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October 2024


Off With Her Head! [Dan Collins]

I mentioned this in comments last night, but here’s an amazingly awful NPR interview with an AP reporter from Buffalo, where the CEO of Bridges TV (allegedly) hacked off his wife’s head for filing for divorce.

“Irony” is apparently the new word for terror, so I guess we’re now engaged in a General Struggle Against Irony.

Related— Gruesome Killing Poses Another Test for Murdered Woman:

The crime was so brutal, shocking and rife with the worst possible stereotypes about their faith that some U.S. Muslims thought the initial reports were a hoax. The harsh reality of what happened in an affluent suburb of Buffalo, N.Y. — the beheading of 37-year-old Aasiya Hassan and arrest of her estranged husband in the killing — is another crucible for American Muslims.

Here was a couple that appeared to be the picture of assimilation and tolerance, co-founders of a television network that aspired to improve the image of Muslims in a post 9-11 world.

Now, as Muzzammil “Mo” Hassan faces second-degree murder charges, those American Muslims who have spoken out are once again explaining that their faith abhors such horrible acts, and they are using the tragedy as a rallying cry against domestic violence.

26 Replies to “Off With Her Head! [Dan Collins]”

  1. urthshu says:

    Irony. Maybe tragedy or outrage is the better word?

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Virulent ragegasm?

  3. Dan Collins says:

    You’d have thought that maybe he’d fostered some understanding.

  4. Ric Locke says:

    …a General Struggle Against Irony.

    No. What’s going on here is the intrusion of what us conservatives laughingly call “reality” into the theoretical system(s) of the Left.

    As we have observed, Alinskyite community organizaing is a powerful method of gaining power. Unfortunately for all concerned, neither Alinsky nor any of the other Leftoid gurus have any real prescriptions or policies other than “give people money if you like them.” There are a whole host of effects that occur in the Real World®™© that simply aren’t even contemplated by Leftist theory, or, where they are so contemplated, are dismissed as the evil machinations of the Right, which will disappear when the Right People® (that is, the Left people) gain power and can eliminate them.

    Now the poor fellows are discovering that not all the problems went away when The One® and his allies took power, and the result is funnier than watching twenty clowns climb out of a ’47 Austin. Yeah, it’s a disaster, and it’s gonna get worse, but we might as well give in to the tendency to an occasional bellylaugh. It’s about all we’re likely to get for a while.

    [ps: Thx much, happyfeet, Dan, & LT. Happy, your secret is safe with me.]

  5. happyfeet says:

    NPR loves to do that incesty reporters interview reporters thing. It’s like professional wrestling for dimbulb elitist shut-ins I think.

  6. happyfeet says:

    Nice to see you, Mr. Locke.

  7. urthshu says:

    Muslim man,
    fought Islamic hate,
    hacked off his wife’s head
    in west New York State.
    Isn’t it ironic?
    Don’t you think?
    A little tooo-oooo ironic

    It’s like Barry on Election day
    It’s a tax hike when you’ve already paid
    It’s the headless wife that you left by the lake
    Who would’ve thought?
    It figures…

  8. Spiny Norman says:

    Hiya Ric!


  9. Ric Locke says:

    Nice to be here.

    One of the things I didn’t mention is that in addition to being broke, for the last month or more I’ve been sick as a dog. One of the manifestations of that has been that I simply cannot stand up for more than a few minutes at a time — and I’d set up the store so that the computer was only accessible standing, and I still don’t have access at home (and likely won’t, for quite some time yet).

    Now I’ve rearranged things so I can sit down to post, so I’m back, sorta, temporarily, and for short periods of time. Feels good, though. Now I need to get some strength back.


  10. for the last month or more I’ve been sick as a dog.

    : (

    but glad to see you back.

  11. Spiny Norman says:

    Oh man, that sucks. Now I feel like a whiny little kid for complaining about a 3-week bout of bronchitis…

    Get well soon my friend.

  12. Dan Collins says:

    Reunited, and it feels so good.


  13. Sdferr says:

    Here’s hoping you do get your accustomed strength back soon Ric. It’s very good to see you back, even if only briefly for a time, we can look forward to more later.

  14. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Great to see you back, Ric!

  15. serr8d says:

    Yes, good to see you back.

    A pillar of the community, Ric Locke.

  16. JD says:

    Hola, Senor Ric.

    This beheading dude is not representative of moderate Muslims. The moderates only slap their wives around, an occassional beating. Beheadings are done by peace loving extremists driven to it by the Joooooooooos and infidel invaders.

  17. Techie says:

    Snowing like hell here in Michigan. Probably the same in Buffalo in a day or so.

    The Winter of Discontent, as I reckoned the other day.

    (Welcome back, Ric)

  18. serr8d says:

    I wonder if it would matter to his fellow Allah (peace, love, and all of that) worshipers if Muzzie used the sharpest knife possible.

    An official Islamic reaction may be influenced by a hint of positive nuance, you see. To use a sharp knife might give this killing more of an aura of mercy.

    After all, the what-for could’ve been administered with a few dozen pounds of stones.

  19. JD says:

    Dull rusty scimtars for the infidels.

  20. ushie says:

    Hi, Ric! Was it the ‘flu?

    This whole beheading story…I don’t frequently drink any more, but it makes me want to…

  21. Buffoon says:

    N.O.W…. helloooooo N.O.W. where are you N.O.W.?

  22. Jeffersonian says:

    What a terrible, terrible tragedy this was for Islam.

    The woman? Oh, to hell with her.

  23. […] a sort of companion piece to yesterday’s post on the Buffalo beheading, Mark Steyn: Among that growing population of Yorkshire Pakistanis is a […]

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