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October 2024


You Know What the Markets Hate? [Dan Collins]

Countrywide Chris Dodd. And incompetence, generally.

Let me expand on this: Energy Czar Chu says that oil’s not in his purview. Dodd talks about nationalizing banks, which Gibbs later has to refute. Transportation Secretary LaHood floats the idea of a mileage tax on personal vehicles, monitored by GPS devices, which the Administration has to squelch later.

Everyone got to put their little bit into the poorly formed “piece of legislation” that they call a Stimulus Bill. Now, Obama will wave his magic (no racism intended) wand and the American people will foot the costs. So far, this administration could use a lot more . . . you know, administration.

More: Last night, driving home through the storm, I heard another NPR interview (I think it’s this one, but I can’t be sure, because it won’t play for me), where the woman was asking a (tenured university) ethicist about Santelli, and why people were so up in arms about the mortgage bailout. Dude said that it didn’t make sense. After all, when people’s houses are on fire, nobody begrudges them the services of the fire department, right?* People who bought houses they couldn’t afford were naive. The people who sold them the mortgages ought to be called to account.

I’ll tell you what: let’s do that. Starting here. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?

* Clearly, if they don’t have insurance, we ought to pay to rebuild.

Rebel, rebel, your face is . . . actually, you’re pretty hot.

Via Insty: Stock Market Gives Obama’s First Month an “F” (for fucker)

CHANGE! you can believe in!

77 Replies to “You Know What the Markets Hate? [Dan Collins]”

  1. Techie says:


    Is it terrifying to look at Congress, all 535 of them, and think “Out of ~310 million people, this is the best we can do?”

  2. Sdferr says:

    It is a sick sad feeling to wake up in the morning and know that your government is in the hands — across the board — of bumbling incompetent fools and stooges. Worse still to watch it unfold with all its stupid manifestations, backwardly on every front, foreign and domestic, when, that is, one can get a handle on what they are doing in the first place. What is our oil policy? Oh, we’re going to be working on that. What is our Iran policy? Oh, we’re working on that. What is our housing policy? Working on it. What is our Afghanistan policy? Working, hold on. What is our Iraq policy? Thinking about it, we’re changing. How are we going to deal with Russian aggression across Eastern Europe? We’ll tell you next month. What is the TALF to look like? Oh, it’s not ready yet but it’s coming. What have you been thinking about? Well, mostly our next campaign stop and demonizing Rick Santelli, if you must know. That’s like eight questions now and we think that’s plenty.

  3. Ric Locke says:

    Years ago I had a conversation with a Colombian about the subject (well, the meta-subject, as introduced by sdferr). Why, Carlos wanted to know, were so many of our politicians such obvious loons and idiots?

    It’s the fault of our Constitution, I told him. Up until the serious power-seekers got the bit in their teeth, the Federal Government was for all practical purposes nonexistent in the life of the average American. As a result, we were free to select politicians on the ‘Sennytor Phogbound’ principle. (How many of you do I have to explain that to? God, I miss Al Capp.)

    Now we have an overwhelmingly powerful Government that intrudes in everything down to how much water the toilet is allowed to flush, but the habit of selecting people on the grounds that we’d rather have them in Washington than here remains — as does the enormous overhang of losers, incompetents, and downright crooks left over from the previous policy. It may take decades to work it all out, if it ever does get worked out.


  4. Dan Collins says:

    Very well stated, Sdferr.

  5. Techie says:

    Ready from Day One, I tells ya.

  6. JD says:

    It is a safe bet that the markets do not like dirty little socialist fucks.

  7. Sdferr says:

    Crazier still JD, they don’t even do their dirty socialist’s schtick very well, if only because they’re afraid to come right out and confess what they actually believe. It’s all in hiding, which puts all kinds of inefficiencies into the mix as they sneak this provision into that bill and another provision into another bill. They haven’t got a clue whether they can achieve their “noble goals” or not. It’s like they’re just passing the time. Fuckers.

