
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Liz and what’s-his-face meet Jeff

…At 2 MT.

From what I understand from Dan, you can IM or email directly. You can watch here — but to grab the higher quality feed live, you’ll need to download the viewer software. I’m told it takes about 3 minutes to download.

Or you can watch the delayed feed here plug-in free.*

Don’t be afraid to IM or email questions. Because frankly, I don’t have all that much to say.

Oh. And I’ll be on via audio only. So there’s a good chance I’ll be doing the interview Kamikaze style. Without the Triple sec or lime juice.


150 Replies to “Liz and what’s-his-face meet Jeff”

  1. Slartibartfast says:


    It’d be even cooler if you wore a hat with antlers.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Yikes! So that gives you about 25 minutes to install that if you like, people.

    You can use AIM chat breitbartTV

    The email is

  3. happyfeet says:

    They block that here but I can watch at home later. Here I only get to see content what is approved. It’s better for me this way.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    It’s going to be an audio feed, only. Maybe Jeff will tell us what he’s wearing.

  5. mojo says:

    Kamikaze style? That’s where you crash and burn, right? Or is it where a typhoon sinks you?

    I’m confused. This whole Dashole kerfluffle has me very jittery. I may need the needle, Watson…

  6. Mikey NTH says:

    Diving headfirst from a balcony into the hotel pool while covered in flames?

    Are you sure you can’t get that on video?

  7. Liz Stephans says:

    Hey yo :) Hope you all can tune in. Especially if there are antlers involved. Whether you can see them or not. Anyhow… you can also watch a plug-in free version of the live show here: – the plug-in version is better qual and in real time (the wmv stream is about a minute behind) and not a pain to install. If you have to catch the show later on-demand, it’ll pop up here after I get through with the NCIS marathon I am planning on having later on:


  8. cjd says:

    Kamikaze style? I hope that’s not code for commando. Now if Liz did the interview that way, different story.

  9. Jimmy Two-Times says:

    What am I watching and why am I watching it?
    Will this be any better than “I Dream of Jeannie” re-runs?

  10. Jeff G. says:

    Likely this will be much worse than I Dream of Jeannie re-runs.

  11. Dan Collins says:

    Geez, I had a chick like that in a bottle I’d be rubbing its neck raw.

  12. ushie says:

    Will you be wearing an I Dream of Jeannie costume?

  13. Sdferr says:

    They seem to have a reverb going on right now? You all hearing that too?

  14. Liz Stephans says:

    Sdferr — that is yesterday’s show looping. We’re live in about five. And yes, we had horrible tech gremlins strike yesterday. Echo with a capital “E.”

  15. happyfeet says:

    oh. Like the nymph?

  16. Sdferr says:

    Liz, and they said torture was going to end in the US of A? I feels for ya.

  17. SarahW says:

    I don’t have room for the plug-in. Rats.
    “Regular” link is still blank.

  18. SarahW says:

    I something amiss? The wmv link has picture and no sound at all.

  19. dicentra says:

    I was on the B-cast for a bit, then it stopped. I only get the splash screen. Did you morons overload the system?

    I was there first! Dibs!

  20. SarahW says:

    Is that what that’s called? (splash screen).

    That’s what I see. No sound, though.

  21. dicentra says:

    Oh, there they are. Sound and picture!

  22. Jimmy Two-Times says:

    Do you think that one day, assuming that advances in home video continue, we will be able to watch 60’s sitcoms with the actress’ clothes digitally removed?
    I’ve developed this thing for Mrs. Amanda Bellows…

  23. Andrew Sullivan says:

    Jeff, do you know where I can get some Schadenfreud and how the hell did you get one of those stealth cameras in my D.C. apartment?

    Just be glad you did not get one in my P-Town place, because if you did your eyes would melt out of your head.

  24. dicentra says:

    “Splash screen” is the term for what you see when you first open a program or whatever. Dunno if TV people use the same term. I’m in the IT field.

  25. happyfeet says:

    I feel excluded.

  26. SarahW says:

    Testosterone-infused bubbling?

