
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Regarding Ric Locke [Dan Collins; UPDATE]

I had promised to send Ric some money. He subsequently asked that I not PayPal it (long story). If one of you whose info I’ve got would allow me to PayPal you some money to send to Ric, and cut him a check, and send it to the address I’ve got, I’d much appreciate it. I can’t, because if I transfer it to my checking account and then send a check, my wife will notice and kill me. It’s not much, but I would love to have him back.

UPDATE: Thanks for your consideration, a volunteer has emerged.

34 Replies to “Regarding Ric Locke [Dan Collins; UPDATE]”

  1. SEK says:

    I can’t, because if I transfer it to my checking account and then send a check, my wife will notice and kill me. It’s not much, but I would love to have him back.

    But if you post about it on the internet for all the world to see she’ll never find out? Other people’s marriages are strange.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Scott, she never reads this stuff. But there you go.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    It’s a bit like the Purloined Letter. See?

  4. Abe Froman says:

    Couldn’t you just send him a money order?

  5. MINA says:

    I just used my pay pal to send some money to a poor woman in Nigeria who recently lost her husband in a plane crash and doesn’t have access to his account. Of course she promised to split his account with me when she gets the funds transferred to another account so while I’m at it why not! Just give me Rick’s account number so I can send it for you.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    Can I make a money order direct from PayPal?

  7. Abe Froman says:

    I don’t know about money orders online. I was just thinking in terms of an MO being easier than the process of involving a third person to receive money from you and then mail a check.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    Abe, if I move this hidden cash into my checking account, then transfer it via any method, my ass is grass.

  9. happyfeet says:

    Hi SEK! It’s nice to see you. Happy New Year! Late. Cause you never visit anymore. You are Dr. K now yes?

  10. parsnip says:

    Are you and Ric on EBay?

    He could run a “buy it now” auction for the amount you want to send him.

  11. Diggety Dog says:

    The only transfer that would take place, is the cash from your pocket to the clerk at the post office. Then politely say, I’d like a money order in the amount of ???. It’s so easy, even a caveman could do it!

  12. happyfeet says:

    that is very clever, parsnip

  13. happyfeet says:

    are you the vermontaigne at gmail one?

  14. happyfeet says:

    meaning Dan… I don’t think you use the cruel one anymore?

  15. Because a lot of the people I do business with are broke, I’ve done strange things to pay my bills: the cash-transfer in the parking lot ploy, the FedEx of disguised cash, the park-downstairs-honk-your-horn-and-I’ll-collect-the-money maneuver.

    Cash is good. Save it up $5 at a time until you have the right amount, and then disguise it to look like an ugly hand-knit scarf and send it via UPS.

  16. Dan Collins says:

    That’s exactly right, hf. Although for PayPal purposes, if you see croolwurld-at-someplace, you’ll know it’s me.

  17. Pablo says:

    that is very clever, parsnip

    That’s still Paypal, ‘feets.

  18. JD says:

    STFU, parsnip.

    Hey, Darnell, could you give me a parsnip?

    Dan – I am trying to email you, but cannot get it to go through. I have a couple questions.

  19. happyfeet says:

    oh. gosh, parsnip is so stoooopid.

  20. parsnip says:

    You can buy giftcards with paypal, the link seems to get eated by the spam filter though.

  21. happyfeet says:

    paypal is your … friend

  22. Dan Collins says:

    JD, try me at vermontaigne-at-gmail-dot-com

  23. JD says:

    Hey, Darnell, could you give me a parsnip?

    Jaysus Fucking Keerist on a crutch, parsnip. We have a thread where we are discussing helping out a friend, and you feel compelled to show your ass to the world. FOAD

  24. JD says:

    Just did, Dan. Thanks.

  25. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks, JD. You rock.

  26. MC says:

    Erm, you know I believe you and all, but this thing sounds like one of those emails that you get from Nigeria where you are going to get all this money and when you give them your info you later get found in a ditch.

    So, like, good luck, JD.

  27. Spiny Norman says:


    Jaysus Fucking Keerist on a crutch, parsnip. We have a thread where we are discussing helping out a friend, and you feel compelled to show your ass to the world. FOAD

    Pinheads can’t help it. They are what they are.

  28. Dan Collins says:

    MC, I gave the PayPal address of someone I know here from a long time ago. Someone who has sent a lot of care packages to troops.

    “There’s a lotta things about me you don’t know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn’t understand. Things you couldn’t understand. Things you shouldn’t understand.”

  29. Joe says:

    I can’t, because if I transfer it to my checking account and then send a check, my wife will notice and kill me.

    Jesus Dan, act like a man, send the money and tell your wife it was for strippers.

    Works every time.

  30. Dan Collins says:

    I mean dead!

    But I suppose if you all write me a nice obituary saying, “He manned up,” then at least my sons would have that for an inheritance.

  31. Dan Collins says:

    I’ll think about it.

  32. Sdferr says:

    I think we should get Harvey Mansfield to write it. He’s good that way.

  33. Joe says:

    Comment by Joe on 2/13 @ 11:27 pm #

    I can’t, because if I transfer it to my checking account and then send a check, my wife will notice and kill me.

    Jesus Dan, act like a man, send the money and tell your wife it was for strippers.

    Works every time.

    If you do it on Valentines Day, that is like taking a stand at the Alamo. You would become an immortal.

  34. Mikey NTH says:

    If you have an actual address, there is Western Union. They don’t send telegrams anymore, but they still do money transfers.

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