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October 2024


The Oscars [Dan Collins]

I am almost certainly not watching, but if you plan to, and you’re looking for a way to make them at all interesting or relevant, you can go to Big Hollywood, where they’ll be liveblogging this radical, avant garde, anti-establishment event.

Unless, of course, Jeff is going to supply commentary, in which case I recommend you stay here, where I can read your comments.

76 Replies to “The Oscars [Dan Collins]”

  1. Carin says:

    I haven’t watched an awards show in years, and I don’t plan on breaking my streak. To be even mildly interested in the Oscars, I would have had to been mildly interested in seeing the movies nominated. The only one I can foresee myself viewing is “Slumdog Millionaire.”

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, but this way you get to see a whole collection of scumbag millionaires.

  3. ushie says:

    So you don’t have to watch: “I love Obama! Everyone applaud Obama! Don’t support H8! Mormons suck! Gay marriage! Obama! Eco-awareness! Global Warming! Al Gore! Obama! I’d like to thank Leo, and um…my husband…”

    There you go.

  4. Carin says:

    But Dan, we have this really nice tv, and my husband would be PISSED if I threw something at it.

  5. Techie says:

    Since I haven’t seen hardly any of the films up this year, I really couldn’t care less.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    I kinda wanted to go see Coraline, but then happyfeet reminded me.

  7. Sdferr says:

    You can’t throw anything if you’re wearing a straight-jacket, Carin. But then, that might look too much like torturing was going on, so maybe better not at all.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    I’m totally going to like not watch them more than you guys.

  9. Techie says:

    Go see Coraline. It’s great, and dammit, I don’t care it’s Universal-NBC. It’s all General Electric in the end. You can offset it by buying Sylvania light bulbs or something.

    If we show that good film making gets rewarded, maybe we’ll get more of it, rather than “Saw IX -This Time Jigsaw’s Dying, We Swear!”

  10. JD says:

    Just think about how many mortgage payments and gas tanks could be paid/filled for the cost of the ugly ass dresses these clowns will be wearing. The Leftist rich care very little about you.

  11. Dan Collins says:

    But . . . Sarah Palin!

  12. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Go see Coraline. It’s great

    Concur, mainly because it’s possible to see it in 3D at the theater. Even if you have a big screen or a projector at home, you won’t get that.

  13. Techie says:

    Plus, if it goes the way of Stardust, then the chance of getting an American Gods/Anasazi Boys movie or HBO miniseries goes down again.

  14. serr8d says:

    There’s not been an Oscar awarded since 1992 that I’ve sincerely appreciated or agreed with. Don’t see that changing anytime soon.

  15. Jeffersonian says:

    I’d watch of Gran Torino was up for Best Pic, just to see if Clint would punch out Tim Robbins.

  16. Jeffersonian says:

    Not even Lord of the Rings, Serr8ed? I’m down with “The Barbarian Invasions” and “The Lives of Others,” too.

  17. Carin says:

    Well, one of us should watch it. I nominate thor.

  18. Carin says:

    “Lives of Others” was really good. But, it was in the foreign film category so that doesn’t really count. There are a few movies that everyone should be forced to watch and that is one of ’em

    Which other movies would you force people to watch?

    “Last King of Scotland.” Ok, someone else go next.

  19. Techie says:

    I nominate the Armadillo.

  20. Jeffersonian says:

    I’d nominate another foreign entry, Carin: “Burnt by the Sun.” What gives with this category? Do they herd all the non-commie Academy members into it for some reason?

  21. Sdferr says:

    I used to love hearing those am radio ads for sunday Sunday SUNDAY! at Aquasco Speedway!! Never went though, just liked the ads.

    I liked No Country For Old Men pretty well. Well enough that I’d see it again for instance.

    Burnt by the Sun is a great film.

  22. Bob Reed says:

    Not worth my time nor attention…

    I think I’ll do something exciting, like vector integrals over surfaces instead….

  23. Dan Collins says:

    Probably the Demi Moore Scarlet Letter, but only because I’m a sadist. Someone mentioned this as the worst movie ever, yesterday, at NRO. I had forced it from my mind until that moment.

  24. Carin says:

    I’ll have to netflix that, Jeffersonian. One question, though; Do I have to screw a russian hooker before I’ll be able to understand it?