  8. Techie says:

    I’m glad that our SecEnergy has no idea what our nation’s oil policy should be. That inspires great confidence in the markets, I’ll bet.

    Question: Why can’t the Democrats all get on the same page? They won. For all practical purposes, they control every branch of government, plus the majority of the media. Why does the Administration immediately have to shush Dodd and LaHood? Is the Democrat caucus currently in free-for-all mode? Where’s the political discipline?

  9. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Given that their mission appears to be to destroy the United States, I think I’d rather they be incompetent than competent.

  10. Mikey NTH says:

    Nice to hear from you, Ric.

  11. Sdferr says:

    It’s not just at the national level that their clubhouse attendants and bat-boys know where to go next. h/t Insty.

  12. Sdferr says:

    Don Boudreaux expands a little on Michelle Muccio’s ideas. His interest? She’s his former student.

  13. Carin says:

    i find it frightening how it seems to be a current frenzy to find new ways to tax us. Honestly, I don’t see anything short of a revolt putting an end to this.

    I need a bumper sticker that says “There is nothing Patriotic about paying your taxes.”

  14. Jim Treacher says:

    “We’re talking about the economy! Why do you wingnuts keep bringing the economy into it?”

  15. Dan Collins says:

    Look in your heart!

    What heart?

  16. Sdferr says:

    I was in NYC shortly after Citibank opened its brand new Citibank Centre Headquarters for business on the block of Lexington and 54th/53rd. We went down to marvel at the wondrous cantilever and have a croissant and coffee at a cafe in the atrium. Wow, we all thought, I mean seriously holy crap, look at all that mass up there in the air held up by these seeming tiny columns. We had no clue about the terrible harmonic sway they were going to have to deal with in the coming years. I’ve no idea whether they knew then either, perhaps they did……….one thing is for certain though. No-one was thinking of that cantilever as a metaphor for 30-1 reserve margins in those days. Look out below!

  17. Bob Reed says:

    I’m sorry, I don’t see this as a simply disorganized, ameteurish, attemot to govern by the apostles of the one!

    They are employing the tried and true Clintonian “trial baloon” strategy of governance…

    Underlings and Cabinet types test the waters on policies thay are interested in implementing. If the Outrage! is too widespread, they can immediately walk it back…

    I mean, it doesn’t matter what O! actually said during the campaign; the MSM will never let contradictory prior promises, or statements, see the light of day! Just look at how smoothly DOJ has released the whole Gitmo-meets-the Geneva-convention-standards story as well as the DOJ finding that terrorist-don’t-warrant-constitutional-miranda-style-rights…

    When the Boooooooooosh! DOJ said these things the nutroots were OUTRAGED!!1!1!eleventy

    But Obama; meh, not so much. It helps that the MSM isn’t “focused” on these findings…

  18. ushie says:

    I find it interesting that the nation’s enemies are Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli, Global Warming, and whomever doesn’t worship Teh One. Mostly because I can’t see any of the above trying to fly a plane into the Empire State Building.

    (Oh, that’s so old! No one cares about THAT anymore!)

  19. ushie says:

    But then, maybe Iowa IS Ottowa! You ever think of that?

  20. Dan Collins says:

    I think Ottawahawk would have mentioned it.

  21. Bob Reed says:

    Dude said that it didn’t make sense. After all, when people’s houses are on fire, nobody begrudges them the services of the fire department, right? People who bought houses they couldn’t afford were naive. The people who sold them the mortgages ought to be called to account.”

    The folly of this asshat’s statement is that it alleges that all home fores are caused by nefarious persons of ill intent. What about thise caused by negligence, smoking in bed, or naivete; like when a person leaves cardboard boxes on top of a pilot light style gas stove..?

    Is the fire resulting of negligence the fault of any but the negligent themselves? Aren’t people who didn’t read the fine print on their contracts, or didn’t choose to have a lawyer review them if they couldn’t comprehend said fine print, victims of themselves and their own negligence..?