  27. Liz Stephans says:

    We put up the slate (b-cast logo) to signal we are about to go live :) It interrupts the looping file from the previous day. Link to show:

  28. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Jeff looks a lot like the PJM banner

  29. SarahW says:

    I was totally sure that PJM would lose and was losing money on it… I just assumed it was a start up loss leader deal,.

  30. dicentra says:

    We begin to hear our own voices, and it becomes the self-absorbed blog world that it is!

  31. McGehee says:

    The delayed feed isn’t exactly plug-in free in Firefox, sad to say. It wants me to install Windows Media Player 11.

    I’d sooner install Vista.

  32. SarahW says:

    Then the PJTV launched. There was doom ahead. There still is, I think.

  33. BJTexs says:

    Dan, what is this about an owed case of beer? How could you disappoint Liz like that.

  34. SarahW says:

    Yeah, Simon was kind of brattily defensive. He bristled inarfully.

  35. SarahW says:

    inartfully, too.

  36. happyfeet says:

    So then what happened? Are we gonna talk about the wingnut welfare meme Roger helpfully launched?

  37. SarahW says:

    I’ve given PJTV a fair shot. It’s not great stuff. I’m the intended audience, and they fail.

  38. happyfeet says:

    No. Is boring. The dirty socialists do it better and for free.

  39. Roger Simon says:

    Does any one know Rod Blagojevich’s phone number? I need a hair helmet.

  40. SarahW says:

    It needs something, that PJTV… a visual realtime medium demands something they don’t yet deliver. Its not funny enough.

  41. Jimmy Two-Times says:

    To me PJTV always sounded like a dumb idea, even if it were free.
    As a paid subscription service I’m pretty sure it will leave a crater in the Internet.
    I’d pay to see Pam Geller and Charles Johnson beat the hell out of each other with socks filled with quarters.
    That would be cool.

  42. SarahW says:

    B-cast is less stiff. PJTV wants to be Hollywood without the chops.

  43. SarahW says:

    Yeah, I’m for the sock-fight.

  44. SarahW says:

    Shake that money-maker, JG.

  45. SarahW says:

    Agree with that long-run, organically organizing approach.

  46. Bob Reed says:

    Nice interview Jeff G.

    I especially like the photos of you in the Outlaw! jeans and shades…

  47. Bob Reed says:

    Use a gravelly voice affectation and belt it out strong…


  48. Jimmy Two-Times says:


  49. SarahW says:


  50. happyfeet says:

    I don’t want to be in your stupid steaming video club anyway.

  51. SarahW says:

    Ocicats, rather.

  52. Dan Collins says:

    Excellent job, Jeff.

  53. happyfeet says:

    oh. *streaming* or, whichever.

  54. Bob Reed says:

    Watch it later hf,

    You’ll like it I think…

  55. Dan Collins says:

    Sorry, BJ. I need to gather a bunch of Vermont brews and send them to them.

  56. Bob Reed says:

    Say it like Lee Marvin would Jeff G.

    I’m an Outlaw!, Dammit!

  57. happyfeet says:

    I will Bob. I just hardly ever have a chance to actually be for real oppressed by our filtering policy so I’m sort of wallowing in it.

  58. SarahW says:

    See, now Roger Simon would pick up some viewers if he weren’t too proud to put on joke Blagojevich hair.

  59. Bob Reed says:

    Or maybe in hushed tones, with quiet authority like Clint Eastwood…

    I’m an Outlaw!, punk!

  60. Jeff G. says:

    I wasn’t expecting the OUTLAW question.

    Still, I think it needs the fringes.

  61. SarahW says:

    It’s nice to see a webcast interview where the interviewer voices are soothing and radio-ready instead of irritatingly affected, weak, tinny, accented, scraping, robotic, and all those other things they might be which some are. I might listen to B-cast again.

  62. Sdferr says:

    Explaining the backstory of the outlaw can’t be outlaw. Kinda like that writer fellow in Unforgiven explaining Little Bill or English Bob, let alone Bill Munny.

