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October 2024


You Know What Would Be Really Terrible? [Dan Collins]

If someone started picking the scabs off of the racial wounds:

The head of the NAACP on Saturday urged readers to boycott the New York Post, calling a cartoon that the newspaper published an invitation to assassinate President Barack Obama.

Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, called on the tabloid to remove editor-in-chief Col Allan, as well as longtime cartoonist Sean Delonas.

Earlier this week, the newspaper apologized to anyone who might have been offended by the image printed Wednesday, which some say likens Obama to a violent chimpanzee gunned down by police in Connecticut.

Jealous said the cartoon was “an invitation to assassination.”

On Thursday, after protests by notable figures including director Spike Lee, the paper posted an editorial on its Web site saying the cartoon was meant to mock the federal economic stimulus bill, but “to those who were offended by the image, we apologize.”

A spokeswoman for the newspaper referred The Associated Press to the paper’s editorial when asked Saturday about the proposed NAACP boycott.

Jealous called the editorial “a half of an apology, without elaboration.”

The drawing, he said, “picks off the scabs of all the racial wounds.”

Racist, jealous and stupid is no way to go through life.

35 Replies to “You Know What Would Be Really Terrible? [Dan Collins]”

  1. router says:

    mock these folks

  2. geoffb says:

    Benjamin Todd Jealous?
    Seriously? Really, really, seriously? French maybe?

  3. Sean M. says:

    Nobody has ever compared a sitting president to a chimp, right?

  4. serr8d says:

    People like BTJ are wanting to pick a fight.

    And, given the NYP is known as the NYT’s counterbalance, just how effective would a NAALCP boycott be? Can’t be so many buying that paper in the first place..

  5. alppuccino says:

    Invitation to Assassinate. Isn’t that nominated for “Best Animated Short”.

    Now that the president is a colored people, Mr. Jealous is going to have to bring it on a lot harder if he wants to be relevant.

  6. Silver Whistle says:

    Mr. Jealous is going to have to bring it on a lot harder if he wants to be relevant.

    You saying he needs a First Lady slap?

  7. SporkLift Driver says:

    These people who see coded racial slurs and incitements to assassinate The One in every criticism remind me of the people who see little explosions in video of the twin towers collapsing. Is it humanly possible to mock these retards enough?

  8. Jack says:

    Well, it is going to be very interesting to watch what happens the next time a chimp goes wild and rips their face off.

    Sort of what Obama would like to do to Rick Santelli about now.

  9. guinsPen says:

    With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

    Right on.

    The drawing, he said, “picks off the scabs of all the racial wounds.”

    Right on.

  10. guinsPen says:

    Blast. Skip the latter.

  11. Pablo says:

    Oh, fer fucks sake.

    I’m all for freedom of speech, but there are limits. Along with freedom comes responsibility, and the New York Post demonstrated the complete absence of responsibility with the publication of their cartoon depicting the assassination of the President of the United States.

    Delonas didn’t say it, but TPM just did. Obama is a deranged chimp. Or Travis is POTUS. One of the two.

  12. Silver Whistle says:


    That TPM link is priceless:

    While freedom of speech and expression are indeed a cornerstone of American democracy, it is against the law to shout “fire” in a crowded theater-and with good reason.

    It starts with garbage, and goes downhill from there. Good grief.

  13. serr8d says:

    So, Wattree, you’ve invented even more intent for Delonas to answer for.

    Unless Eric L. Wattree is the artist, or unless he has first-hand knowledge of the artist’s intent, he cannot know and assign to the artist whatever intent he thinks he had, just because it fits his talking points agenda. Wattree is not Delonas’ agent, or his editor, or his mother, or his wife. NTTAWWT.

    The cartoon is only RACIST! (or, now, ASSASSINATIONIST!) if you are the sort of person with a race chip on your shoulder; if you are someone with an identity politics axe to grind. There’s both funny and edgy in that cartoon, a perfect fit if you ask me. The cartoon doesn’t Rorschach the racists; it highlights and illustrates how easily the perpetually peeved are to arms.

    This additional assigned ‘intent’ (assassination, no less!) took what, two or three days to ferment? I’ll bet the cartoon was drawn in less than two hours. The only assassination Delonas had in mind was Travis’.

  14. Techie says:

    Ben Todd Jealous?

    His brother, Frank Michael Perplexed, was unavailable for comment.