    I’m here to tell you that my darling wife, who’s an assistant DA here in NYC, hired a lawyer to ensure that her mortgage documents were hunky-dory when she bought her house in the late ’90’s. In her own wordsa, it was the prudent thing to do…

    This alleged ethicist of NPR’s sure wasn’t much of a logician…

    And I love the way the Santelli is being vilified; very much like Joe the Plumber was during the campaign for having the temerity to, ahem, call a spade, a spade. When in an interview Chris Tingle asked him who he voted for, in attempt to diminish his opinion a priori, I would have shot back, ” and who did you vote for, Chris?…”

    And, when Crissy followed up Santelli’s answer that he voted for Mav with, “Yeah, so we see where you’re coming from on this”, I would have reminded Chrissy of his own statement on the pressing need for himself, and the entire MSM, to make sure O!s Presidency was successful…

    What a bunch of effin hypocites; and ameteurs at that!



  22. Bob Reed says:

    You’re right ushie,

    And, isn’t it funny that for all his shortcoming, Boooooooooosh! habdled criticism with grace and aplomb; only once do I recall him even noting that the press was acting out of line. In general, he rolled with the punches and forgave their mendacity…

    But now? In less than a month, O! has called out a radio talk show host and his spokesman has called out a financial reporter, as well as reminding folks that “I Won!” and passing the buck by blaming Booooooosh! every time he speaks about the spendulous or financial matters…

    Boy, that some graceful, brilliant, cool dude, eh?
    What a palavering, popinjay, of a President we are all stuck with; just because he was able to bamboozle, hoodwink, and hokey-doke a slim majority to vote for him…

  23. Techie says:

    Grace under fire.

  24. Bob Reed says:

    Oh, and Dan,

    Where did you get that picture and who is it?

    Quite the looker, if I do say so…

  25. McGehee says:

    It is a sick sad feeling to wake up in the morning and know that your government is in the hands — across the board — of bumbling incompetent fools and stooges.

    I dunno. Considering what government does best — and what this crew wants to use it for — the fact they’re bumbling incompetent fools and stooges means I wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

    If they were good at what they want to do, that would keep me awake nights, and leave me a wreck every morning.

  26. Rusty says:

    Just admit it maya. You elected an idiot who had no idea what they were going to do once they got in power. ’cause if you go on defending this incompetency it makes you look just as foolish. Things aren’t going to get any better, maya, right now is as good as they’re ever going to be.

  27. Dan Collins says:

    That’s Michelle Muccio, who’s interviewed in the rebel rebel link, and I found it through Google but couldn’t find a larger version.

  28. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Ray LaHood isn’t a democrat.

    LaHood received a 0% rating on the Club for Growth 2007 RePORK Card.

    Try harder, Stupid Fascist Girl.

  29. Sdferr says:

    Perhaps the ruin they are now and will continue to spread could be much worse McGehee, you’re right. But it is ruin done, nevertheless, ruin that need not have to have been done. Perhaps the run on Indymac would have come about in any case without Schumer’s input, we can’t know. But he also could have been more circumspect, no? When Obama and Co. put the US under the ICC regime (it’s coming, I think) it will be yet possible for a future US government to withdraw from it, but the damage it will do in the meantime could be avoided by staying out from the get go. So it is with carbon dioxide policy. The EPA can start regulating industry and citizens for their CO2 emissions and at some future date when sanity returns, EPA can be pulled back from the madness, but the economic damage will have been done.

  30. thor says:

    I’ll tell you what: let’s do that. Starting here. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?

    Payback is a bitch, eh, then who is the bitch? Who are you going to payback?

    Rick Santelli is a quaint little ass-fuck, bobbleheading around the Chicago Merc, a vast trading room filled with flashing red lights and greasy ex-cons, spouting off through his gapped teeth while filling our received-ideas-box with his ass-crack for a face. CNBC! Whose parent company is GE if you’ve missed all 14-million y-t-d professionally exclaimed caveats.

    The thing you have to do with a Santelli is cut the Achilles tendon just above the heel. From then on he’ll push everything to the left, won’t be able to follow through.