  63. SarahW says:

    #60 for sure.

  64. SarahW says:

    Can you ctunnel like an outlaw, HF?

  65. Jimmy Two-Times says:

    SarahW, that might be because they are using mixing software to ‘sweeten’ the voices.
    That makes all the difference in the world but almost no one does it on the Internet.

  66. SarahW says:

    Jimmy two-times. Hmm. I hadn’t thought of that. Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science? :)

  67. SarahW says:

    Actaully I think a lot of “what’s his names” voice talent comes naturally. I like his easiness talking on-air.

  68. parsnip says:

    I miss Wayne’s World.


  69. Liz Stephans says:

    Thanks for a great interview, Jeff :) Now get back to NCIS! There will be a quiz later…

  70. Liz Stephans says:

    Unfortunately, “what’s his name’s” voice comes naturally. Unfortunate because now I can’t tease him about it.

  71. happyfeet says:

    Proxies used to work on the old filtering system but I haven’t tried with the new one yet. I should. I don’t get how they can deploy the same system to the blackberries. I’m gonna have to ask how that works. Oh. They do that voice thing on NPR all the time … they used to harshen up soundbites of Bush or Condi or McCain or McLellan’s all the time to make it irritating and then contrast it with the mellifluous tones of that dirty socialist Chicago dipshit person what is making a spectacle of himself trying to put together an administration by tapping a pool of taxpaying-averse corrupt dirty socialist lackeys.

  72. Jimmy Two-Times says:

    At one point in time I was thinking of doing a podcast with my own gang of psychopaths and running the voices through compressors, and with a bit of tweaking in Adobe Audition, gave everyone a nice ‘radio voice’. Normalization is a big help too.
    Then I suddenly realized that the Internet was a waste of time when compared to doing something productive like watching ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ re-runs.

  73. happyfeet says:

    Mark Harmon will be 60 before Baracky’s first term is over. Better him than me.

  74. dicentra says:

    I had to cut out at 2:30, so where can I find an archived version for the rest of the interview?

  75. B Moe says:

    It wants me to install Windows Media Player 11.

    I’d sooner install Vista.

    I have Vista. It won’t let me install Media Player 11.

    One of these days this poor innocent little plastic box is going to suffer a gruesome death because of the horrid software is has subjected me to. I know it isn’t its fault, don’t blame the messenger and all that, but I am going to stomp it into a million pieces and it is going to make me feel so fucking good.

  76. Dan Collins says:

    You’ll be able to find the two parts of the archived BCast here, in an hour or two. Jeff’s in the first part.

  77. Liz Stephans says:

    Dicentra – we’ll post it later on tonight here:

  78. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks, Liz. Good interview.

  79. Dan Collins says:

    Thank Scott, too, and send me that addy, so that I can redeem myself.

  80. Carin says:

    Well, shesh. I work one day a week and look what I miss.

  81. dicentra says:

    Thanks, Liz. I’ll be watching for it.

  82. Slartibartfast says:

    Shit, I missed it.

    Pesky work. You’d think that there wouldn’t be quite so much doing-stuff involved..

  83. Dan Collins says:

    All right, casual user. Go to Find the tabs. Go to Breitbart TV. Find the tab for The BCast. The top posting should be today’s show.

  84. Mikey NTH says:

    Would kamikaze style for a Jewish person involve shouting “Torah! Torah! Torah!”?

  85. What the hell? Screw around on the web all morning and nothing happens. Pay a few bills and BLAMMO!

    Was it any good?

  86. Mikey NTH says:

    #72 Haps:

    The late Michael Kelly wrote a column mocking NPR. He titled it ‘All Is Lost’ and the NPR guy was named ‘Perfectly Modulated Voice of Reason’.

    I agree, it is an annoying, patronizing tone of voice, the kind a nanny or governess would use on a recalcitrant child. Perhaps some listeners respond favorably to that; I know that I don’t.

