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October 2024


Christmas in Darfur [Dan Collins]

BRD’s Christmas in Darfur is available. Please go watch it.

Call 1-800-GENOCIDE

Ghaddafi behind Janjaweed?

Christian Bale goes ballistic, and you can dance to it.

132 Replies to “Christmas in Darfur [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    What does Ghaddafi have to gain exactly? That just seems like an odd use of his resources, no? If it’s just genocide Baracky won’t get too excited, but if someone can demonstrate that Ghaddafi is instigating the genocide then… Baracky won’t get too excited. He mostly just likes to redistribute shit.

  2. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:


    I know that’s a “militia” (group of brigands, actually), but my brain keeps insisting that it’s something you could smoke.

  3. Sdferr says:

    Many years ago Ghaddafi (’87?) made a push to control Chad, which evidently lead to his funding the janjaweed types as useful killers.

  4. parsnip says:

    IIRC, the C.I.A. first funded the Janjaweed.

    Just like they funded the Taliban.

    And they say the right has no sense of humor.

  5. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Hey, nipply, what’s Barky doing about that European trade war, the Iranians developing space (i.e, ICBM) capability, the ice storm disaster, the “bailout”, the looming stagflation?

    Hey nipply, how come Barky gets to keep his office at 90 degrees, drive a Gigantor-sized Hemi-powered vehicle, and eat hundred dollar a pound steak?

    I thought we couldn’t keep our houses at 72 degrees, drive SUVs, or eat as much as we wanted to any more?

    Hey nipply, I thought there weren’t going to be any lobbyists in the Obama administration?

    Hey nipply, I thought all the troops would be home from Iraq by now?

    Hey, nipply, what happened to Barky’s promise to “cut more than he was going to spend”?

  6. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Hey nipply, I thought rendition was a bad thing. Why is Barky going to continue doing it?

    Hey nipply, I thought Barky was going to bring “peace”. So why is he missiling the fuck out of Pockeestawn about 5 times a week?

  7. Bob Reed says:

    That ought to keep he/she busy for a while…

    Or at least off this thread!

  8. parsnip says:

    What’s the matter, SBP?

    Something seems to have gotten you all upset.

  9. Bob Reed says:

    I’ll have to check it out later, right now there’s 4 to 5 inches of global warming that I need to remove from the sidewalks and stoops on my block lest one of the elderly folks hurt themselves trying to get around or help me shovel for them…

    ‘Cuz I’m all about service!

    I mean, MAObama told me to get on it! And he’s all inspirey like that…

  10. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Something seems to have gotten you all upset.

    You’re confusing “upset” with “laughing my ass off”. I forget what that particular form of mental illness is called — it was in one of the Oliver Sacks books, I’m pretty sure.

    Hey, nipply, I thought Barky was going to bring “change”. So why is his administration a bunch of old white DC fuckballs who probably had front-row tickets to the Burr/Hamilton duel?

    Hey nipply, does Barky have any friends he isn’t ashamed of? I mean, surely there’s at least one long-time acquaintance who isn’t a terrorist, a racist, mobbed-up, or a tax cheat?

  11. parsnip says:

    “Gallows humor” is often employed by losers like you to their mind off things, SBP.

    I don’t think it will get you through the next 8 years, though, you seem too tightly wrapped.

    Might I suggest some anger management courses?

  12. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Might I suggest some anger management courses?

    Might I suggest that you answer some of the above questions?

    I will say, though, that watching you try to avoid them is pretty amusing. Much like watching a cat trying to bury a turd on a hardwood floor.

    Ain’t workin’, dude.

  13. I will say, though, that watching you try to avoid them is pretty amusing. Much like watching a cat trying to bury a turd on a hardwood floor.

    oh, did you see the Chris Wallace interview of Obama they played on Special Report tonight? It was hilarious watching Obama not quite deny he’d told Republicans to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. “Who said that’s a quote?” or some such.

  14. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Didn’t see it, maggie, but I’m glad you watched it so I don’t have to.


    Man, this guy is already melting down after two weeks. It’s going to be a long four years, if he makes it that long without cracking up completely.

    And oh, yay! President Biden waiting in the wings.

  15. parsnip says:

    Might I suggest that you answer some of the above questions?

