
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


More Skittles! [Dan Collins]

Mary was going to head out of town tomorrow afternoon to do some consulting work, but it’s going to have to be tonight. I’m taking her to the rental place. See ya later.




92 Replies to “More Skittles! [Dan Collins]”

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    It’s gonna be damn near impossible to get to the global warming conference now, Dan.

  2. Log Cabin says:

    Darn. I hope that there’s no disaster declared by the governors around there and I won’t get deployed to New England for disaster relief. Except for the Tennesee ice storms, it’s been a quiet winter.

    Don’t get me wrong, Dan. I love Vermont/NH, just not when it’s under several inches of snow.

  3. happyfeet says:

    ohnoes. There’s a little bird what needs to spread it’s tiny wings and fly away I think. Why you want to live up there anyway? All I know about is the teddy bears and Robert Frost is buried there and a friend of mine went to a fat farm there and came home with gallons and gallons of syrup. That was when I learned I don’t really like plain old maple syrup. I like the kind what has the artificial butter flavor added and comes in a bottle shaped like a matronly black woman. That’s probably wrong of me but I don’t care they’re my waffles.

  4. alppuccino says:

    Could Soros be shorting Global Warming?

  5. happyfeet says:

    oh. Bret Easton Ellis went to school in Vermont I think. Did very well for himself.

  6. alppuccino says:

    Bob Evans’ Multigrain pancakes soak up syrup like Shamwows.

  7. router says:

    calvin coolidge 2012

  8. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    You know, I never saw Mrs. Butterworth as a black woman. Is she supposed to be black?

  9. happyfeet says:

    Is that anything to do with Dale Evans? Her tv show reruns on Sunday mornings scarred me for life when I was little in Minnesota cause they always had this kid on there singing what had no arms just flippers and now looking back I think I know it was probably some thalidomide baby but when I was little the singing flipper boy was very upsetting to me. I already checked YouTube and I don’t think it’s there. It wasn’t just the flippers it was something about the combination of singing and flippers and Jesus that was just a little overwhelming. I was sort of a sensitive kid.

  10. router says:

    You know, I never saw Mrs. Butterworth as a black woman.

    she doesn’t “sound” black in the geico commercial

  11. happyfeet says:

    oh. I always imputed blackness to Mrs. Butterworth. How embarrassing. brb.

  12. router says:

    does maple coloring give you authenticity?

  13. Sdferr says:

    So Dan’s out. Who’s hungry? Yowser baby let’s eat. What’s for dinner? Is it gonna be waffles and buttery syrup, or bacon ham and eggs? Snausages and biscuits? And bacon and ham? Or should we push continental and have pastas and vegetables?

  14. urthshu says:

    Socks is dead.

  15. urthshu says:

    Oh. I’m having a corned & roast beef w/swiss sub. Mayo/mustard, of course. But I’m at the suicide hotlines now…

  16. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I have “Virginia” ham (made in Oklahoma) and bread baking in the bread machine.

    Also some ham and beans in the freezer, from the last big batch I made. Maybe I’ll heat those up.

  17. alppuccino says:

    Bob Evans was from Southeastern Ohio and he was a bit of a sausage king. Not in the way you’re thinking, though. Think pork. But not in the way you’re thinking pork now.

    He opened some breakfast restaurants and named them Bob Evans. As in, “Hey, let’s go to Bob Evans.”

    Too Wiki?

  18. Sdferr says:

    That does sound good urthshu (the mayo, meh, but not awful), with a side of coleslaw mebbe.

  19. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Maybe she’s Latina, with her original name being Señora Valer de Mantequilla or something like that.

  20. router says:

    what does eric holder think?

  21. happyfeet says:

    oh. That was just sloppy. Here’s another discussion about Mrs. Butterworth and what race she’s opposed to be. nerdnam in the comments is funny.

  22. router says:

    al sharpton might want to look into this after he’s done with dead chimps

  23. alppuccino says:

    Mrs. Butterworth is as white as Les Nessman. Now Aunt Jemima, she’s as black as Vijay Singh.

    But Betty Crocker……………a man.

  24. urthshu says:

    What, nobody cares about socks? You heartless bastids!


  25. alppuccino says:

    You wanna talk about Chung King now, don’t you urthsu?

  26. Sdferr says:

    Socks, schmocks, I can hardly bring myself to wear ’em. That’s why god made flip-flops.

  27. happyfeet says:

    If you google “Is Mrs. Butterworth black” what you learn is that this conversation has played out hundreds of times, always somewhat inconclusively. It might could be a for real enigma I think.