    Crap, they don’t have it. I’ve never run into that.

  25. JD says:

    Carin – I would nominate Tombstone. And, Debbie Does Dallas.

  26. Dan Collins says:

    I liked In the Bathroom.

  27. Carin says:

    Ok, Sdferr – I HATED “No Country for old men.” Watched at my bil’s recommendation, and we had a full-out revolt upon the conclusion of the flick.

    Wanna tell me what you found redeeming about it? The Cinematography was beautiful, and it was well acted. My bones are with the story itself.

  28. JD says:

    I would also nominate Fun With Ocelots, and Adventures in Gerbilcaving.

  29. Jeffersonian says:

    I found it at Netflix, Carin, HERE. No, no hooker-screwing required. Just a great flick that menaces like a dark cloud.

  30. Sdferr says:

    I guess it was the nexus of the suddenness and finality of unexpected but ever-present violence harmonizing with my post 9/11 sensibilities, Carin. Or something like that. And that it was incredibly well made did hurt.

  31. Carin says:

    Oh, they list it. It’s just not available. It has no DVD release date.

  32. Jeffersonian says:

    Oh, I see what you mean…hmmmm, it’s not like it’s a new release. Interesting. Still, it’s worth going to Blockbuster to get it.

  33. Carin says:

    That it was so well made and the story told so well made it even worse. Like I was suckered in.

  34. Carin says:

    Dang, Amazon has used copies of “Burnt by the sun” …for $85.

  35. Sdferr says:

    I don’t understand what your initial objection is though Carin, what was the basic fail?

  36. Carin says:

    Oh, look … thor reviewed it on Amazon:

    it left me rooting for stalin, September 5, 2006

    a tired bit of revisionist propaganda out of post-soviet russia which somehow won an oscar as best foreign film. its fascinating that something so heavy handed can pretend to be an answer to the vile excesses of the stalin era, but what can one expect? there is (at least one) great movie to be made about that era; dont look for it here.

  37. Jeffersonian says:

    it left me rooting for stalin, September 5, 2006

    Bullshit. Thor’s been rooting for Stalin for a lot longer than that.

  38. Sdferr says:

    Oy, I just saw I wrote “did hurt” when I intended to write didn’t hurt. Apologies.

  39. Carin says:

    The fail was the story itself. The Ubermensch character. The ending.

    There was even the tiniest bit of … hope in that movie. Not a fleck.

  40. Carin says:

    I figured that out, Sdferr.

    And, in 39 I meant “wasn’t”.

  41. Carin says:

    I also hated:

    “There will be blood” and “310 to Yuma.” Perhaps you can see a pattern here.

  42. Sdferr says:

    What is it they say though, hope isn’t a strategy. When the evil thing is upon you, I think they mean. Be prepared, the Boy Scouts say. And Tom Lehrer too.

  43. Carin says:

    Cripes, I’m talking to myself.

    But it snowing like Global Warning is just a myth outside, and my kids are killing zombies on the tv.

    Already worked out.

  44. Sdferr says:

    My sister had me watch There Will Be Blood two nights ago. Jesus what a hatefest that is. gaack. Thoroughly disliked it, I did. Haven’t seen 310 to Yuma yet.

  45. Carin says:

    Being prepared didn’t help anyone in the movie. No, everyone was simply FUCKED. Even the innocents. I’m surprised he didn’t put a cap in the boy at the end of the movie who he exchanged shirts with.

  46. Carin says:

    We watched 310 to Yuma at last year’s ski outing (which we’re doing this week.) I fell asleep, and everyone else start screaming how horrible it was at the end and woke me up. The joke was we kept trying to sneak it into each other’s luggage so they’d be stuck with it.

  47. serr8d says:

    “3:10 to Yuma” was a nearly a decent remake, but Hollywood of course performed an overwraught.

  48. Carin says:

    Is it too early to start drinking?

  49. Sdferr says:

    You’re right, it didn’t help them. The larger lesson to us though, I think, can be — don’t assume that the enemy doesn’t mean what they say or that they think like you do– rather, get busy and kill them dead, deader than dead.

  50. Jeffersonian says:

    3:10 was, ultimately, unbelievable, though I thought it was a well-made flick.

