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November 2024


Alert Glenn Reynolds [Dan Collins]

Medical science is progressing at such a rapid rate that observers predict that someday within many of our lifetimes a baby may be delivered through a woman’s vagina. It would probably amount to rape, but there you are.

Dennis the Peasant weighs in.

25 Replies to “Alert Glenn Reynolds [Dan Collins]”

  1. Swen Swenson says:

    Only a speleologist would go there..

  2. Reading about badly botched abortions makes me sad.

  3. Sigmund Schadenfreude says:

    The Florida chapter of planned parenthood must be proud of that doctor…

  4. Bob Reed says:

    That doctor must go to jail, or the orderly, or someone! That child was murdered!

  5. Dan Collins says:

    I think Pat Leahy will see to that, Bob.

  6. B Moe says:

    That wasn’t a badly botched abortion, that was a premature birth and premeditated murder.

  7. happyfeet says:

    That’s just unpleasant and dark. I hope this isn’t one of those stories that just goes on and on and on.

  8. Mikey NTH says:

    I think it happened in my lifetime.
    If my mother is to be believed.

    (I’ll call tommorrow, mom and dad.)

  9. Techie says:

    No words……..

  10. Bob Reed says:

    OT, but the one! is currently on the tube franticly telling folks how they Must! vote for the stimulus or the world is coming to an end…

    I can’t believe tha tone he’s taking; he’s effectively scolding people for criticizing the bill! He’s ridiculing folks that call it a spending bill, and for such plums as replacing the entire government fleet of cars with hybrids; after all, it’ll create jobs for people who build them! But what about the relatively unused cars that the Feds already have?

    And-And-And we have to give the states a wad of cash so they don’t have to lay off police…Why does it always seem like police are the ones that are threatened first by budget shortfalls..?

    And perhaps the best line was when he started, by saying ,”Hey I inherited this mess and this defecit (he meant debt), it was wrapped up in a big bow waiting for me when I took office…”

    I have been folowing politics since the late ’70s, and I can’t recall another President that pointed fingers at his predecessors…What happened to “the buck stops here”.

    This man is a small, churlish, poser, who although well spoken, is certainly graceless, classless, and not deserving of the respect his office automatically engenders…

    Can you tell I didn’t vote for him?

  11. parsnip says:

    Obama is just politely giving cover to the Republican Senators who are going to cross party lines and vote to save America’s economy, Bob.

    And considering all the hysterical shrieking that came from you guys during the election, seem a tad hypocritical of you to be talking about tone, now.

  12. Techie says:

    It’s almost as if he has no significant executive experience.

  13. router says:

    “seem a tad hypocritical of you to be talking about tone”

    f%%k you tuborimpairedsorosislamofacistloverloser

  14. router says:

    can the empty suit run a lemonade stand?

  15. Darleen says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/5 @ 7:55 pm #

    And considering all the hysterical shrieking that came from you guys during the election

    Yes, all those happy Obama supporters exercising their First Amendment rights having to endure screams of profanity from rabid McCain robots…

    Oh, wait

  16. Darleen says:

    Bob Reed

    Fire and police are not the province of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in the first place.

    Barry figured his smile and his Leftangelical rhetoric would convince the hoi poloi to smile, bend over and say “Thank you, sir, can I have another?”

  17. Bob Reed says:


    I was referring to the state governments. Sorry, but I guess in my zeal I didn’t make it clear that he was proposing the Feds give wads to the states, less the states have to cut back on fire and police services…

    Having witnessed that card played many times over the years in the Peoples Republic of Maryland and in DC, I’m familiar with the fear mongering ploy. That’s what I was referring to when I wondered out loud why this is such a pervasive tool amongst the corrupt Democrats…

  18. Techie says:

    Because whenever you complain about taxes, the reflexive response I’ve gotten is “Well, you want police and firefighters, don’t you? How about roads?”

    “If you like police, firefighters, and paved roads, then you have no business complaining about taxes at all” is the message they’re trying to send, apparently.

  19. Rob Crawford says:

    Public safety programs are the first to be cut by municipal governments, just as bus service is the first to be cut by school boards. The people are more likely to cave when those are threatened.

  20. Joe says:

    So will Glenn’s life be extended indefinitely by cloned versions of Glenn pulled out of his vagina. Oh wait, he does not have one of those does he. What oriface will the replacement Glenns come from?

    The thought of quality Pajama Media Television going on indefinitely fills me with awe.

  21. Mikey NTH says:

    Joe, your sense of awe is curiously like my sense of apathy.

  22. Carin says:

    I like how when the state runs out of money, all of the sudden the schools for the blind and assistance to the elderly has to be cut. Policemen unemployed, yada yada yada.

    I got an idea – Jenny Granholm can fire her husband’s three assistants. No, they never bring up the bullshit, because the public would say …”I’m ok with that, go ahead and cut!”

    The biggest joke has to be -in the stimulus bill – the money to upgrade the Fed car fleet to green cars. It’s gonna “save” money. Humn… WTF are they talking about? Hybrid’s cost more. How many miles do they have to be driven before you start seeing cost savings? What a fucking lie.

  23. Squid says:

    Public safety programs are the first to be cut by municipal governments, just as bus service is the first to be cut by school boards.

    Ah, the old Washington Monument Syndrome. What’s really fun is when the public calls their bluff. Within weeks, the local papers start to fill up with stories of how the hardworking cop is stuck on the dole, while the Assistant Deputy Sub-Director In Charge Of Measuring Grass Length In Lawns (Residential) is playing golf on the city’s dime with the Assistant Deputy Sub-Director In Charge Of Measuring Grass Length In Lawns (Commercial-Downtown). Then the unions get involved, and things get really ugly for the guys on the budget & HR committees.

    Of course, that only happens in communities where people have the collective sense to call the bluff.

  24. SDN says:

    #20 Rob: Unless you’re in the South. Then it’s always the football team. I’ve said for years that they ought to let the colleges and high schools license out their football teams to the NFL as an official farm club and charge what the traffic will bear.

    It would remove any number of temptations; you wouldn’t adjust a kid’s grades to work as a football player any more than you would to work at Mickey D’s.

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