    What a jaundiced sinister little meatball that Santelli is. Fuckin’ two-bit camera prop couldn’t even elbow his into Maria Bartiroma’s old gig on the floor of the NYSE. Then the little ex-daytime-weatherman goes all I-got-a-job-and-you-slimy-fucks-don’t on the world.

    Fuck you Santelli, you fuckin’ fraud, the whop-mafia in Atlantic City wouldn’t hire you to count money from their slot machines, you dishonest fuckin’ prick.

    Cut the rat and he’ll never hit another fairway.

  31. Patrick says:

    I don’t think the pic girl is Michelle Muccio.

  32. Patrick says:

    The real one’s hot enough, though.

  33. Sdferr says:

    So maybe go with this one Dan.

  34. Jeffersonian says:

    I don’t mind that government at the highest level is filled with the venal, the stupid, the greedy and the incompetent. Agreeing with Ric, I think that’s always been the case. What’s different today is that the federal government has, for all practical purposes, no restraint on the scope and depth of its power. We’ve always been led by morons, but we used to just let them build roads and chase criminals who didn’t have the foresight to get into politics.

  35. Jeffersonian says:

    Looking at Obama’s market, Thor, I’d say Santelli has a lot of folks agreeing with him, your foul-mouthed huffing and puffing notwithstanding.

  36. Dan Collins says:

    thor, it’s a little early in the day to get so unhinged over an idea that I’ve already broached, namely, that those who benefitted from the mortgage stupidity ought to have to fork over some of their ill-gotten gains–including, but not limited to, the directors of Fannie and Freddie, who made tens of millions driving them into the ground.

    Your ad hominem against Santelli’s nothing more than ad hominem. If this site and what I write displease you so much, I suggest you go elsewhere.

  37. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    The guy was a republican congressman.

    Irrelevant, Stupid Fascist Girl.

    He’s a big-spending pork king. Whether he has a D or an R after his name doesn’t matter one jot to me (or, I suspect, to the rest of the commentariat here).

    You see, we don’t belong to a cult, like you do.

  38. JD says:

    Methinks that the markets really do not like meya’s dirty little socialist and fascist ideas.

  39. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    It doesn’t really matter how much faith she has in her dirty little fascist cult, JD.

  40. Jeffersonian says:

    Remember, Hayek dedicated his book, “The Road to Serfdom” to “Socialists of all parties.” Stupid laws are stupid laws, no matter who enacts them.

  41. serr8d says:

    thor is low-punk class, I’ve dealt with his kind for decades. But he certainly can execute Alinsky’s #13 with aplomb. The same sort of attacks against Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber and now Rick Santelli.

    The little shit can’t weigh over 130 lbs. All mouth, no ass.

  42. router says:

    this is ??? ah interesting i guess:

    Obama is holding a bipartisan “fiscal responsibility summit” at the White House on Monday to talk about ways to control the trillion-dollar budget deficit.


  43. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    But he’s still not a democrat.

    And that’s still brutally irrelevant, Stupid Fascist Girl.

    Enjoy your cult while it lasts.

  44. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Has anyone here called LaHood a Democrat, Stupid Fascist Girl?

    No, they haven’t.

    LaHood is working for the Democrats, though.

  45. Dan Collins says:

    Guys, that’s really enough of stupid fascist girl, please.

    meya’s a true believer in the goodness of the intentions.

  46. serr8d says:

    meya is Portia to thor’s Shylock. Good luck finding a pound of flesh on that boy, though..

  47. thor says:

    Comment by Jeffersonian on 2/21 @ 4:08 pm #

    Looking at Obama’s market, Thor, I’d say Santelli has a lot of folks agreeing with him, your foul-mouthed huffing and puffing notwithstanding.

    Comment by Jeffersonian on 2/21 @ 4:08 pm #

    Looking at Obama’s market, Thor, I’d say Santelli has a lot of folks agreeing with him, your foul-mouthed huffing and puffing notwithstanding.

    Folks? You meant fucks, right?