  87. parsnip says:

    Thursday, January 10, 2002
    Allright…everyone’s talking about this blogger technology — let’s see if it works.

    posted by Matthew at 1/10/2002 11:50:00 PM

    You never know…what could be the start of something.

  88. happyfeet says:

    Mikey – also it’s never natural speech with NPR … they “clean up” and heavily edit all their interviews to emphasize whatever the interviewer wants to emphasize and they edit out pauses or excessive Caroline Kennedy stammerings. They tend to do a better job cleaning up some people rather than others.

  89. B Moe says:

    What is the name of Liz’s sock monkey, what I want to know.

  90. Mikey NTH says:

    #94 Haps:

    Ah. I was not aware of the production changes, because I can’t listen to NPR; and I can’t listen because the ‘perfectly modulated voice of reason’ always gets my blood boiling. It is so fake, and it is so patronizing. It is also so – how can I say this – like they are interchangable, they are sll the same. No matter if it is a man or a woman, they don’t have any seperate personalities. Just part of the NPR Borg Collective.

    Now, WJR 760 AM, they don’t do that, their hosts have their own personalities.

  91. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    NPR for real reminds me of when I used to pick up Radio Pyongyang on the shortwave when I was a teenager.

    On the North Korean station, they always said “Our Great Leader, Kim Il Sung”, in full, every time he was mentioned. He became known as OGLKIS to radio geeks everywhere.

    NPR has a very, very similar style and tone of voice. They just need to start calling him “Our Great Leader, Barky Smoot Obama” and the resemblance will be perfect.

    I’ll check out the interview archive later on.

  92. happyfeet says:

    I stopped listening to them on election day and haven’t turned them on since. Socialist propaganda when the dirty socialists are already in power… I can’t rationalize listening to that. Before it was kind of informative to hear the dirty socialist posturings, but now they’re just an extension of the State. Boring.

  93. Mikey NTH says:

    Thinking further on the ‘NPR diction’; it is so unusual because the other broadcast media – radio and television – do not use it. They are clear, they are understandable to a broad selection of people across the country: but they don’t have that fake, stilted diction, which seems to be unique to NPR.

    I wonder why NPR has institutionalized that speaking style? They have to train people for it, but why? Are they trying to do an American version of an Ox-Bridge BBC style? If so, please stop.

  94. Jeff G. says:

    Sorry for all the “y’knows” in the middle there. I forgot to turn off call waiting and my cell phone, and I was suddenly inundated with additional sensory information I had to filter through.

    My response to said challenge? Throw in some phatic “you knows” until I could figure out what the question was, or what I was saying seconds before that needed a continuation.

    I blame Bush.

  95. happyfeet says:

    it is so unusual because the other broadcast media – radio and television – do not use it

    it’s also always been considered extremely poor journalism to frame news pieces with musical selections that bias how news is received, but not on NPR… they went through every mournful wake they could find to introduce and segue from their Iraq coverage. They all but played goddamn Taps.

  96. happyfeet says:

    oh. Got it. Sometimes I say I think sort of a lot gratuitously. Effing Bush.

  97. Rick Ballard says:

    Geez, I’da gone with “raging torrents of thought momentarily hampered my ability to vocalize…”. It really wasn’t that noticeable.

  98. Mikey NTH says:

    It’s your opinions, Haps. I hope you are thinkin’ about ’em.

    (That’s a good thing.)

  99. Mr. Bingley says:

    This is exactly why PJM-tv will suck donkey dongs: there are too many stupid standards and plug-ins required to watch this crap and one gets too frustrated. I’ve downloaded things and nothing seems to play. puta.

  100. serr8d says:

    Nice armadillo~! Which of you wags sent that in I wonder?

    (aside…that PJTV sample video clip, starring Dr. Helen, is the only PJTV I’ve ever watched. Comparing that cringeworthy sample to, say, Liz and the BCast, I’m reminded of Crocodile Dundee saying “That ain’t a knife. This is a knife.”

  101. Mikey NTH says:

    I haven’t watched many blog-video clips. Ed Driscoll’s are pretty good, and I have watched those. He seems to know how to put it together – more interesting and less ‘old school movie on a Bell & Howell’.

