no sense. And again, Eliza. Kinda like the new Terminator show has turned into a steaming pile but as long as Summer Glau is wandering around in leather and kicking butt, I’ll continued to dvr and fast forward through all the crappy parts.

    On the upside, I’m digging Lost this season and Fringe has been an unexpected pleasant surprise. I somehow managed to miss most of an entire season of House and I’m catching up in syndication. Oliva Wilde, marry me.

  48. alppuccino says:

    Does Obama pay taxes on his Newport Menthols?

  49. Matt says:

    Also, agree with happy on carnivale- I wish they hadn’t had to rush the last season due to cancellation – such a weird, cool, strange show in a unique historical setting.

    Plus I can watch Clancy Brown in pretty much anything (cept maybe Pet Sematary 2, which I can’t blame on him). He also should have played Luthor in the Superman remake- he’s been doing voice of Luthor for years on the various DC animated series and is my first choice. Bald Clancy Brown vs pretty boy Supes = the win.

  50. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Carin, it looks like your local yokels didn’t get the message that smoking is cool again.

    (h/t to whoever linked this before)

  51. happyfeet says:

    The Dollhouse one is a bit … formula-driven I think. Joss usually breaks out of that fairly quickly whenever he’s done that if you don’t count when the extremely anal The WB suits ordered more “stand-alone” episodes for Buffy and Angel and that sort of turned into the worst tv what ever had his name on it. Still wasn’t just awful though. I usually don’t get involved with shows what have a formula unless the opening credits are really really good.

  52. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Hmm… up to $50/lb profit for driving a load across an unsecured interstate border.

    Nope, there won’t be anyone who sees a business opportunity there, I’m sure.

  53. Rob Crawford says:

    Happyfeet – the opening to Firefly was, imho, one of the best. Battlestar’s is good too.

    The series Firefly? I can’t remember it well enough to say.

    The movie “Serenity” opens with a shot that blows me away. It feels like a single continuous steady-cam shot, walking though the ship, but it’s can’t possibly be that, because it starts outside.

  54. Carin says:

    Happy, even the worst Buffy episodes are better than most everything else.

  55. Carin says:

    Here you go Rob. I have a hard time watching it again, and not getting sad that we was robbed.

  56. Sdferr says:

    Reading Jules’s take on the Oscars and in particular his last paragraph,

    My own “Best Picture” choice in the dinosaur entertainment industry? “Defiance.” It was actually about something real. It was about a life and death struggle against true evil. No frills. Just death and stark choices as they actually unfolded, much as real people sometimes still face them today. Babes in the woods, reliant on rough thugs, a lot like most of Hollywood would be if the jihadis they keep weeping over won. An ominous example of where you end up if you aren’t paying attention and rely on the good intentions of bad people for your security. Also, some good ultra-violence on Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, with the good guys, barely and against the odds, winning.

    Pointed me right back to this analysis of our current ongoing Foreign Policy collapse at Captain’s Journal. It’s worth a read for those of you who care for such things.

  57. Carin says:

    I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.


  58. BJTexs says:

    …and i can kill you with my brain.

    Fox screwed up that series right from the start, forcing Wheden to not run the back story first episode for some strange reason.

    Love BG for it’s relentless grittiness and incredibly realistic special effects.

  59. They had the bad judgment to show the Oscars at the same time TNT ran Tora! Tora! Tora! and Patton back-to-back. No contest!

  60. Mikey NTH says:

    Carin, based on the ratings they babbling at length to no one.

  61. Carin says:

    Oh, you mean the Oscars Mikey? I didn’t see that they released ’em, but I would be SHOCKED if they were at all good.

  62. Carin says:

    HOnestly, you’d think that would cause a bit of ennui among the Hollywood glitteratti. Here they put so much of themselves into these movies (COURAGE!) and yet no one sees ’em a the theater or watches the award shows.

    They prolly can’t help but assume they are the only educated class left.

  63. Mikey NTH says:

    Well, I haven’t seen the official ratings, but it was all over the internet, how bad it was.

    So technically, since it was coming from the internet, it was ‘babbling at length to no one’.

  64. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Sdferr on 2/23 @ 10:22 am #

    It’s almost as though these gov lovers want thriving blackmarkets in everything, isn’t it?”

    Maybe she owns a trucking firm.

  65. cranky-d says:

    Rob, that shot in Serenity only has one break once they are inside the ship, at a point where Mal is going down some stairs. Otherwise it was continuous.

  66. cranky-d says:

    Dollhouse is trying to be better. I will give it more time. Besides, the vcr is already getting terminator so no biggie. Yes, that’s correct, I don’t own a dvr.

  67. mojo says:

    Cap’n Mal: “What the hell was that?”

  68. SDN says:

    Don’t own a DVR but do have a DVD recorder.

  69. BJTexs says:

    mojo: I screwed up the following line once before and got reamed by a firefly guru but related to yours:

    Cap’n Mal: “This is your captain speaking …we may experience some slight turbulence upon approach and then … explode.”

    Jane: “Explode? I don’t wanna explode!”

  70. mojo says:

    Wash: This landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
    Cap’n Mal: Define “interesting”.
    Wash: [deadpan] Oh God, oh God, we’re all going to die?

  71. Mikey NTH says:

    Arthur: (resigned) “So this is it; we’re all going to die.”
    Ford: (deadpan) “I wish you’d stop saying that.”

  72. Carin says:

    Gawd I loved that show …

  73. Carin says:

    Jayne: “I’ll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight. Or if he bothers me. Or if there’s a woman. Or if I’m gettin’ paid. Mostly when I’m gettin’ paid.”

  74. Carin says:

    Since I’m alone here, no one will mind:

    Kaylee: “But he coulda made ’em family. ‘stead of keepin’ Simon from seein’ I was there. And I carried such a torch! And we coulda…goin’ on a year now and I ain’t had nothin’ twixt my nethers weren’t run on batteries!”

    Mal: (horrified) “Oh God! I can’t know that!”

    Jayne: “I could stand to hear more.”

  75. Carin says:

    Last one …

    Mal: “Zoe, ship is yours. Remember: if anything happens to me, if you don’t hear from me within the hour, you take the ship — and you come and you rescue me.”

    heh. sigh.

  76. geoffb says:

    Mal: I don’t believe there’s a power in the ‘verse that can stop Kaylee from being cheerful. Sometimes you just wanna duct tape her mouth and dump her in the hold for a month.

    I married a “Kaylee” and we both love/loved that show too. Thanks for all the quotes.

  77. Holy Toledo says:

    state taxes on non-cigarette tobacco items would jump from 32% of wholesale price to 64%

    A capital idea!

  78. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I liked Kaylee, too.

    It’s a pity she lost so much weight before the movie, though.

  79. guinsPen says:

    Congress Critters for $1,000 please, Alex.

    A plastic surgery addicted dowager who’s misplaced her reading glasses and keeps forgetting which decade she’s in. She was in constant danger of popping out of the front of her elaborate napkin-arrangement designer dress, a prospect that only filled viewers with horror.

    Who is Nancy Pelosi?

  80. gebrauchshund says:

    One of my favorites –

    Operative: You can’t make me angry.

    Inara: Please, spend an hour with him.

  81. TRHein says:

    guinsPen… That brought tears to my eyes!

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