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October 2024


Still More Why Does Obama Hate Flyover Country? [Dan Collins, UPDATED]

New Orleans based Entergy still hasn’t resumed power for 200k customers after the ice storms of January 27-28. Clearly, this is Bush’s fault. Orchids.

I think we need a Tolerance Czar. Don’t you?

UPDATE: Malkin has an SOS from hard-hit Paducah

83 Replies to “Still More Why Does Obama Hate Flyover Country? [Dan Collins, UPDATED]”

  1. alppuccino says:

    “Sheeeeit…..if this was Chicago, the kids would be out playing for recess. EON’T TOUCH THAT THERMOSTAT!”

  2. McGehee says:


    Dan, should you be making these snide references to the President’s testicles?

  3. Dan Collins says:

    He’s from Hawaii, okay?

  4. Bob Reed says:

    B-B-But…The one! said he was going to have a more responsive and effecient government…

    Why hasn’t the one! declared it an emergency? Why hasn’t the one! visited the folks there? Why hasn’t the one at least flown over the area?


    I mean, the least he could do is work a miracle and give them sunshine and mid 70’s ’til the electric infrastructure is repaired…


  5. Dan Collins says:

    I guess those are what he placed his left hand on during the second Oath of Office, McGehee.

  6. Joe says:

    Can’t they move to Hawaii, where not having heat is not that bad? Barack “Marie Antoinette” Obama. Hell, they can even grow orchids outside in Hawaii.

  7. alppuccino says:

    They need to dust themselves off.

  8. BJTexs says:

    Bob Reed is the bestest user of bold tags EVAH!

  9. happyfeet says:

    oh. I think Baracky is just a hateful person generally Dan cause his mommy and daddy wanted nothing to do with him. It’s not Bush’s fault. Maybe Baracky was just a hard kid to love and he wasn’t able to overcome that. There’s just a lot of anger there that he tried to repress with illegal narcotics but never really successfully dealt with. My friend D has a cousin like that. You don’t wanna know how this story ends.

  10. Jeff G. says:

    With a nobel peace prize?

  11. Sdferr says:

    They hand those out for teleprompter reading now?

  12. Rob Crawford says:

    Nah. He’ll write another autobiography and get the literature prize.

  13. kelly says:

    No, just for general…awesomeness.

  14. happyfeet says:

    oh. BRD made a movie. That’s kind of a big deal I think, making a movie. You can watch it online. It’s about Christmas.

  15. happyfeet says:

    That was supposed to have a link … I think it makes more sense that way.

  16. Rob Crawford says:

    I (helped) make a movie, too. Appear in it, as well. For a moment. Not going to point out who I am. It’s not great, but it was made in just two days, so what can you expect?

    Where’s BRD’s movie? Wanna watch!

  17. thor says:

    Oh ye with desperation on your breath, Entergy is a publicly traded company, not a government agency.

  18. parsnip says:

    All the carping and Obama is still quite popular:

    It’s as if America wasn’t listening to the far right anymore.


  19. alppuccino says:

    “tightening ethics rules for Administration officials”

    good one parsnip. You had me going.

  20. Slartibartfast says:

    I’m not sure that thor knows what point he was making with that last.

    Not that I care all that much. Conversational “point” is a male-centric construct, completely devoid of physical meaning. It’s all part of the cosmic unconsciousness.

  21. Techie says:

    I thought it had been too pleasant around here lately.

  22. kelly says:

    Where did anyone imply that Entergy was a government agency, thor? Are you hitting the sauce this early?

  23. Techie says:

    Any comments on the raging tax scandals, or is that merely “right wing” too?

  24. Techie says:

    I mean, think of all the chainsaws and cots that Tom Daschle’s taxes could have bought for the poor folks of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky.

  25. Mr. Pink says:

    Only us rightwingers care about taxes. The more enlightened among us care about such things as hope and change and victory plates and being able to say we made history.

  26. Mr. Pink says:

    Hey look Daschle just dropped out. Hhahahahahahahahhaha

  27. N. O'Brain says:

    “tightening ethics rules for Administration officials”

    Tom Daschle.

  28. Techie says:

    Richardson, Rangel, Dodd, C. Kennedy, Daschle, Killener, Geithner……….

    I’m beginning to sense a “culture” of some sorts.

  29. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Slartibartfast on 2/3 @ 11:42 am #

    I’m not sure that thor knows what point he was making with that last.”

    No point.

    He’s just talking to the voices in his head.

  30. N. O'Brain says:

    “I’m beginning to sense a “culture” of some sorts.”

    The Chicago-Little Rock Axis of Corruption.

    (Hillary! hasn’t dropped out yet, has she?)

  31. Techie says:

    Since Obama was willing to “stand behind” Daschle just a few days ago, they are waiting for the appropriate Kos and TPM posts outlining how “Barack Obama has never supported Tom Daschle. Barack Obama doesn’t even know who Tom Daschle (R-SD) is.”

  32. N. O'Brain says:

    thor and alfie, no comments on the “Al-Qaeda Cutting Jobs” thread.