  28. Sdferr says:

    It’s cause race is bullshit, I think, hf.

  29. router says:

    clintons should be indicted for cruelty to animals ask buddy

  30. urthshu says:

    Who the Hell is Chung King?

    Is that like La Choy?

  31. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    It’s sort of interesting how people assign race to other people.

    I was surprised when it occurred to me that I file Indian people (from India, not Native Americans) in the “white” category, but not many other people do.

    It’s more about facial features than actual skin color to me, I think.

  32. happyfeet says:

    There will never be another Socks, that’s for sure.

  33. happyfeet says:

    Race is bullshit except not when marketing’s involved. If Baracky has taught us nothing else…

  34. Sdferr says:

    Fie! I still haven’t figured out what’s for dinner.

  35. alppuccino says:

    It’s like La Choy, only not as French.

  36. urthshu says:

    I just told everybody here that Mrs. Butterworth is supposed to be white and they were all surprised by that. Of course, most of them are legally blind, so whatevs.

  37. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Wasn’t Harding part Indian?

  38. urthshu says:

    >>I was surprised when it occurred to me that I file Indian people (from India, not Native Americans) in the “white” category, but not many other people do.

    Same here. Also Arab/Middle Easterners/Turks.

  39. alppuccino says:

    We’re having fish tostadas. By Consuelo Gorton. Can anyone give me a heads up?

  40. alppuccino says:

    Wasn’t Harding part Indian?

    Wayne Newton is.

  41. alppuccino says:

    It’s more about facial features than actual skin color to me, I think.

    For some it comes down to party affiliation. But aren’t we all still cowards? On the inside?

  42. happyfeet says:

    In lieu of bravery I’d like to buy the world a Coke I think.

  43. Sdferr says:

    Q: Isn’t that Cajun an Indian?

    A: No, he’s a half by half by half by half by halftaroon, makes a damn fine moque choux though.

  44. alppuccino says:

    You know who likes Coke? Obama. Says it tickles his nostrils.

    Ooh shit. Now I’ve made you picture a black man’s nostrils.

    *must offset with counter image* MICHAEL JACKSON! MICHAEL JACKSON!

  45. happyfeet says:

    Obama’s nostril’s are gonna kill the what’s for dinner conversation I think. I had my first tejuino today. Fermented pineapple and lime and somehow corn is involved. I got it from Juan on the side of the road. He’s the guy what does the fresh coconut I like and then bags it up with a straw so you can drink the coconut water. Juan has a machete.

  46. happyfeet says:

    I just don’t know very much about Mr. Coolidge.

  47. Sdferr says:

    That tejuino looks like an upsidedown snowcone sorta.

  48. happyfeet says:

    It was very refreshing but hard to compare to anything. It wasn’t as sweet as I was expecting given how thick it looked. That must have been the corn part, the thickness.

  49. JD says:

    I had a Kobe beef burger, medium rare, wrapped in prosciutto di parma, and topped with thick cut peppered bacon and sharp wisconsoin cheddar cheese. It was sublime.

  50. alppuccino says:

    A delicious ladled cordial served from a galvanized trash can? Is it publicly traded?

  51. urthshu says:

    Wasn’t like deep-fried nostrils one of those Life of Brian coliseum treats?

  52. router says:

    we cannot put everything up to government without overburding it.

    coolidge 1932

  53. router says:

    these socialistic notions of government are not of my day. when i was in office, tax reduction, tariff stability, and economy were the things to which i gave attention. we suceeded on those lines. it has always seemed to me that common sense is the real solvent for the nation’s problems at all times- common sense and hard work.

    coolidge 1932

  54. happyfeet says:

    Juan has more of an igloo cooler-based operation going on. Behind Juan you can get tacos and there’s the guy that does the corn on the cob they dip into mayonnaise and spice up with whatever. I’ve yet to have that or those particular tacos either. I think in spanish it resolves to “crazy corn.” Maybe you can get it at fairground type places. It has that sort of feel but it just doesn’t look healthy… the people seem to really enjoy it though. They get a lot of traffic cause it’s right next to a discount shoe store.

  55. JD says:

    That whole Mrs. Butterworth conversation is quite humourous, racists.

  56. router says:

    are black people now represented by brown viscous fluid in clear plastic? over to you eric holder

  57. JD says:

    We are watching bootleg Vietnamese soap operas at Compound JD this evening. They are better than the crappy American daytime soaps, I think. Lack of subtitles is really hampering my ability to follow along.

  58. router says:

    That whole Mrs. Butterworth conversation is quite humourous, racists.

    hey it is cowards now

  59. happyfeet says:

    Do the Vietnamese soap operas have the commercials?