    How about you try to stay on topic, little guy?

    *head pat*

  16. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    How about you try to stay on topic, little guy?


    Keep scratchin’, nipply. I’m sure the bad smell will disappear if you dig hard enough.

  17. here it’s 2:45 from the end. “Now, how do you know that’s a direct quote?”

  18. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Part way through, and my “uh”-meter already went off the scale. He’s blinking at about 25 Hz, too.

    Obama admitted mistakes. Guess he’s not Jesus after all.

  19. Dan Collins says:

    You know, I wanted this thread to be about Christmas in Darfur. But I suppose that you can use the one at the Pub.

  20. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Sorry, Dan.

  21. Carin says:

    Can someone tell me about this movie? How/when did it get made?

  22. sorry. um, I’ve had it bookmarked since they sent me the email, but I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet…. I’m a bad person.

  23. casual user says:

    Yikes. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates, it’s only been two weeks – calm the fuck down.

  24. Techie says:

    Alphie decides to run to the next thread?

    There may be a position for him in the new Administration after all.

  25. Chris S. says:

    IIRC, the C.I.A. first funded the Janjaweed.

    Just like they funded the Taliban.

    And they say the right has no sense of humor.

    You’re right on that one (the lack of a “sense of humor”). The main reason I’m a neo-con today is because my local Amnesty International office and the “Citizens for Global Solutions” started giggling when I brought up Darfur some 4 years back.

    Tha AI people said (in between snickers) that “only the Republicans in Congress care about that and they only want the oil.”

    When I mentioned the black African women that are being gang-raped by the Janjaweed, the “Global Solutions” people exclaimed:

    “Oh, I’m sure some people feel marginalized…”

    So, yeah- rape and genocide don’t make me “giggle”, parsnip, and it’s so like you to try to tie the Janjaweed to the CIA instead of saying something like:

    “You know? This is just very, very wrong and I don’t think we should excuse this.”

  26. Carin says:

    Calm down? While baracky socializes our country? I don’t think so.

    Besieds, I’ve given Teh One the same amount of grace period Bush got.

    SELECTED NOT ELECTED! Sound familiar?

  27. Techie says:


    [The Janjaweed first emerged in 1988 after Chadian President Hissène Habré, backed by France and the United States, defeated the Libyan army, thereby ending Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi’s territorial designs on Chad. Libya’s Chadian protégé, Acheickh Ibn Omer Saeed, retreated with his partisan forces to Darfur, where they were hosted by Sheikh Musa Hilal, the newly-elevated chief of the Mahamid Rizeigat Arabic speaking African tribes of north Darfur. Hilal’s tribesmen had earlier smuggled Libyan weapons to Ibn Omer’s forces. A French-Chadian incursion destroyed Ibn Omer’s camp, but his weapons remained with his Mahamid hosts.]

    Seriously, next you’ll claim that the CIA funded the Black Hand and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

  28. Carin says:

    Chris, the left only cares if black women are being raped by white Christians. duh.

  29. Carin says:

    Or, rugby players.

  30. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    That’s one aggressive Flash setup they’ve got there. I had to stop watching after it tried to set a Flash cookie at least 50 times in a row.

    I’ll check out the Quicktime version later.

  31. parsnip says:

    Yikes. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates, it’s only been two weeks – calm the fuck down.

    Haha, he’s not gonna make it, I tell you.

    Get that boy some help!

  32. casual user says:

    You know, I wanted this thread to be about Christmas in Darfur.

    There’s your problem. Until Joe the Plumber reports from the scene, it’s all hearsay and inadmissible.

  33. Mikey NTH says:

    Ghaddafi was behind the attacks in Chad* twenty years ago. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was here.

    *Chad is in France’s area of influence, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had any say on who would be poaching on their turf. France has had no problem with Kipling’s World, because they have never acknowledged anything but that. Just sayin’.

  34. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Bye, nipply.

    Post under another name (and in another thread) if you ever feel like answering any of those questions.

  35. parsnip says:

    Looks like SBP has surrendered.

  36. Techie says:

    Yes, alphie, you’re a winner! A winner!

  37. Techie says:

    Any way to back up that smear on the CIA, alphie? Other than conspiracy cranks?

