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October 2024


If I Still Watched TV, This Would Make Me Laugh [Dan Collins]

“This just isn’t fair. Everyone in this country wants to watch American Idol and nobody wants to watch what we write. When did America get so stupid?”

More about potato-headed fag hunter Bill Moyers.

Via Kevin in comments, BTV is covering the Oscars, too.

16 Replies to “If I Still Watched TV, This Would Make Me Laugh [Dan Collins]”

  1. BuddyPC says:

    Probably around the time you guys started “writing” the news.

    Yeah. no one watches what you (better) assholes write. That whole growth of DVR technology isn’t in response to “24” or “Lost” or anything.

  2. BuddyPC says:

    By “assholes”, I mean whiny TV writers, not Dan.

  3. ccoffer says:

    Potato headed fag hunter. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

  4. happyfeet says:

    Bill Moyers is sort of a nazi, huh? These people are scarier the more you get to know them.

  5. Jeffersonian says:

    No, ‘feet, you’re only a nazi if you do these things for the wrong people.

  6. Patrick says:

    You’re being attacked by comment spam all of a sudden.

  7. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I have to say, though, that “Man Boobs on Not My President” is amusing. Reminds me of that picture of Barky in Hawaii (not that I’m anyone to talk when it comes to male mammae).

  8. Patrick says:

    “Get Rid of Man Boobs on Spears a-Shakin'” is pretty funny too.

  9. -Ed. says:

    Man boobs are never funny. Except on Alec Baldwin of course. He can even have man boob sweat, and it’s OK. You know the stuff; right under the man boobs, comes through the shirt at the least sign of physical or (in the case of actors) mental exertion. Hot, hot. [Man boob sweat is also visible on Leonid Q. Breakwind at PJTV but don’t go look. I mean, why would you? Unless you’re like that. In which case – eewww]

  10. Jeff G. says:

    HEADLINE: Mickey Rourke fucked by Harvey Milk!

    God, I hate the Academy Awards.

  11. serr8d says:

    “Slumdog Millionaire”? “Sean Penn”?

    Reminiscent of the “Peace” Nobel going to Arafat, Carter, Gore. Makes ’em all meaningless.

  12. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Does Bill Moyers know that Harvey Milk was gay?

    That’s what I want to know.

    I can’t say anything about Slumdog Millionaire — haven’t seen it. Unlike Penn’s latest tour de tard, though, it’s making major bank at the box office. It can’t be too bad.

    I’m pleased that two movies I saw and enjoyed (WALL-E and The Dark Knight) garnered multiple nominations and a few wins.

    I’m also pleased that that crappy Nixon hatchet job didn’t win anything, despite multiple nominations.

    I didn’t figure that Iron Man would win anything, and it didn’t. We can’t have a movie where American troops are the good guys, now, can we?

  13. McGehee says:

    11. Comment by serr8d on 2/23 @ 6:19 am

    Told ya so.

  14. Rob Crawford says:

    HEADLINE: Mickey Rourke fucked by Harvey Milk!

    I haven’t seen either one, but from what I heard, it’s another case of a brilliant piece of acting with a strong story being beaten out by a hack homily about a favored minority.

  15. […] ask the Writers Guild. They know the score. via Protein Wisdom, channeling Big Hollywood: “Everyone in this country wants to watch American Idol and nobody wants to watch what we write. When …?” I think I’m going to steer clear of the bitter irony of anyone in Hollywood uttering […]

  16. Joe says:

    Isn’t Roger Simon is dumping writers so he can focus on his PajamaTV American Idol show?

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