  51. Carin says:

    But, I don’t see the point in the movie that opened up that as an option. To me, the theme was that evil is simply a stronger force.

  52. Carin says:

    Well all three of these movies were both well made AND well acted. That isn’t in dispute.

  53. Carin says:

    You know who should be here in this thread? Jeff.

  54. JD says:

    Unless they are zombies, in which case, you are just fucked.

  55. Dan Collins says:

    That is no old cunt for tree men.

  56. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    That is no old cunt for tree men.

    Yes, the Ents lost the Entwives somewhere.

  57. JD says:

    #55 – Is that the movie about Rosie O’Lard and Michael Moore’s arbor day party?

  58. Ella says:

    See the original 3:10 to Yuma, if you haven’t. Glenn Ford is a stellar bad guy – charming, soft-spoken, ruthless, sympathetic almost, but not for being bad. More that it was so obvious that he could have been good, and it’s sad that, you know he needs to be hanged. Even he understands it at the end; he goes off to be hanged, partially because of his affection for Van Heflin and his life. And Van Heflin is awesome too! He looks so beaten down at the beginning, so weak and little, and he and the guy who plays the drunk just pull so much out of themselves to do the Right Thing.

    That is a fabulous movie. And there is hope in it. It ends very well.

    I couldn’t see the remake. I despise Russell Crowe, and the trailers had the stink of abomination about them.

  59. Jim Treacher says:

    I was thinking about liveblogging it, but that would mean watching it.

  60. Dan Collins says:

    That’s true, Jim. Or you could just make it up, like ushie, above. That way you’d get a jump on the competition.

  61. thor says:

    Sometimes I think sittin’ on trains, every stop I get to I’m crackin’ that game. Everyone’s a winner, were making our fame, bondafide hustler, just makin’ my name.

    Runnin’ when we get uuuum, little poison for the systuuum.

    All I wanna do is.

    So, ah, no funny business.

  62. Jeffersonian says:

    Thor’s into the popskull early today

  63. N. O'Brain says:

    “The Dark Knight” isn’t up for best picture.

    That says it all, right there.

  64. N. O'Brain says:

    FOAD, whore.

  65. Glenn Ford is a stellar bad guy

    oh, just watched him in The Big Heat last night.

  66. thor says:

    C’mon slut boy, Semper.

  67. Ella says:

    I love “The Big Heat”! That scream Gloria Graham does off camera when the gangster (Lee Marvin?) throws coffee in her face – brilliant. It makes me shudder every time. And her dying scene is stupendous. She’s so gentle in it, breathing softly, smiling, so sad when Glenn Ford stops looking at her as he starts reminiscing about his wife…. I think she only got an Oscar for “The Bold and the Beautiful” or whatever that awful Kirk Douglas movie was, only because the Academy gypped her on “The Big Heat.”

  68. Ella says:

    And that’s a shame, because Jean Hagen really deserved to win that year for “Singing in the Rain.”

  69. happyfeet says:

    I’m boycotting the Oscars until they rename them the Obamas I think. Cause of the racisms. If you have to ask what racisms then that is a sadness I think. It’s time to let go of the failed policies of the past. Simple as that.

  70. alppuccino says:

    A bunch of standing ovations during a show where an entire group is congratulating itself? Long disjointed speeches forming a huge failed trajicomedy?

    When is Obama’s speech to Congress on?

  71. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Glenn Ford wasn’t nearly as appreciated as an actor as he should have been.

    Holy cow! He just died a couple of years ago. 90 years old.

  72. McGehee says:

    The Oscars? Are they still giving those out? Next you’ll tell me they still give out the Nobel Peace Prize. Pull the other one — it’s got bells on.

  73. Rusty says:

    Without Heath Ledger there wasn’t a movie. He made that film………………………and the wicked awesome car.

    Carin. Try “Enemy at the Gates” A rather good adaptation of a true story.

  74. Kevin says:

    Hey Breitbart TV is doing a live Oscar show.

  75. […] Kevin in comments, BTV is covering the Oscars, too. Posted by Dan Collins @ 4:18 pm | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “If I Still Watched […]

  76. I must be on some secret Glenn Ford kick, cause he showed up again last night in Interrupted Melody. I had just recorded it because of the opera bits.

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