    Let me say that I loved those movies on the old Bell & Howell’s for the same reason everyone else did – it ate up the school day. And knowing how to set up and run those old projectors was fun – lots of parts to click and move and play around with. A big green-gray toy.

  102. serr8d says:

    Yeah, I remember a lot of those, Mickey NTH. The ones from ‘Health’ class (8th grade or so) dealing with STD’s and drugs were most amusing. Then, later, there were the gratuitous bloody wrecks in Driver’s Ed.

  103. Dan Collins says:

    I was scared of the child swallowing abandoned refrigerators and the blasting caps. On the other hand, I was fascinated by the LSD.

  104. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Many of those old health films are available at

  105. parsnip says:

    PJTV represents everything that’s wrong with America.

    We all know it’s gong to fail, but it goes ahead anyway.

    Real Capitalism is dead in this country.

  106. Mr. Bingley says:

    The “Ohio State Patrol” flicks were the best!

  107. Mikey NTH says:

    I think the best of the school movies I saw was titled ‘Life in the Thirties’. It gave a good, quick overview of the decade and ended with the ’39 World’s Fair.

    There was so much that was depressing, but this end with a hope for the future. It was so much that time. I should ask Lileks if he has that somewhere.

    If he doesn’t give his stuff to the Smithsonian, and they don’t accept it gleefuly, then there is something very wrong somewhere.

  108. serr8d says:

    Thanks for that link, SBP.

    I assure you this was not shown in any of my classes (Sex Madness, 1938). I’m not that old. Really.

  109. Slartibartfast says:

    I thought that was “THE Ohio State”.

    Don’t you have to say it that way every time those three words come in that order? I thought it was law, somewheres.

    OT: Bingely, your 1981 pic that you linked to…where was that taken? Looks suspiciously like my freshman dorm.

  110. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Thanks for that link, SBP.

    Yeah, a lot of useful stuff on that site. They’re the same folks who run the Wayback Machine. They’ve got a pretty good collection of free (and legal) music, too.

  111. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Listening to the Breitbart thingie now…

  112. Mr. Bingley says:

    slarti: i was visiting someone at William and Mary ( I was at UVa)

  113. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    The Wayback Machine that scrubs stuff it doesn’t like?

    Was it actually scrubbed by the Wayback Machine, or did the originating site add a robots.txt entry that said to not archive it any more?

  114. Slartibartfast says:

    Ah. Thanks. My freshman dorm wasn’t at either place, except for maybe that one weekend where it got drunk and got road-tripped God knows where, and had to spring for a bus ticket back home.

    I think I slept through that, though.

  115. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    did the originating site add a robots.txt entry that said to not archive it any more?

    The difference being that the archiving is somewhat questionable, from a copyright point of view. They more or less have to remove the stuff if the originating site requests it.

    See question two.

  116. Dan Collins says:

    Hmmmmm. Dunno, really, SBP. If I’m wrong, apologies to

  117. Jeff G. says:

    Are you people able to access the part of the show that I was on? My wife seems to be getting only the second hour.

  118. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Yeah, the originating site is disallowing all robots/spiders/web crawlers… they’ve got a * wildcard in there for the user agent.

  119. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I don’t know which hour I’m getting, Jeff. Right now it’s showing a guy in a black pullover and a cute woman talking about CPM and ad impressions. I’ve got it running in another tab, listening for the “G” word to enter the conversation

  120. dicentra says:

    This is supposed to be the Jeff broadcast.

    But it’s the one about that dewd what went on the View. Yesterday’s thing.

  121. dicentra says:


  122. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    The one that I’m listening to has the title “The B-Cast Live: Conservative Bloggers Struggle to Find New Revenue Sources In Turbulent Internet Times”, which seemed like a likely suspect.

    Getting kind of tired of hearing about banner ad pricing, but there don’t seem to be any controls. Could be because I’m using Flip4Mac, I guess.

    Ah, crap. It just stopped playing.