    Why not?

  33. N. O'Brain says:

    We have always been at war with Eastasia!

  34. Mr. Pink says:

    I wonder if Obama’s head of FEMA has paid his taxes? That would really suck if the guy in charge of the relief efforts in Kansas failed to pay his taxes too.

  35. Techie says:

    Peaceful elections in Iraq, ones in which hard-line Islamist parties actually lose influence, makes the trolls sad pandas.

  36. thor says:

    Comment by kelly on 2/3 @ 11:54 am #

    Where did anyone imply that Entergy was a government agency, thor? Are you hitting the sauce this early?,/blockquote>

    Well, stupid, is the government in charge of restoring electricity service or are the public utilities? Do public utilities have restoration sharing agreements, meaning when New Orleans gets hit Florid P&L might be contracted to help them out with resources and manpower in restoring service to large areas and vise versa. And did you notice just how wide the swath in the Midwest of those without power? Maybe many, many electric co.s from coast to coast are pitching in but their resources are swamped, ya tinks!

    Is this just another not-so clever jab at Barack Obama for political sport’s sake? I think Brownie is doing a fine job.

  37. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Wow, thor with a nonsensical comment immediately followed by alphie with, well, an alphie comment? Do you think they’re in bed together sharing the laptop? Or maybe in a coffee house stroking it to some spoken word?

  38. N. O'Brain says:

    “Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ”

    Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.

  39. thor says:


    Comment by Obstreperous Infidel on 2/3 @ 12:23 pm #

    Wow, thor with a nonsensical comment immediately followed by alphie with, well, an alphie comment? Do you think they’re in bed together sharing the laptop? Or maybe in a coffee house stroking it to some spoken word?

    I didn’t know the goal of our military was to work the polling stations and insure peaceful elections in Iraq.

    I thought that’s what assholes like Jimmy Carter do.

    No more nonsense balloons for you.


  40. B Moe says:

    And did you notice just how wide the swath in the Midwest of those without power?

    As opposed to Katrina, which only hit New Orleans.

  41. N. O'Brain says:

    #Comment by thor on 2/3 @ 12:22 pm #

    Could someone translate that into Sane?

  42. Techie says:

    thor is off his meds again.

  43. N. O'Brain says:

    “I didn’t know the goal of our military was to work the polling stations and insure peaceful elections in Iraq.”

    There’s an incredibly large amount that you don’t know, hor.

    And you prove it here every day.

  44. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Techie on 2/3 @ 12:30 pm #

    thor is off his meds again.”

    True, dat.

  45. Mr. Pink says:

    “I didn’t know the goal of our military was to work the polling stations and insure peaceful elections in Iraq.”

    You must have absolutly 0 knowledge of WW2.

  46. kelly says:

    Swing and a miss, thorknob. Where did anyone imply that Entergy is a gov. agency? Oops, looks like it was you and you alone who inferred it, asswipe. Maybe if you tried to throttle back the sanctimonious snark you’d make a point every now and then.

  47. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Mr. Pink on 2/3 @ 12:31 pm #

    “I didn’t know the goal of our military was to work the polling stations and insure peaceful elections in Iraq.”

    You must have absolutly 0 knowledge of WW2.”

    True, dat.

  48. thor says:


    Comment by B Moe on 2/3 @ 12:28 pm #

    And did you notice just how wide the swath in the Midwest of those without power?

    As opposed to Katrina, which only hit New Orleans.

    Stand in your bathtub filled with water and stick your finger in a toaster.

    Only a bathtub.

  49. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by thor on 2/3 @ 12:34 pm #


  50. thor says:

    Comment by Mr. Pink on 2/3 @ 12:31 pm #

    You must have absolutly 0 knowledge of WW2.

    That’s the war the Russians won. They why they call it The Great War.

  51. Mr. Pink says:

    Hey thor this is Wiki for you.

    Japan was occupied by the U.S., aided by Commonwealth troops, until the peace treaty took effect in 1952. In accordance with the Yalta Conference agreements, the Soviet Union occupied and subsequently annexed Sakhalin. During the occupation, the Americans focused on demilitarizing the nation, demolishing the Japanese arms industry, and installing a democratic government with a new constitution. Commonly regarded by many historians as a resounding economic and social success, the Japanese occupation formally ended in 1952, soon followed by Japan’s meteoric post-war economic boom. The Far Eastern Commission and Allied Council For Japan were also established to look over the occupation of Japan. These bodies served a similar function to the Allied Control Council in occupied Germany

  52. thor says:

    They = That’s

  53. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Ummm…thor are you commenting on the wrong thread? This will, and has in the past, gotten me in trouble in here, but I kind of agree with you in your #41. But, I’m not sure what your comment had to do with the original post?

  54. Ric Locke says:

    Well, stupid, is the government in charge of restoring electricity service or are the public utilities?

