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October 2024


Jeff on Tony’s April Chicago Session, at Facebook [Dan Collins] [UPDATED BY JEFF at comment 4]

Where: Chicago, IL, Tony Cecchine’s private gym (a few minutes outside O’Hare)

When: April 10-12 2009 (note: if you’d like to come out a day early or stay a day late for some extra training, we’re cool with that; as part of the instructor program, many of us will be staying a few extra days anyway, so you hang with us and workout for no extra cost).

What: In addition to catch wrestling hooks and concession holds, we’ll also be covering handfighting; takedowns and throws; striking (as an integrated part of the system); conditioning; strength training; and submission resistance (how to train the neck and strengthen tendons, etc, to counter chokes, achilles locks, wristlocks, etc).

For those of you who have experience in other disciplines, this is an opportunity to give American catch wrestling a test drive. See (and feel) the difference between a kimura and a double wrist lock, or between an American and a top wristlock. Learn leg locks that actually work and that don’t become a battle of who can roll over the fastest. Learn how to rip — which, when incorporated with proper wrestling basics, will double the effectiveness of your technique arsenal: know where the man will be and you’ll be there waiting with a submission.

Cost: $199 early registration; $249 at the door. Food provided. Beginners welcome.

There are a number of places within a few miles of the airport. A list can be found here:

Contact: drop an email to me (here, or through my regular email: jeff -at- proteinwisdom -dot-com) or to Tony (info -at- catchwrestle -dot-com) to let us know you’re planning on attending. We’re going to keep this seminar small, because we want to make sure everyone who attends gets hands on personal instruction.

Tony Cecchine’s American Catch Wrestling system is not “the gentle art.” Instead, its “hooks” — though they can be used in sport as concession holds — are designed to snap, no tap.

Check out clips here:

Vaguely related, Mickey Rourke goes the full monty in an accceptance speech. NSFW.

18 Replies to “Jeff on Tony’s April Chicago Session, at Facebook [Dan Collins] [UPDATED BY JEFF at comment 4]”

  1. Bob Reed says:

    It sounds fascinating and I wish I could attend, but already have a comittment for weekends in April…

    Maybe if another one is run over the summer…

  2. Carin says:

    Yea, I don’t think that would go over well with my husband.

    You’re going WHERE for WHAT? He’s suspicious about my time at the gym already.

  3. BumperStickerist says:


    Maybe as a fund-raiser the PW regulars could take up a collection and pay the registration for some lefty bloggers and PW troll-commentors to attend the session with Jeff and Tony?

    I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t chip in some coin to see thor, parsnip, et cetera, have to face Jewzilla and Tony C. in the squared circle – rounded octagon – mobiotic prism, or whatever they call the place where catch-wrestling is done?

    Sure, if the training doesn’t kill them, it would make them stronger. But I’m fairly certain the traing would kill them.

    Just a thought.


  4. Jeff G says:

    Another thought: a lot of you have talked about a get together for PW readers. Why not use the seminar as that event? There’d be plenty of time for drinking and the like after the sessions, and it never hurts to get some self defense pointers. Or you could just sleep in and show up only for the going out stuff.

    What say youse guys?

  5. Carin says:

    I’d LOVE to. But, unless there are a few female-types attending I doubt my husband would be cool with it. Meya doesn’t count.

  6. LTC John says:

    “What say youse guys?”

    I’m good with the going out part!

  7. dicentra says:

    Well, Carin, I’d volunteer to be the other chick, but there’s no wetter blanket on a catch-wrestling/drink-a-thon than a Mormon with a bad thyroid. I’m doing the crowd a favor by staying away. :D

  8. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Someone has to be the designated driver, dicentra. :-)

  9. daleyrocks says:

    Going out is cool. JD could probably swing a trip and free ball in his kilt.

  10. But, unless there are a few female-types attending I doubt my husband would be cool with it.

    oh, and here I just auditioned for a show today… I think RTO would really like to go, but we’ll have to see. What’s the deadline for early registration?

  11. geoffb says:

    Easter weekend, sigh.

  12. JHoward says:

    Need to see what my schedule looks like late March, Jeff…

  13. Carin says:

    Oh, it is? That’s bad.

  14. McGehee says:

    Chicago? But, doesn’t it get, like, corrupt there?

    I don’t think I have a heavy enough coat.

  15. Joe says:

    I could use a good ass kicking.

    I say that after washing down about eight Advils with coffee this morning.

    I just spent a weekend snowmobiling in the mountains with a bunch of former wrestlers who would pile off their machines for Black Velvet and Jack Daniel breaks and just start beating the crap out of one another (because it is fun). No broken bones this trip, just a few wrecked sleds that we managed to fix in the evenings, including field welding a snapped stearing column. Lots of bruises. General complaints that McCain was a douchbag, Obama is more of a douchbag. This would be a perfect weekend for that group.

    Seriously, there is probably some good stuff to learn at this thing.

  16. MarkD says:

    Mrs D is still limping from last week’s sparring class (no, I didn’t do it.) We’re getting too old for this stuff, really.

  17. B Moe says:

    I’m good with the going out part!

    Ditto, depending on our work load I might be up for a Saturday Night out.

  18. I could maybe do this. I may be in Chicago that week anyway.

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