  123. serr8d says:

    Yeah, I went back looking for the BCast video (after perusing sex in ’38) and can’t find it anymore, anywhere.

    Dan, instead of a case of beer, you should send that guy (not Liz!) a Dummy’s Guide to Permalinks or something.. )

  124. serr8d says:

    For whatever reason, my Firefox DownloadHelper add-on doesn’t hit on those sorts of videos (explains the RayV?) so I couldn’t just seize it like I do with YouTubes. Bummer.

  125. happyfeet says:

    I like how that guy says PROtein Wisdom instead of Protein WISdom.

  126. cranky-d says:

    SBP, that is the second half of the “broadcast.” I also had the same dropout issues when watching it semi-live (I started watching about 10 minutes after the hour), though I did hear Jeff’s portion all the way through. It ran about 25 minutes I think.

  127. happyfeet says:

    That guy is taking luxurious look and feel of a quarter zip pullover beyond the weekend. He might should look at one of these which is almost the same thing but with a stylish Blue Bunny logo.

    All this talk about “the model” is maybe giving them more credit than they deserve given their experience with models I think. I wish it had come up how really odd it is that they went with a model that lost them money from the beginning.

    Oh. The you knows aren’t bad at all really and I’m glad about the no shortage of opportunities. I love the outside the box part. That’s ironic given the meme propagation prowess Mr. Bonesteel claims. (Today, with a couple of weeks of prep, I can get a return ‘hit’ in a matter of days…*) oh. I don’t think the outlaw thing is cliched yet at all.

  128. SteveG says:

    Good luck with convincing your wife that you actually got off the couch today…
    “Oh yeah baby I’m on in the second hour… or was that the first?”

    The “Liz Stephans Gone Wild” DVD’s scattered around the living room probably aren’t helping either.

  129. happyfeet says:

    oh. *the* luxurious look and feel. I stoled that from the copy on the site.

  130. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Ah, so that would be the famous Liz Stephans that Dan is always macking on.

    What the hell is up with these proprietary players, anyway? There’s a reason YouTube was so succesful, folks. It’s because everyone can play Flash video without farting around installing a whole bunch of crap or allowing the player to set 5 million cookies.

    FLV for low-res, MPEG for higher-res = everyone can watch your show. No WMV. No Quicktime. No weird-assed codecs that require six downloads and a reboot.

    I mean, why go out of your way to make it hard for people to watch? Doesn’t make sense.

  131. serr8d says:

    LOL, SBP.

    Think how much worse it would be if you had a Mac. You’d have to special-order repair parts from proprietary sources and still not have a reliable machine.

    (you do have the box checked “Use my choice for all cookies from this site” don’t you?)

  132. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Think how much worse it would be if you had a Mac.

    I do use Macs… got several of ’em, in fact. Two MacBooks (one used by the wife), a new iMac, and a G5 with a couple of TB that I use for a home file server. 8 core Mac Pro at work.

    They use regular hard drives, memories, Intel CPUs, mice, keyboards, you name it.

    Very popular in the programming world these days. When I go to research talks, the audience tends to be about 50-50 Mac and Linux, maybe one or two Windows machines in an audience of 50 people. Ten years ago it was 50-50 Windows/Linux. That’s not good news for Bill – these guys are the ones designing the stuff you’ll be using five years from now.

    I also have a few (rarely booted) Windows machines and a few Linux boxen hanging around, but it’s just as easy to fire those up in a VM if I need to test something on those platforms. Not worth doing it just to watch a video, though. :-)

    I had (and still have) a strong distaste for the classic MacOS, but OS X changed things. Rich Unixy goodness in a candy-coated shell.

  133. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    (you do have the box checked “Use my choice for all cookies from this site” don’t you?)

    Unfortunately, doing that for Flash cookies requires visiting a separate site. Royal PITA. Faster to just click no, unless you get a site that’s super-persistant.

  134. serr8d says:

    Actually, that Mac-dig I posted was directed at Dan, who I remember just last week was without his Mac, having to ‘order parts’ for whatever reason.