    Cause I’m sure funding and supporting Libyan-backed groups was de rigure in the early 90s. Bush the Elder really valued the input of desert bandits.

  38. parsnip says:

    Well, the CIA backed the groups that forced the Janjaweed into Sudan, techie.

    Then hoisted the old “Mission Accomplished” banner.

    The rest is history.

  39. Dan Collins says:

    I can hardly wait for Obama 2.0

  40. casual user says:

    Haha, he’s not gonna make it, I tell you.

    Get that boy some help!

    For some reason every time I see his user name, I think of the Sex Pistols’ version of Friggin’ In The Riggin’.

  41. Big D says:


    Comment by parsnip on 2/3 @ 7:41 pm #

    Well, the CIA backed the groups that forced the Janjaweed into Sudan, techie.

    Then hoisted the old “Mission Accomplished” banner.

    The rest is history.

    Do you have any supporting evidence other than the voices in your head? Cite please.

  42. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    For some reason every time I see his user name

    Funny, I’m not going to have that problem with you any more.

  43. Big D says:


    I see you’ve been having some fun with snippy today. Is he back in the bin yet?

  44. casual user says:

    Dan, this just in: Karl Rove has decided to show up for the DOJ investigation.

    Nobody did anything wrong, so there’s nothing to worry about.

  45. Techie says:

    “Well, the CIA backed the groups that forced the Janjaweed into Sudan, techie.”

    So, you supported Libya’s invasion of Chad?

    No fuckwit, you said and I quote “IIRC, the C.I.A. first funded the Janjaweed.”. You aren’t allowed to go “Well, what I meant to say was that France and the US prevented the Libyan overthrow of Chad’s government, and the Libyan-backed faction ran into another nation where they’ve been a pain in the ass since”.

    Need any help carrying those goalposts?

  46. Big D says:

    Oh, and I Trollhammered casual user after reading two or three of his comments. Maybe you could help Barky develop “CabinetHammer?”

  47. parsnip says:

    I can do whatever I want, techie.

    If it weren’t for the CIA’s meddling in Africa, there would be no crisis in Darfur now.

    If it weren’t for their meddling in Afghanistan, there would be no Taliban, no 9/11.

    But, using Wall Street accounting, all our overseas interventions look profitable, so why quibble?

  48. Big D says:

    “If it weren’t for their meddling in Afghanistan, there would be no Taliban, no 9/11”

    So you were OK with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? No problem with that, just our response?

  49. Slartibartfast says:

    “If it weren’t for their meddling in Afghanistan, there would be no Taliban, no 9/11.”

    I want some of what he’s having. Only not during working hours, or when I’ve got to operate heavy machinery or the Internet.

  50. parsnip says:

    Well, Big D,

    We should of thought a little harder before we armed and trained religious fanatics to fight the Soviets, don’t you think?

    Nah, U.S. foreign interventions are just like the Special Olympics, everybody who puts on the uniform and shows up is a hero, right?

  51. Big D says:

    Yeah, parsnip, we should have thought much harder about our alliance with Stalin in WWII too. I mean it was so clear what was going top happen. Where can I get some of those special hindsight glasses you have?

  52. Chris S. says:

    If it weren’t for the CIA’s meddling in Africa, there would be no crisis in Darfur now.

    And parsnip blames the US for Sudan’s 20 year north-south civil war, too (I’m sure).

    So let’s not criticize Khartoum’s proxy army in Darfur or their Chinese bankrollers.

    And let us not make a statement to the effect that “mass rape and genocide are kinda wrong” (just maybe).

  53. parsnip says:

    We didn’t have to think about our alliance with Stalin and the Soviet Union during WWII, Big D, they were fighting the Nazis long before we got around to declaring war on Germany.

  54. B Moe says:

    Where can I get some of those special hindsight glasses you have?

    Glasses aren’t the secret to tuberheads hind sight.

  55. Big D says:

    Six months is “Long before?”

    Still, the point remains. We allied ourselves with the USSR which then led to the cold war. We did this because we thought that Hitler was the greater evil. In Afghanistan, we allied ourselves with the mujahadeen because we thought that the USSR was the greater evil.

    How nice for you that you can sit back with your hindsight glasses and pass judgement.

