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October 2024


Blind Old Cracker Lady Rescued by National Guard [Dan Collins]

As Sgt. Michael Franks pulled up to a shack resting among the ice-coated limbs of a forest in northeast Arkansas, he said he couldn’t believe that anyone was living on the property located miles from any major road — let alone a 92-year-old woman waiting for something to eat. But there was Jewel Kitrel, sitting on a tattered couch, warming herself by a wood-burning stove.

Kitrel has lost almost all of her vision, and Franks said he and four other Arkansas National Guardsmen had to explain that they were sent to check on her and bring her food and water after the debris from last week’s ice storm made it impossible for her regular nurse to deliver her food.

“She just broke down and started crying,” said Franks. “She was so happy that we had come out there, and that we cared enough to come out and see her to make sure she was alright.”

From Frank P: We shan’t have this golliwoggery in the New Britain.

More timely topicality:

In an online question-and-answer exchange with readers this week, Keller said that although advertising generates the bulk of online revenue, “a lively, deadly serious discussion continues within The Times about ways to get consumers to pay for what we make.”

I think they should hire these chaps as consultants.

28 Replies to “Blind Old Cracker Lady Rescued by National Guard [Dan Collins]”

  1. Mikey NTH says:

    If the Coast Guard can’t get there, then the Army Nat. Guard will.

    Thank you, guys.

  2. Seth says:

    It’s the most gratifying part of the job.

  3. router says:

    We need to understand that leftism is not an intellectual construct but rather a social one. Much like the concept of the divine right of kings, all the millions of works of leftist thought exist solely to elevate the social status of a non-productive class of articulate intellectuals and those who identify with them. As the tale of two poverties shows, they don’t have to create a predictive model that can explain the differing outcomes of different people in the same circumstances, they just need to spin a tale targeted to each particular group.

    At its heart, leftism is not an intellectual pursuit, it is marketing and the product being marketed is the leftists themselves.

    My Page Name

  4. Bob Reed says:

    God bless those Guardsmen…

    But the question still remains. Why didn’t Obama order them in? Why hasn’t he sent FEMA in to help? Isn’t he concerned about folks like Ms. Kitrel, or is human life more valuable in urban areas?

    Here’s an instance where voting present may have directly led to lost lives…

    Obama Dithered, People Shivered!, Obama Fried, While People Died!, Obama Turns up the Heat, While People Died in the Street!, Obama Took in a Show, While People Died in the Snow!, Obama Took a Shower, While People Suffered no Power!

  5. happyfeet says:

    Keller is a tard. The New York Times is a shit brand. People won’t pay, and how long can advertisers carry the risk of putting out the message that hey, we’re so hardup we have to advertise in the New York Times? Keller should ask himself… would I get caught dead being seen eating at a Dairy Queen? Then why would I expect advertisers to buy space in my shitty dirty socialist white trash paper?

  6. Big D says:

    Bob Reed,

    I am now cleaning my monitor! Good show. I’ll now add you to the list of comments not to read while drinking!

  7. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Obama deals, old man congeals!

    Obama dozed while people froze!

  8. Pablo says:

    Just like Katrina!

  9. Pablo says:

    Except that local government was a gaggle of stumblebums.

  10. Buffoon says:

    Kudos to our troops, and may I be so bold to say, country folk can survive… WITHOUT da gub’ment…. “be careful what you accept from the government, they’ll be back around to take payment in your freedoms”

  11. From all accounts, things between local government and FEMA went pretty much the way they were supposed to.

    huh? What’s this then?

    Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.

    “We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”

    Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so far.

  12. *sigh* this thing is eating more links lately…

  13. NC says:

    Hi Maggie.

  14. SmokeVanThorn says:

    I forget who pointed it out, but it really is true that the best indication that a story hurts the One is a leftist telling us that there is no story. Thanks, “causual.”

  15. NC says:

    I lost confidence in the media in about 68 or so when I saw Dan Rather going on and on about how the Marines were burning these huts and Oh, how terrible that was.  I remember saying to the TV that yeah, they were burning out OP’s and FO positions.  Walter Cronkite did his shtick after that and it was all downhill.
    Seems to me that a certain President got a lot of guff over his handling of a natural disaster.  Do the same standards apply?  If not, I would love to hear why not.

  16. Roland THTG says:

    Are the Kentuckians eating each other yet?

  17. Dan Collins says:

    Roland, they would, but they can’t find anything in Grannie’s recipe book.

  18. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Those fucking crackers aren’t even looting. Too stupid to seize the opportunity, I guess.

  19. thor says:

    They haven’t even run out of moonshine yet. Patience, Mr. Duke.

  20. Joe says:

    Old Cracker Ladies are fun too.

  21. mojo says:

    “Nice Army base you ‘ave ‘ere, Colonel. Be a shame if anything were to ‘appen to it…”
    — Luigi Fercotti

  22. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Except that local government was a gaggle of stumblebums.”

    Exactly right, Pablo. But to eunichs, such as assclown, they dare not critique Mayor Chocolate City. RACIST!!!!! It must absolutely suck being so incredibly spineless. More the pity for you, assclown.

  23. MAJ (P) John says:

    “Why didn’t Obama order them in?”

    They were not his to order anywhere. Unless Guard is on Title 10 orders (“Federalized”) they belong to their Governor. KY hasn’t sent out any requests to other States under the Compact – like LA did – that I am aware of, for help from their Guardsmen.

    They don’t need more National Guard, they sound like they need some of the back-up that FEMA would normally provide (per the quote given in #13). But FEMA only gets criticized under certain Administrations.

  24. thor says:

    If you’re criticizing FEMA then you would be contradicting yourself, counselor.

  25. LTC John says:

    No, I’m criticising the press and the Democratic politicians and other human crpa sacks that lied themselves blue over Katrina, but are eyes firmly shut, mouths silent and ears stoppered about KY.

  26. RTO Trainer says:

    Wow. Looks like something good happened within a 10 hour space.

    Congratulations, Sir!

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