    I’m an old Amiga guy, really. But Winboxes are generically easy, as long as you stay away from Vista.

  135. SarahW says:

    Amiga, really? I had one. I loved Amiga paint so very very much.

  136. SarahW says:

    Or whatever it was called. I’ve forgotten.

  137. cranky-d says:

    Someone say Amiga? I still have mine. 68030/68882 @ 50 mhz with 32 MB of memory. 700MB hard drive. Suck it, bitches!

    It’s in the basement. I use intel boxes now.

  138. thor says:

    You did good, Jeff.

  139. thor says:

    Comment by Spies, Brigands, and Pirates on 2/3 @ 10:04 pm #

    They use regular hard drives, memories, Intel CPUs, mice, keyboards, you name it.

    Very popular in the programming world these days. When I go to research talks

    What do you researchers talk about, the lack of but a few Intel CPUs, shitty motherboards and how most of the Linux apps on Sourceforge suckass because they were written by highschool kids?

    You work in the real IT world, I can tell.

  140. I thought it went pretty well. I’ve never watched one of those before.

  141. Slartibartfast says:

    Very popular in the programming world these days.

    Interesting. There are thousands of programmers here at Lockmart, and they all use Windows machines. With some reliance on old Solaris machines to run the configuration control stuff. No one in engineering, that I know of, uses a Mac. Not that there’s anything wrong with Macs, but when you can get a 3 GHz dual-processor CPU with a couple of gig of RAM for just a few hundred bucks, the machines start to look disposable.

    Me, I use Windows for pretty much everything, now, except when I have to get down to the binary level. Then it’s Cygwin.

    My shame is that I use Excel for most of my data visualization needs, except when dealing with files that exceed 32k records. Excel is just easier to use than Matlab, which is what I use for the big files, and for the complicated post-processing.

  142. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    3 GHz dual-processor CPU with a couple of gig of RAM for just a few hundred bucks, the machines start to look disposable.

    The other part of that is how much time you spend reinstalling all your apps and migrating your data after the inevitable registry crash (or when you move to a new machine), the time spent futzing around with anti-virus stuff, and so on.

    With the Mac you just plug ’em together with the Firewire cable and go to lunch. When you come back all of your stuff is on the new machine and working, just as it was before.

    It doesn’t take too much of a programmer’s time before that couple of hundred bucks saved on the Windows machine starts to look like a bad deal.

    Then it’s Cygwin.

    Well, if you had a Mac you wouldn’t need to use fake Unix. :-)

  143. Dan Collins says:


    Civility NOW!

  144. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    It depends on what you do, really. If you’re running hardware related engineering stuff, like Autocad, some of the FEA packages, or SPICE, you might want Windows. Software engineering stuff (especially stuff that’s going to be deployed to Unix or Linux servers), the Mac is a much better choice. You have the same environment on your development machine that you do on the deployment server, and that can save a helluva lot of time.

  145. Slartibartfast says:

    The other part of that is how much time you spend reinstalling all your apps and migrating your data after the inevitable registry crash (or when you move to a new machine), the time spent futzing around with anti-virus stuff, and so on.

    I’ve never once had a registry crash. That’s in eight years plus of working on the same, mass-purchase Dell trash machines.

    I did have a major catastrophe once that set me back for a couple of weeks. Turns out that most computers don’t like being underneath a busted water main for ten minutes, then sitting in a couple of inches of water for hours. Who knew?

    It doesn’t take too much of a programmer’s time before that couple of hundred bucks saved on the Windows machine starts to look like a bad deal.

    That’s a swell-sounding argument, but it’s not my couple of hundred, nor is it my choice.

    Well, if you had a Mac you wouldn’t need to use fake Unix. :-)

    Mac does od -x? Sweet.

    If you’re running hardware related engineering stuff, like Autocad, some of the FEA packages, or SPICE, you might want Windows.

    Nah. I write my own tools. They suck, too, but they’re mine.

    One of these days I’m going to have to really learn C++.

    OTOH, what I write is currently flying around in combat, so there’s that to consider.

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