  56. Chris S. says:

    they were fighting the Nazis long before we got around to declaring war on Germany.

    Sure, after Operation Barbarossa. But earlier, they were quite happy to make a non-aggression pact with Hitler and split up Poland.

    And we didn’t necessarily have to supply Stalin with arms and materiel.

    parsnip does kind of remind me of a certain Nation editor who exclaimed a few years back in a radio chat:

    Daniel Lazare: You’re actually talking to one of the few leftists, if I do say so myself, with the courage to defend the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan.

  57. Big D says:

    You’re right, BMoe. Why I am engaging the little twerp I don’t know. I’m bored I guess.

  58. parsnip says:

    In other words, you guys got nothing but your pathetic little pools of hatred.

  59. B Moe says:

    Since tuberhead seems to be implying that genocide is perfectly acceptable, as long as we get someone else to do it, I am going to have to rethink my personal opinions on sound and proper foreign policy.

  60. parsnip says:

    Hey, look B Moe, our military teamed up with the Taliban to kill a record number of civilians in Afghanistan last year!

    455 innocents killed by Bob’s flyboy heroes alone.


  61. happyfeet says:

    That’s Reuters citing unsourced United Nations numbers.

  62. parsnip says:

    Hey, look, happy, the U.S. Army shipped a couple of crackers to my neck of the woods so they could molest some local sorority girls.

    Thanks for “protecting my freedom!”

    Imagine what these “heroes” got up to overseas.

  63. Big D says:


    I am done with you. You are nothing, have nothing, and will amount to nothing. You have implied in past posts that you are in your 50s or 60s. If that is the case, you never mentally matured past childhood. In short, engaging with you on the hopes that you would bring an honest debate is pointless. You are a child. At least thor brings teh funny now and again. You are a waste of bandwidth. Crawl back into your hole you pathetic piece of filth. Go groom your cat. I’m done with you.

  64. parsnip says:

    Big D,

    How can there ever be an “honest debate” about the US military when you right wing extremists just ignore the problems it causes at home and abroad, not to mention its enormous cost?

  65. Techie says:

    Remember when you got banned?

    Those were good times.

  66. Big D says:

    If you are responding to me snip, don’t bother. You are hammered. You pathetic waste of carbon.

  67. Bob Reed says:

    455 innocents killed by Bob’s flyboy heroes alone.”

    What is that parsnip, a ’60s psychadelic band or what..?

    You need to be careful, son; I resemble that remark!

    To start, as happyfeet noted, per SOP Reuters is citing mysterious, ephemeral, unsourced UN figures…

    Next; I don’t particularly believe the UN. Especially in the wake of all their scandals. I mean, the most recent, lying to the Israelis to sneak contraband into the Palestinians in Gaza; what is up with that? Oh, and how about hiring Hamas fighters to be their lorry drivers? And let’s not forget the oil for food scandal; an oldie but a goodie…

    And, even if their figures are to be believed, there is no breakdown by type or nationality of the allied aircraft involved. While I admire our allies, I’ll only vouch for US TACAIR. Also, not all strikes are conducted with precision weapons anyway. When an AC-130 Spectre gunship orbits a target, layin’ down the 20 Mike-Mike, well, they have good aim but are not exactly precision…

    So your implication that US pilots in military aircraft indiscriminantly killed Afghan civilians is again a cartoon playin’ in your head…

  68. Techie says:

    “I can do whatever I want, techie.”

    And the utter bankruptcy of your twisted little world becomes plain for all to see.

  69. Bob Reed says:

    So parsnip, you’re from Washington state…

    That tells me all I need to know…

  70. Techie says:

    See, Darfur and related issues are nothing more than a convenient prop for alphie to play agent provocateur. He did it with the VT Massacre, he did it with regards to every single attack on Coalition forces, and he’ll do it with any tragedy that happens in the future.

    People die, and it’s merely an opportunity to spout smears, inanity and general fucktardness all over this blog. It’s a definitive a sign of fixation. He simply must come back to this blog and fling his poo over what he finds. He can’t pass a Turing Test at this point. He’s that fucking predictable.

  71. Bob Reed says:


    Answer Spies’ questions; if you can…

  72. Techie says:

    When faced with something called reality, it retreats to its corner and flings the poo.