    I’d give that Santelli-fuck the same shade of pink slip that millions of other honest Americans just recenlty received in their inter-office-mail wooden slot and I’ll bet that little song bird tweets a different song from his pronounced whistle gap.

    Fuckin’ Bushian look-at-me-ha-ha-you coward.

    I’m selling the March contract for delivery of Santelli pig cowards. His price is Citigrouping.

  48. thor says:

    Comment by serr8d on 2/21 @ 4:31 pm #

    thor is low-punk class, I’ve dealt with his kind for decades.

    That certainly explains your lack of front teeth, hick.

  49. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Did you miss the part where I was responding to a paragraph starting with “Why can’t the Democrats all get on the same page?”

    No, I didn’t, Stupid Fascist Girl.

    Did you miss the part about whether LaHood calls himself a Democrat or Republican is brutally irrelevant, given that he’s a) working for a Democrat administration and b) has a record that shows that he’s as big a spender as any Democrat?

    Only stupid cult members place more weight on what people call themselves than what they actually do, Stupid Fascist Girl.

    Sooner or later it’s going to soak in that Blowbama’s fine promises were a bunch of lies, Stupid Fascist Girl.

    I pity you when that happens.

  50. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Guys, that’s really enough of stupid fascist girl, please.

    I call ’em like I see ’em, Dan, and that’s what she is.

    I won’t respond to her any more.

  51. B Moe says:

    Santelli is such an idiot, I heard he thinks you have to cover your expenses to turn a profit.

  52. Jeffersonian says:

    Folks? You meant fucks, right?

    If by “fucks” you mean “investors,” then yes. Every time Obama or one of his econ stooges gets in front of a microphone, another one of your “buying opportunities” seems to present itself.

  53. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Noisy in here, isn’t it?

  54. alppuccino says:


  55. Sdferr says:

    Seen this,, SBP, anybody? It’s the first I’ve heard of the incident. No mention, I note of what was or was suspected to be aboard the sunken ship.

  56. serr8d says:

    Comment by thor on 2/21 @ 5:10 pm #

    That certainly explains your lack of front teeth, hick.

    This, from the penultimate intraweb tough guy, who won’t leave his basement without checking for drafts. A lightweight any given southern hick could wallop without breaking a sweat.

    Your Russian girlfriend has more chest hair than you, thor. And that between her chins.

  57. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    No, I hadn’t seen that either, Sdferr.

    Nothing about it on the front page of Google News, though it does show up if you do a search. Makes you wonder why the MSM wants to downplay it, doesn’t it?

    500 rounds makes me think there’s a lot more to the incident than we’re hearing. If it’d just been a matter of trying to skip without paying port fees and/or bribes, a shot across the bow would’ve been enough.

    The Russians wanted to sink them, that seems clear (dead men can neither pay bribes, nor enjoy the fruits of not paying them).

    I suppose it could have been intended as an example to others.

  58. thor says:

    Your Russian girlfriend has more chest hair than you, thor. And that between her chins.

    Your cousin Jenny obviously was so not Russian, why the sudden bigfoot flashback.

    Maybe grab one of ’em big frogs croakin’ off your doorstep and make it spit jizz like a forgotten country girl.

  59. thor says:


    Comment by Dan Collins on 2/21 @ 4:09 pm #

    thor, it’s a little early in the day to get so unhinged over an idea that I’ve already broached, namely, that those who benefitted from the mortgage stupidity ought to have to fork over some of their ill-gotten gains–including, but not limited to, the directors of Fannie and Freddie, who made tens of millions driving them into the ground.

    Your ad hominem against Santelli’s nothing more than ad hominem. If this site and what I write displease you so much, I suggest you go elsewhere.

    It’s never too early for a quality rant. If you can’t handle heavy friction then don’t wear them Woolrich socks that pull up to your thighs, nor run with that Santelli-chucklefuck’s meme.

    Them Bellyfull We Hungry, and more, plus the all-that!

  60. Spiny Norman says:


    The little shit can’t weigh over 130 lbs. All mouth, no ass.

    I think you give the drunken idiot too much credit.