  60. happyfeet says:

    oh. I have to go get cigarettes.

  61. router says:

    this may taste better with maple syrup

    Yet, from Nov. 4, 2008 through Feb. 12, 2009, the DJI overall fell 18% — a larger drop than during the Sept-Oct plunge. In January, when the Obama plan, promising far greater deficits than the two much smaller “emergency stimulus” plans signed by Pres. George W. Bush in 2008, was unveiled, the market tanked – the worst January performance in 113 years.


  62. JD says:

    Yes, Happyfeet. Commercials and all, though I have no clue what they are selling. There was an ad for some Leechee fruit drink and some dried fish snack. These, I have had, so I recognized.

  63. Spiny Norman says:

    Snow? In Vermont? In February? With Anthropogenic Global Warming, errr… Man-Made Climate Change… um, no, Climate Crisis™ going on? No way!

    What’s the over/under that this faux-Stalinist rally gets snowed out?

  64. Dan Collins says:

    Why do I live in Vermont? It’s less exhausting to hate people from a distance.

    Also, I can piss off my porch without anyone caring. That’s what’s important to me.

  65. Spiny Norman says:

    Well, there is that…

  66. happyfeet says:

    oh. I found fish sauce today. Thai ones are all they had. I had a choice between fish sauce and premium fish sauce. Both were “wild-caught” anchovy-based but the premium was “first pressing” and $5.99 and the other one was $1.99 so I got the cheap one since I won’t know any better and you said to mix it with chili garlic sauce anyway.

  67. happyfeet says:

    I’ve never not pissed inside the whole time I’ve lived in Los Angeles and I’m not making that up it’s the truth.

  68. router says:

    i just hate baracky standing outside the white house pissing on me

  69. JD says:

    Happyfeet – The fish sauce is an acquired taste. It takes time. Kind of like Srirrachi (phoenetically uck in Vietnamese) which I now use like ketchup. If you can find a Vietnamese/French bakery, there is a whole world of awesomeness that you can experience. Bun me belay’a is divine.

  70. happyfeet says:

    I will keep looking. The Valley is just getting more and more Eastern European by the day though. And Armenian. My liberal Baracky-voter friend J today went off on Armenians today. I didn’t get it at all. All I know is they all seem to be named John, which is kind of odd.

  71. Sdferr says:

    My California Armenian housemate way back when was a Roland and his brother a Henry. These are fine American men, these two.

  72. urthshu says:

    Maybe John is like the group-name [whatever-nym] for all Armenians, like Fritz for Germans or Ivan for Russians.

    Before Yank, we were all Jonathan, didjaknowthathunh?

  73. Frankly says:

    Here’s why I hate Vermont, and you should too.

    Short Version:

    In 1993, my now ex-wife filed for divorce in Texas.

    She testified that she would be staying in TX to finish up her fellowship for the next few years.

    She was granted custody and support of our three sons.

    Three months later, she moved to Paris, France, with our children.

    She had received a grant & scholarship from Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT to study in Paris.

    On just a superficial investigation, it was completely implausible that she had suddenly received the grant after the divorce; she had planned the divorce for at least a year before she filed for divorce, thereby commiting perjury.

    I filed a suit for custody of our sons in Texas, and had her academic records at several colleges subpoeneaed.

    Middlebury College would not honor my subpoena. This was the only subpoena (out of several) that was not honored.

    My Attorney told me that the Middlebury Attorney said he wouldn’t honor a subpoena from Texas.

    I had to hire an Attorney in Vermont, and argue the validity of my Texas subpoena. It was upheld.

    Yet still Middlebury would not honor my subpoena for technical reasons.

    I eventually was able to force her to release her records to me in return for letting her stay in France until the custody suit was heard in Texas.

    The records confirmed that she had in fact comitted perjury and fraud.

    I won custody of my sons in a jury trial in 1994. Texas is the only state that allows jury trials for custody.

    I still boycott anything from Vermont, and hope they rot in hell.

    In the midst of an incredibly expensive legal action, against all odds, they threw up yet another expensive obstacle to justice and the best interests of my sons.

    FU Vermont.

  74. Dan Collins says:

    Frankly, I’m very sorry about that. I suggest that you contact the editors of the Addison Independent with your story, to see whether you can’t return the favor for Middlebury.

  75. urthshu says:

    I don’t hate Vermont. My brother wants to do some Alaska wilderness trek after his Army hitch and I told him to get some snowshoe time in Vermont first. ‘Cuz, you know, snow and pancakes. And cell phone service.