  15. Bob Reed says:

    Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People…”

    What an appropriate name for the leader of a once proud, and relevant, organization of professional victims, race-baiters, and grievance mongers…

    I love how sooooooo ,any avenues seem to lead horrified nutroots to the conclusion that folks are advocating O!s assasination…


  16. Sdferr says:

    So it turns out that George W. Bush is the most often racially slurred black man in the history of the presidency then? More even than that other chimp slurred black president, Abe Lincoln!

  17. Silver Whistle says:

    Mark Steyn punctures that “shouting fire” nonsense, in the context of his own battles with the speech banners.

  18. Rusty says:

    You gotta admit. It would be a crisis Rahm Emmanuel would love.

  19. Bob Reed says:

    Well Rusty,
    As Rahm-bo says; “Never let a serious crisi go to waste…”

  20. JFH says:

    Y’all realize that there is STILL a boycott on South Carolina because of the Confederate Battle Flag, this despite the fact that six months after a boycott was started (in 2000) the flag was removed from the SC Capitol Dome… The NAACP said “not good enough” as a compromise allowed a different battle flag was raised at an existing Confederate soldiers’ memor’ial still on Capitol grounds.

    The NAACP can’t even accept a victory, without grumbling that they need more (Similar to Dems when they got billions for “No Child Left Behind”… “WE WANT MORE!”)

    Ironically, Georgia’s current state flag that was forced to be changed by the NAACP looks VERY similar to the original Confederate National flag (ie the “Stars and Bars”). But no boycott there. The Mississippi flag has the frickin’ same flag that is flying at the SC Confederate Soldiers’ Memorial in its state flag, but no boycott there.

  21. Craig Livingstone says:

    The cartoonist is obviously an idiot. I do not understand the uproar though. I went to the NY Post website and it looks to be some variation on RNC meets the National Enquirer. It hardly deserves a mention.

  22. Bob Reed says:

    Sure Craig,

    But, what about all of the cartoons that feature Boooooooooosh! as a chimp..?

    And this one wasn’t directed at Obama, or are you among the legion that believes that the president crafts non-budgetary spending bills?

  23. Sdferr says:

    Wait Bob, sure? Why concede that the cartoonist is an idiot? What argument is on offer to support the claim? None, so far as I can see.

  24. Silver Whistle says:


    Can you tell us why the cartoonist was an idiot? Because I’m just not getting it.

  25. Bob Reed says:

    Poorly phrased comment Sdferr,
    I wasn’t acknowledging any idiocy on the part of the cartoonist, simpy asking Craig whether all of those who equated Boooooooosh! with a chimp were idiots…

    The nutroots are simply worked up because, as I understand it, this same comic used to skewer Clinton too…

    So, in the vein of Rahm-bo’s, “Never let a serious crisi go to waste”, thay are manudacturing the crisis, using their typical manufactured Outrage! in hopes of mau-mau-ing the flak catchers, so as to turn it into an opportunity to accomplish some of their long desired ends…

  26. Sdferr says:

    Oop, I’m sorry for jumping the gun there Bob.

  27. Bob Reed says:

    That’s OK Sdferr,

    I fogot to add the disclaimer to my comment that on Sundays I give up on even trying to make grammatical sense!

    Enjoy your Sunday…

  28. alppuccino says:

    The cartoonist is obviously an idiot.

    Yeah, idiot like a fox.

  29. alppuccino says:

    Somewhere in heaven (in the Jewish section) Howard Cosell is calling Sammy Davis Jr. and giving him some shit.

  30. geoffb says:

    First let’s clear up some old business.

    Craig Livingstone, who hired you, a bar bouncer, to be Head of Security at the Clinton White House and where are all those FBI files you grabbed?

  31. SporkLift Driver says:

    “Comment by Craig Livingstone on 2/22 @ 11:05 am #

    The cartoonist is obviously an idiot.”

    You like to make assertions based on invisible evidence don’t you?
    Or do you see some evidence for your assertion?
    Do you also see Jesus’s face on pieces of toast?

    Craig Livingstone – mendoucheous douchenozzle or just delusional?

  32. McGehee says:

    Craig Livingstone — isn’t that the guy Tom Lantos said should commit suicide because he’d embarrassed the Clintons?

  33. BuddyPC says:

    “BT Jealous blahblahblah the cartoon yada yada yada “an invitation to assassination.”

    Tonight’s netflix queue selection for those of us skipping oscar night is that nugget of simpler days gone, Death of A President.

  34. Matt says:

    If a white guy made money off of race hustling, it would be called what it is.

  35. […] Feb Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored […]

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