    Much like a simple primate on display.

  73. parsnip says:


    If you’d been paying attention, you would have known where I’m from a looong time ago.

    And why should I bother to answer SBP’s off-topic, childish, rants?

    The boy is obviously in need of some serious therapy and I don’t want to add to his problems.

  74. Big D says:

    He’s not going to answer Spies questions, Bob. He’s a pathetic tick, a parasite in the body that is the US. He relies on better men than himself to keep him free and the knowledge of that will always fuel his bitterness. He is a child and as such, requires no further response.

  75. Techie says:

    Care to explain your “CIA funded the Janjaweed” bullshit?

    Or is that just another prop for your Strawman theater?

  76. B Moe says:

    They let dudes in sororities in Seattle now?

  77. B Moe says:

    And personally I will believe those soldiers are guilty when John Murtha tells me they are.

  78. Bob Reed says:

    … SBP’s off-topic, childish, rants…”

    Wow…just, Wow…


  79. parsnip says:

    He relies on better men than himself to keep him free

    Haha, who is trying to steal my freedom right now, Big D?

    And how are they going to about it?

    Win an election maybe?

    Invade our country?

    What a pathetic joke.

    You bedwetters have been using that “freedom” crutch a little too long, dontcha think?

    Come on…list, in order of seriousness, the groups trying to steal my freedom and the methods they are using:


    I can’t wait to see your answers.

  80. Techie says:

    No one needs to steal your freedom, alphie. You have demonstrated amply here that you would give it up at a moments notice.

  81. B Moe says:

    In all seriousness? How are we supposed to discuss freedom with someone who doesn’t have the first clue what the word even means?

    How come you haven’t commented on the National Guard thread, you fucking treacherous little worm?

  82. Techie says:

    BTW: Care to explain that “CIA funded the Janjaweed” bullshit?

  83. Bob Reed says:

    Well parsnip,

    The other night you seemed to be living in abject fear of Al-Queda and UBL…

    At least that was when you were trying to slander the US military…

    Times change, people too; but parsnips? not so much…

  84. parsnip says:

    How come you haven’t commented on the National Guard thread


    Is it now required that I post on every single topic, B Moe?

    Threats to my freedom:

    1. Right wing extremist crackers.
    methodology – mandatory posting.

  85. Techie says:

    Poor alphie, who knew the greatest threat to his freedom was consistency and logic?

  86. NC says:

    I’ll take a crack at it parsnip. You don’t need a list for the greatest threat to your freedom. You only need to look in the mirror. Your fealty to a man instead of an office is a much greater threat. Don’t suppose you’ll get that.

  87. Techie says:

    BTW: Care to explain your “CIA funded the Janjaweed” bullshit?

  88. parsnip says:

    Don’t look at me, NC, I just voted for Obama to make the rightards cry.

    Which he did and is doing quite nicely.

    I’ll judge Obama once he leaves office.

  89. Techie says:

    Some people just want to see the world burn.

  90. NC says:

    So you voted for a man, not because you thought he was best for the office, but because he would be most painful to your opponents. You have just proved my point, sir.

  91. Techie says:

    BTW: Care to explain your “CIA funded the Janjaweed” bullshit?

  92. parsnip says:

    Oh, I think Obama is a better man than McCain, NC.

    And the thought of that dim bulb Palin running America if McCain croked sealed it for me (and millions of other Americans).

    Talk about a bad political move.

    But, what I enjoy most about Obama is how he gets the right wing extremists’ panties in a bunch.

    I thought I’d get tired of their squealing, but it’s three months later and I’m enjoying each new squeal as much as the first one.

  93. Big D says:

    It’s very easy Techie. Here is the construct:

    1. Any problem in the entire universe.
    2. US at fault
    3. No further consideration of facts needed.

  94. Bob Reed says:

    Best Wishes and happy trails to you and yours Mel…

  95. Bob Reed says:

    By the way, Mel

    You shut down that flotsam reeeeeal easy…

  96. NC says:

    You didn’t say that to begin with parsnip. You are a slippery son aren’t you?

    You remind me of the self centered, spoiled brats of the 60s.

  97. parsnip says:

    Haha, NC, are you talking about the hippies?

