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February 2009


February 2009

Breitbartbluescrotum [Dan Collins]

Scott and Liz track down the guy who doctored the video. TV Newser & Huffington appear to have stripped the annotation stating that it wasn’t what he actually said. Boo hoo. Self-esteem now a fungible commodity at law.

More Skittles! [Dan Collins]

Mary was going to head out of town tomorrow afternoon to do some consulting work, but it’s going to have to be tonight. I’m taking her to the rental place. See ya later. … WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM SUNDAY TO 7 AM EST MONDAY… THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN BURLINGTON HAS ISSUED A WINTER STORM WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW FOR ALL OF VERMONT AND THE CHAMPLAIN

The Oscars [Dan Collins]

I am almost certainly not watching, but if you plan to, and you’re looking for a way to make them at all interesting or relevant, you can go to Big Hollywood, where they’ll be liveblogging this radical, avant garde, anti-establishment event. Unless, of course, Jeff is going to supply commentary, in which case I recommend you stay here, where I can read your comments.

You Know What the Markets Hate? [Dan Collins]

Countrywide Chris Dodd. And incompetence, generally. Let me expand on this: Energy Czar Chu says that oil’s not in his purview. Dodd talks about nationalizing banks, which Gibbs later has to refute. Transportation Secretary LaHood floats the idea of a mileage tax on personal vehicles, monitored by GPS devices, which the Administration has to squelch later. Everyone got to put their little bit into the poorly formed “piece of legislation”

Off With Her Head! [Dan Collins]

I mentioned this in comments last night, but here’s an amazingly awful NPR interview with an AP reporter from Buffalo, where the CEO of Bridges TV (allegedly) hacked off his wife’s head for filing for divorce. “Irony” is apparently the new word for terror, so I guess we’re now engaged in a General Struggle Against Irony. Related— Gruesome Killing Poses Another Test for Murdered Woman: The crime was so brutal,

Science Restored to Its Rightful Place [Dan Collins]

by governors telling climatologists to STFU.

Anybody else notice that the one thing missing from James Wolcott’s latest overwrought parcel of word piffle…

…is an attempt to answer any of the critics of the stimulus bill? Sure, we get a host of labored prose, each turn of phrase meticulously delivered, no doubt, with the silent, plumpfingered stroke of a pampered ocecat purring atop a limp silk bathrobe. — And we get the typical progressive “intellectual’s” stable of ready-made conservative cartoon characters — from intimations of their all-encompassing religiosity (always shorthand for anti-intellectualism, though

On the cartoon controversy, or, it’s hard out here for a chimp

Everyone here can already guess what I’d write about this were I to launch into some long, jargon-filled bit of semiotic instruction — Christ, just read through the greatest hits posts on intentionalism. What was obvious to me from the get go — and I said this at the time — was that an Obama administration was going to be “post-racial” in the same way an Amanda Marcotte lecture on

Stop teh Objectification! [Dan Collins]

It may seem obvious that men perceive women in sexy bathing suits as objects, but now there’s science [!] to back it up. New research shows that, in men, the brain areas associated with handling tools and the intention to perform actions light up when viewing images of women in bikinis. (h/t RS McCain) Thanks, science! Is there nothing you can’t do? Speaking of science, a friend of Iowahawk has

Blogger Clings to Misperception [Dan Collins]

That other bloggers are human beings. Bloggers, believe it or not, are human beings and, as such, have been known to harbor grudges and seek retribution and — because they are scattered across a continent, sitting alone in front of their computers unbathed and unloved — such foibles aren’t exactly unknown among bloggers. I must say, I admire his stalwart naivete. NB: Fortunately, Protein Wisdom will never suffer from such