
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 25, 2009

Op-Ed: If Prehistoric Fish Could Have Sex, Why Can’t Ace? [Dan Collins]

Okay, I’m just throwing this out here. Does this seem fair to you? The fossilized remains of two pregnant fish indicate that sex as we know it — fertilization of eggs inside a female — took place as much as 30 million years earlier than previously thought, researchers said Thursday. Scientists from Australia and Britain studying 380 million-year-old fossils of the armored placoderm fish, or Incisoscutum richiei, said they were

Please come to Boston Chicago for the spring time…

More info on the upcoming Catch Wrestling Seminar (and protein wisdom readers retreat, if people show any interest in such a thing, outside mere idle talk), including a word from Tony Cecchine, here. You can reserve a spot by ordering here (Chicago Weekend Seminar). Limited to twenty spots. (For the actual seminar; if you come to meet other PW folks, no limit. Those of you who sign up for the

No Choice for You! [Dan Collins]

The Choice Nazis in Congress are at making sure that DC parents don’t have the same kinds of choices that the Obama family does, by stipulating that federal funds for the DC voucher program will have to be “reautorized” before they can be disbursed: CONGRESSIONAL Democrats want to mandate that the District’s unique school voucher program be reauthorized before more federal money can be allocated for it. It is a

The Morning After Report [Dan Collins]

Via Don Surber, an AP fact-checking of Obama’s speech which you should read in full, because it’s actually pretty good. At the same time, VDH makes a few observations that I’ve been hammering on, and that more people ought to start hammering on, as well: 3) Can we ask politicians to give back monies received from now failed like entities like Countrywide? It is said that those who cashed out