  98. NC says:

    Well, thanks Bob. You’re not so bad yourself. For Navy, that is!

  99. BRD says:

    Would this be entirely too late to comment on Darfur?

  100. Bob Reed says:

    Comin’ from an esteemed veteran Leatherneck like yourself, I’ll take that a compliment…

    I’ve had more than a few grizzled old Gunney’s over the years explain to me, respectfully and all ‘cuz I was a hot-shot Fly-boy swabbie, that The Corps was the Men’s department of the Navy!

    What could I do but laugh…

  101. Big D says:

    Not at all, BRD. We seem to have been threadjacked again. Get us back on track!

  102. Bob Reed says:

    Go ahead BRD,

    Sorry that we all wandered so far off target. I’m looking forward to viewing your movie tomorrow; to much snow to shovel here in NYC tonight…

    Bests Wishes

  103. NC says:

    It was meant as a compliment Bob. I once saw a corsair shot off the deck of the Enterprise. I thought then and I think now, I’d rather be shot at on the ground than go up in one of those. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but we groundpounders had respect for you flyboys.

  104. BRD says:

    NO worries at all, I started scanning the thread, and saw the individual at the top of the thread brandishing accusations with abandon, and so on, and wanted to know if there were any questions I might be able to answer for folks.

  105. Bob Reed says:

    No worries Mel, I took it as a compliment…

    Men like yourself protected my freedom as I was coming up, so I could live the life I’ve enjoyed, and helped make this country what it is today…

    Marine, I salute you!

    And I wasn’t joking when I recounted how more than one Gunney delivered that line with just a hint wry smile. And each time I heard it, I found it was funnier than 95% of the professional comedians I had ever seen…

  106. Bob Reed says:

    There are some individuals around here who have Battleship mouths, powered by rowboat intellects; while others are simply semi-pro gadflies.

    They are selectively concerned about the situation in Darfur; and that concern has less to do with the folks there than the self-serving positions of their folks here at home.

    I think we all can appreciate the peril you folks put yourselves in to put together this film. Hopefully it’ll get a lot of exposure here and on other sites…

    Like I said, I plan to view it tomorrow…

    Best Wishes

  107. BRD says:

    Don’t psych yourself up too much for it, I just have to say thanks for taking the time to watch it!

  108. NC says:


    I was called a sea going bellehop more than once and you know the retort to that.

    Gunnery Sergeants run the corps. In my opinion. You could probably find a few Generals who would disagree.

  109. Bob Reed says:


    I’ve heard two retorts to that insult. One was at a civilian bar room where an enlisted sailor let it fly…On that occasion the reply was a fist in his face-several times if I remember correctly!

    Some time later, when I recounted the story to one of our CPO Airdales he chuckled, and told me that was the incorrect reply…

    Eventually I worked up the courage to visit the ol’ Gunney, the one that knew all the great sayings, who was with our MARDET just what the CPO was talking about. I’ll never forget…

    He said, “Sir, are you calling me a sea going bellhop?”

    Surprised and confused I said, “No Gunney, of course not, I was jus…”

    He interrupted, “Cuz if you were, I’d have to reply that the only belle I ever hopped was your sister…and she didn’t ring!”; and gave me the usual wry smile…

    To this day I’ll never know whether he was using the opportunity to pull a Swabbie Flyboy’s chain, whether he was testing to see whether his boys could keep a straight face under extraordinary circumstances, or whether I was simply a convenient straight man for him to use in schooling his young Marines in proper interservice, ahem, protocol…

    You’re right though Mel; the Gunneys and the Chiefs run the Corps and the Navy respectively. Any officer worth his salt appreciates that fact, and uses it to his advantage…

    And now, since it’s 01:00 on the east coast, I’ll bid all a fond goodnight…
    After all, zero-dark-thirty is just around the bend…

  110. parsnip says:

    Interesting film, BRD.

    The UNHCR is considered worse than Al Qaeda around here.

    What did you think of them and the work they are doing in Chad?