  61. thor says:

    I’d smack that fried Spam-fat off your ribs, Spiny.

  62. Spiny Norman says:

    Says the yappy spotty-faced wanker with an internet connection…

  63. serr8d says:

    A good ass-whipping is what that boy needs, I’d say.

    Keep rolling the dice, thor. You’ll get snake-eyes soon enough.

  64. Dusty says:

    “Dude said that it didn’t make sense. After all, when people’s houses are on fire, nobody begrudges them the services of the fire department, right?”

    This is the same type of crappy “just asking questions” meme as the “What would Jesus do?” asking morons play. In fact, they are the same morons.

    I’ll tell ya what happens. Nobody begrudges them the services of the fire department because they assume they paid their freakin’ property taxes. So the City sends out the fire department and saves the house. Then come tax time the City looks in the books and sees that this same mortgage delinquent is also a property tax and school tax delinquent.

    So the City sends them a notice. If they don’t get the money, they put a notice in the paper declaring this delinquent is delinquent and declaring they are taking the house in lien and will sell it for the back taxes, plus the cost of the process and probably penalties and interest. Then they auction it off and send the owner an eviction notice.

    What a bunch of chuckle heads.

    Actually it is not quite like that but it is exactly what happens if you own the home outright. With the bank (mortgagor) responsible for paying the taxes, they have to pay it anyway or the city will sell it out from under them.

  65. thor says:

    Comment by serr8d on 2/21 @ 8:36 pm #

    A good ass-whipping is what that boy needs, I’d say.

    Keep rolling the dice, thor. You’ll get snake-eyes soon enough.

    Throwing a two, three or twelve when you’re coming out is called crapping-out in the game of craps.

    Standing in front of me during a game of see-my-fist-feel-my-fist is called crapping-stupid. Soon enough you’ll get dotted eyes doing that, ya crapping-stupid hick.

  66. serr8d says:

    Ha! thor, you insignificant puddle of piss, you’ve much too much faith in your own prowess.

    As you know, you wouldn’t last three seconds against a real man. I wouldn’t even need to ball my fist..a backhand would suffice.

    Oh, but I might have misunderguestimated your weight..

  67. LTC John says:

    Why are you all engagin in an insult match with a guy who hides his identity (I guess I would too if I had been using a yahoo e-mail address “astrobeefcake” too) and gets obvious satisfaction from that which you provide – attention. I really wish Jeff’s invitation to go away would have been accepted.
    Too much to hope Dan and other authors of posts would just delete – as the burden of cleaning up the nonsense isn’t worth it.

    But as Jeff said, he could delete the last 500 offerings and all that would be gone is insults.

  68. Rusty says:

    Is little thor threatening to beat somebody up? You go girl!

    Another keyboard ninja heard from.

  69. Nine-of-Diamonds says:

    @ Comment #2 – Someone at PJM theorized that 0bama is probably most influenced by whichever of His advisers last spoke to Him. Keep in mind that He has practically no private sector XP, no background in economics, no knowledge of international relations. It’s not too much of a stretch to imagine that His cabinets are all basically doing their own thing with minimal input from Him. Don’t expect consistency from him, because there is no real management going on – just a bunch of clashing egos trying to advance their own agendas. So far I have seen almost no evidence of the “intellect” and leadership abilities that the press keeps talking about. A couple things to keep in mind:

    -Unreleased academic transcripts. He either was a poor student or got A’s in “subjects” like African American Studies and the Law, Oppression Studies, Native American Pottery and the Law, etc etc.

    -Convoluted thought processes. There is a video on Youtube from the 08 campaign where He’s giving a speech and totally loses His train of thought for like 45 seconds. Keep in mind that this was a scripted event in front of a friendly audience. IMHO, not a good sign re: 0’s capacity for intuitive, on-your-feet thinking. Perhaps lingering effects from His “recreational activities” as an undergrad?