  76. happyfeet says:

    I think you might be right about the john thing urthshu. But no seriously I had never known there was anything to be found objectionable about Armenian people until J went off today. I mean she saw one drop some stuff on the curb and she got out of her car and yelled at him about littering and then she got back in the car with the Armenian guy’s litter which kind of smelled cause part of it was a cigar butt and I really didn’t get why that was suddenly in the car with me but okay. Then she just went off and off and off. Really was the darndest thing.

  77. happyfeet says:

    LTC John did an Alaska thing a couple years ago. Mostly fishing but he might could answer some questions or whatever. I remember reading a little then about going to Alaska to fish and I learned it can get very expensive really fast.

  78. Silver Whistle says:

    IIRC, Vermont has the most open concealed carry laws in the country (if that doesn’t qualify as an oxymoron), so don’t be hating on Vermont.

  79. B Moe says:

    My favorite thing about Vermont.

  80. datadave says:

    Coolidge! a lazy sob like GWBush who more than Hoover set off the Great Depression due to Lazy Fairy economics. Ah, he liked Vermont for the lazy pace here but really he’s from Massachusetts, having only spent his youth in Vermont. Personally, he wasn’t so bad, just his economics.

    “Not long after their marriage, Coolidge handed her a bag with fifty-two pairs of socks in it, all of them full of holes. Grace’s reply was “Did you marry me to darn your socks?” Without cracking a smile and with his usual seriousness, Calvin answered, “No, but I find it mighty handy.” wiki.

    Hell, they didn’t have Darn Tough socks then did they? Best socks on the planet and made in Vermont! Much better than Smartwool. (US govt gave them a contract for the military due to their superiority. just sayin’ )

    yupp, Dan. Pissing where I want is important. My new massive Econoline lets me park it and piss anywhere I want. (ah, you ask? why such a gas hog? oh, well, ‘business’…otherwise it’s still the ol volvo.) Vermont sort of missed the Great Depression as they were so bareasspoor, they didn’t even notice the difference. one pair of shoes per two kids, jeans lasting 5 years w/ patches homegrown food and tooth aches meant tooth removal in an ad hoc manner. Otherwise, pretty cheap to live here except for land prices. We’re kind of small in land mass and rich conservatives already bought a ton of acres already. Like the Rockafellas.

    middlebury, where our “share the pain” gov is from (and also from Mass). The local haircutter says that students there don’t bother to pay her and if she tries to sue the students the School steps in and pays it or denies her claims…as they the students are privileged and can piss off on any debts to local merchants. Every other car in the student parking lot is a new BMW or else something more expensive (yeah, Volvos too, not like my ’90)

    It’s true about the gun laws. Some ‘civilian’ guy was carrying an semi-automatic pistol in a holster while buying groceries…as least it wasn’t concealed but I kind of wish it was as it’s bit off-putting seeing some goofball thinking there’s a war going on at Hanniford’s….. We just don’t really need guns here and rarely lock the doors. (every time i have locked doors I got robbed and usually living where most people don’t lock doors is a better solution…figuring if a robber wants to steal an 9 year old computer with type decals worn off the keybd….he’s not much of a robber.).

    anyway, enjoy the snow, Dan. I am calling off work Monday.

    Vermont was the most Republican state in America…since Lincoln won the war…then when the Republican party became the party of Jefferson Davis..alas, we Vermonters wanted out of the stars and bars party. Bernie Sanders! Best Senator of all! We love him!

    happy, try marinading salmon or other meats w/ Maple syrup, olive oil, mustard, garlic, peppers, and whatever. Maple syrup is awesome. Not that corn syrup -hit you’re eating.

  81. alppuccino says:

    You’re not helping Vermont dave

  82. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Vermont has the most open concealed carry laws in the country


    Alaska doesn’t require a permit either, as I recall.

  83. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I see no Dave here, alp.

  84. Silver Whistle says:

    Alaska doesn’t require a permit either, as I recall.

    Yes, Spies, my bad. That’s one state I wouldn’t mind living in.

  85. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    You’re not fooling us, SW. You’re just a Palin groupie.

    Of course, so am I.

  86. alppuccino says:

    Sorry Spies. I don’t have trollhammer. I left tit in the box.

  87. Silver Whistle says:

    You’re not fooling us, SW. You’re just a Palin groupie.

    I have to confess, I voted for her, not the mortician fodder she was running with. Oh, and against the “Marxist dipshit”. Thanks happyfeet, for coining that one.

  88. Rusty says:

    People are bear snacks there. I saw that on TV.

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