  111. BRD says:

    Thanks for watching! I wouldn’t presume to speak on behalf of other commenters here about the UNHCR versus Al Qaeda, but do imagine that the comparison is somewhat of an exaggeration. As far as the roles of the agencies, on a macro level, they’re doing something, and that something is both important and needed. More specifically, they were kind enough to meet with us in Abeche, although I don’t think that providing assistance to filmakers was a particularly important mandate for them.

  112. Big D says:


    The Gunny wasn’t pulling your chain. That one has been around for quite some time. Probably from the time of sailing ships.

  113. parsnip says:


    I see you’re trying to raise money with your film.

    Do you have some debts to still pay off or are you trying to raise money to make another one?

  114. BRD says:

    Pay off the previous is the first and biggest priority. Past that, we’ll work from there.

  115. Lesley says:

    Interesting film, sincere and serious attempt to inform others with your piece of that puzzle. Thank you. Ofcourse, I had to giggle over the white eyeball incident which scared the kids out of their wits. Good Lord, you could have created a riot/International Incident with that one. :)

  116. thor says:


    Comment by parsnip on 2/3 @ 7:20 pm #

    Yikes. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates, it’s only been two weeks – calm the fuck down.

    Haha, he’s not gonna make it, I tell you.

    Get that boy some help! bed restraints!


  117. thor says:

    Comment by NC on 2/3 @ 11:06 pm #

    You didn’t say that to begin with parsnip. You are a slippery son aren’t you?

    You remind me of the self centered, spoiled brats of the 60s.

    You remind me of someone who needs to worry about their constitution.

  118. Big D says:


    Comment by thor on 2/4 @ 2:48 am #

    Comment by NC on 2/3 @ 11:06 pm #

    You didn’t say that to begin with parsnip. You are a slippery son aren’t you?

    You remind me of the self centered, spoiled brats of the 60s.

    You remind me of someone who needs to worry about their constitution.

    Snark away on anyone you want, thor, but that man has done more to defend the constitution than anyone on this board. A couple of days ago you were berating people for not giving your Father his due. Extend that same sentiment to Mel, thor.

  119. thor says:

    The humor lies in the synonymous meaning of constitution, as in old folks will say they’ve upset their constitution when they’ve got gas.

    I have to straighten my dad out all the time, trust me, else he’d go on about Bing Crosby really being all that.

  120. Big D says:

    OK, thor. I misunderstood. That’s why I still read your comments. Sometimes you bring teh funny!

  121. Civilis says:

    Also, before the rest of the smear gets forgotten, the US didn’t arm the Taliban or it’s predecessors against the Soviets. We armed what eventually became the Afghani Northern Alliance, our current allies. So our troll lies again.

  122. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/3 @ 7:57 pm #

    I can do whatever I want, techie.

    If it weren’t for their meddling in Afghanistan, there would be no Taliban, no 9/11.”

    Yeah, the Soviets would still be running the country, bombing the shit out of the little brown people and sowing land mines disguised as toys.

    You fucking retarded chimp.

  123. N. O'Brain says:

    Now that I think about it, I’m sure alpo would have no problem with the commies committing genocide against little brown people.

  124. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Techie on 2/3 @ 10:23 pm #

    BTW: Care to explain that “CIA funded the Janjaweed” bullshit?”

    Answer the question, alpo.

  125. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by parsnip on 2/3 @ 10:42 pm #

    I’ll judge Obama once he leaves office.”

    I’ll judge him now: massive fail.

    Now answer the question, alpo.

  126. N. O'Brain says:

    “Extend that same sentiment to Mel, thor.”

    hor isn’t good enough to lick the mud from Mel’s combat boots.

  127. thor says:

    Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/4 @ 7:16 am #

    Yeah, the Soviets would still be running the country, bombing the shit out of the little brown people and sowing land mines disguised as toys.

    Hey marmoset humper, gotta link?

  128. N. O'Brain says:

    #Comment by thor on 2/4 @ 7:46 am #

    Still plagiarising, I see.

    Do your own research, you moronic dung sucker.

  129. thor says:

    Even your lies suck dick.

  130. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by thor on 2/4 @ 8:03 am #

    Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?

    Or are your problems genetic?

  131. N. O'Brain says:

    Oh, try google, retard.

  132. […] the counsel of Trent? In my piece about Christmas in Darfur at Big Hollywood, I mention the revelation that the famous Lancet “study” attributing […]

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