    -Superficiality. He’s supposedly a Con Law professor, and yet He is ignorant of the Fed. Government’s separation of powers doctrine (see the “American Thinker” archives for more details). Plus, He did not know about legal precedents for dealing with POW’s – one of the hottest legal issues in recent years. Coworkers from His days as a professor recall that He almost never contributed to faculty discussions about legal issues – probably because as a token AA appointee, he was sorely underqualified, and knew it.

    In short, despite the frantic spinning from the Messiah boosters, I think that there is nobody at the helm here. And it just had to be at this time in our history. Perfect.

  70. thor says:


    Comment by LTC John on 2/22 @ 8:40 am #

    Why are you all engagin in an insult match with a guy who hides his identity (I guess I would too if I had been using a yahoo e-mail address “astrobeefcake” too) and gets obvious satisfaction from that which you provide – attention. I really wish Jeff’s invitation to go away would have been accepted.
    Too much to hope Dan and other authors of posts would just delete – as the burden of cleaning up the nonsense isn’t worth it.

    But as Jeff said, he could delete the last 500 offerings and all that would be gone is insults.

    The topic here is not the bruising humiliation of these swishy hicks, it’s the recent rant from a microphone monkey named Rick Santelli.

    This is a two-part question: have you, John, keyed a single relevant post since your last shut-up-thor outburst and do you have anything of relevance to add to this thread’s topic?

    I have. Me thinks you no.

  71. Rusty says:

    do you have anything of relevance to add to this thread’s topic?

    do you?

    I didn’t think so.

  72. serr8d says:

    thor, even if you did have any genuine and interesting thoughts on your obvious better, Rick Santelli, all of those thoughts you manage to mangle into written posts that can be easily ignored given your history of previously crappy, hateful posts. Given, some of those posts that do show flashes of excellence in a form of prosaic composition (but don’t take any heart from that, you can’t touch Jeff’s or Dan’s or Velociman’s stuff), but, given your fierce but tiny mind, and your habitually striking and stalking tone, are of little use or value to any serious discussions.

    It’s a good thing you’ve a writing degree (or so you say). Maybe a career at KOS or DU whipping up the mindless pond scum that might gravitate to your sort of vile and hateful expressions.

    Or, McDonalds. Snarl into the microphone..”Fries with that? And remember, Russian potatoes won WWII!

  73. LTC John says:

    serr8d, Rusty – there you go giving astrobeefcake his attention dose…

  74. MarkD says:

    Our Congress is not incompetent, they are motivated to be re-elected. Anything that furthers that goal is their goal. The American people get as much attention as is necessary to garner votes. The Constitution is an impediment to dispensing public monies in search of re-election.

  75. thor says:

    When I rank you as the stinkiest unwashed chimp in the jungle it’s partly for the sake of humor, serr8d. I’m very aware that attacking the solidarity of your conservative ape quorum means I’ll be swarmed upon by the likes of teaming monkeys who rely on numbers for a effectual aura.

    Gripping your pen like an ice pick, frightened, trembling, furious, unable to hold back that barf reflex, your berserker outburts, the surge of vomit from your gut, this is your emotional obligation to my words as I see it. We share a communicative space and I have this morbid fascination with predictability of animal reactions, ya see, and I want you to feel like you’ve lost control of your mini-bus of monkeys in a terrible lightning storm. The loony horror of suddenly lacking power steering in the cockpit is what I like to think your sensation is similar to, at least that’s my design, and I do so in the kindliest possible context of your being a lurching, slow-thinking, hairy, heavy-torso little monkey piloting a rolling shortbus of the same.

    Nowhere else but PW will we share this bond of mutual obligations, am I clear? Enjoy.

  76. Obamis XIV says:

    L’etwat c’est mO!

  77. B Moe says:

    I am with LTC John on this one, I don’t need the ban stick or troll hammer to longer see thor. Him and N O’Brains daily schoolyard pissfests make it perfectly clear how they feel about one another, but wishing ill on a young man in harm’s way who is not involved at all is vile beyond contempt.

    Dan may have deleted those posts but not in time for all of us, asshole. Now bloviate about what a fucking tough guy you are, loser.

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