    Well, the Government, of course — as we were told, endlessly and at maximum volume, while the Bush administration was putting together the most effective FEMA response ever to Katrina. Everything down to any hangnails suffered by the clerk-typists filling in the checks is the Fault of the Administration, any intimation of actual responsibility.


  55. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by thor on 2/3 @ 12:37 pm #

    Comment by Mr. Pink on 2/3 @ 12:31 pm #

    You must have absolutly 0 knowledge of WW2.

    That’s the war the Russians won. They why they call it The Great War.”

    hor believes communist propaganda.


  56. Sdferr says:

    I don’t think the US military did work polling stations this time around. They stood far enough off and watched the Iraqis conduct their own elections. Which in the end, is as it should be.

    Our military did insure the peace in a sense though, in the ordinary way that they have been doing every day for months now, a force at the ready, acting where necessary to help Iraqi security efforts, training and equipping the Iraqi security forces as they build their own strength. All to the good.

  57. MCPO Airdale says:

    Obama dozed. People Froze!!!!

  58. thor says:

    Sure Ric, just like all your other monstrous exaggerations – Trig Palin story all over the MSM, Booooosh blamed for everything, Bwarney Fwank invented toxic securities, and we were told FEMA… yada, yada – you just make the shit up as you go to help hide the obviousness of redumblicanism’s and Bush’s failures.

    We get it. You’re the victim. The whole of universal suckage is all the Left’s fault.

  59. kelly says:

    What fucking universe do you live in, thorknob? I mean, I tend to skip over phlegmy loogies but #60 is a tribute to your besotted hack partisan delusions.

  60. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Thor, that last screed could have been an entry about yourself in your personal journal. Especially, that last line. If you’re so sick of that behavior, why do you emulate it to a T in here?

  61. N. O'Brain says:

    “The whole of universal suckage is all the Left’s fault.”

    120,000,000 dead people agree with that statement.

  62. N. O'Brain says:

    This is fun.

    “That’s the war the Russians won. They why they call it The Great War.”

    Sure thing, hor.

  63. happyfeet says:

    It’s just sad cause Baracky’s administration had started with such promise. Oh well. I think maybe some of it was never really very realistic to begin with.

  64. thor says:

    Comment by Obstreperous Infidel on 2/3 @ 1:00 pm #

    Thor, that last screed could have been an entry about yourself in your personal journal. Especially, that last line. If you’re so sick of that behavior, why do you emulate it to a T in here?

    For equilibrium’s sake, maybe, who can really say, but I know darn well know that that Dan Collins punter needs his comeuppance stomped!

  65. Techie says:

    take your meds and lie down for a bit.

  66. Slartibartfast says:

    That’s the war the Russians won. They why they call it The Great War.

    Sorry, I don’t speak simpleton.

  67. Ric Locke says:

    Why, sure, thor, just like you can excuse any excess or dereliction by shouting “REDUMBGLICANS! BOOSH!”

    The people who fucked up the Katrina response were Democrats. Nagin didn’t implement his own emergency plan, which left the city disorganized long enough for evacuation means to be flooded out, and Landrieu dithered and dillydallied rather than issuing the authorization for Federal troops to come in and assist. That is the FACT. “Brownie” did do a good job — which is to say, he sat in his office and didn’t get in anybody’s way, which is the most we can expect from any Federal official nowadays.

    You and your allies established the standard. Too bad you don’t seem to be meeting it yourselves.


  68. thor says:

    Dan, my mentor, channeled my current preferred usage of rethuglidum in lieu of redumblican several weeks ago.

    Details, like elections, matter!

  69. Cave Bear says:

    The only “detail” that is relevant where you are concerned, thor-boi, is that you are one of the leading cockholsters (especially your boy O!bambi’s) in these United States, and dumb as a sack of rocks to boot.

    Deal with it.

  70. ushie says:

    “That’s the war the Russians won. They why they call it The Great War.”
    It was a totally cool war, with none of that icky death or torture or anything. It’s not like I read about Russian soldiers strangling German soldier with piano wire or anything neocon Republithug like that.

  71. McGehee says:

    Thor’s just upset because his tax-dodging no longer gives him an inide track to a White House job.

  72. gebrauchshund says:

    I always thought the Russians called WWII “The Great Patriotic War”.

    But then I make no claim to be an expert on all things Russian.

  73. Rusty says:

    And something went on in Asia and the the pacific, but it didn’t amount to much.

  74. Techie says:

    Thor’s been with the Red Army as it marched towards Berlin. He was there in the shit, man. It sent a thrill up his leg.

  75. meya says:


  76. SDN says:

    Oh, and what thor doesn’t want to admit is that Entergy and every other nominally private utility company in the country actually has its’ rates and profit margins dictated by the government. Google “Public Service Commission”. What that means is that they can’t raise rates ahead of time for an emergency fund, nor afterwards to pick up the damage, without government approval.

    There’s a name for an economic system that has businesses nominally privately owned but regulated in every aspect by the government…. I believe the word is Fascism.

  77. thor says:

    I’m pretty sure fascism isn’t gov’t utility regulation, ya mud bunker idiot.

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