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February 2009


February 2009

Irresponsible choice and the failures of social construct theory: a few follow-on thoughts in response to a certain brand of academic feminist

As a follow up to Darleen’s post, I’d like to offer a few thoughts that struck me immediately upon learning Ms Marcotte’s (predictable) position on the case in question. Writes Amanda: The theory that women have a natural urge to have babies is one that’s got a long and ignoble sexist history, […] None of that is to say that the urge to have children that some (but far from

Stupid Bushitler Fails to Live Up to Press [Dan Collins]

From RedState: Polling Group Censures Iraq Death Toll Researcher A prominent group of polling researchers has accused the lead author of a 2006 study suggesting massive civilian deaths in Iraq of violating the polling profession’s codes and ethics. The Executive Council of the American Association for Public Opinion Research said Dr. Gilbert Burnham, a Johns Hopkins University professor, had repeatedly refused to cooperate with an eight-month investigation into his research

Trouble in Socialist Paradise [Dan Collins]

Anti-Papist advisor to Henry VIII sees treason in Lord Ahmed’s Islamist threats to Parliament: As far as Cranmer is concerned, any person, however ennobled, who threatens to bring a horde of 10,000 Muslims upon Parliament in order to stifle debate and bully it into submission is no ‘moderate’. By threatening this, Lord Ahmed has shown himself to be one of the very extremists he purports to eschew, committed to the

Civility NOW! [Dan Collins]

Responding to the hithertounforeseen senseless rage of conservatives unleashed against The One during the opening days of his administration, a new grassroots movement, Civility NOW! has arisen. Former Clinton adviser Lanny Davis heads up this important new movement, tirelessly jetting from talk show to talk show to undertake the important task of reminding Americans that we are all bound together by common interests and should give our new President the

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Him [Dan Collins]

A companion to this morning’s post, from RedState: In both the House and Senate version of the stimulus there is a provision that is tailor made for the ACLU to shut down more boy scout troops, divinity schools, etc. As Jeff Poor notes Both versions of the bill, the House version (H.R. 1) that passed on Jan. 28 by a 244-188 margin, without a single Republican vote, and the Senate

Blind Old Cracker Lady Rescued by National Guard [Dan Collins]

As Sgt. Michael Franks pulled up to a shack resting among the ice-coated limbs of a forest in northeast Arkansas, he said he couldn’t believe that anyone was living on the property located miles from any major road — let alone a 92-year-old woman waiting for something to eat. But there was Jewel Kitrel, sitting on a tattered couch, warming herself by a wood-burning stove. Kitrel has lost almost all

Christmas in Darfur [Dan Collins]

BRD’s Christmas in Darfur is available. Please go watch it. Call 1-800-GENOCIDE Ghaddafi behind Janjaweed? Christian Bale goes ballistic, and you can dance to it.

NPR Brings teh Funny [Dan Collins]

Old Politics Crash Into Obama’s New Standards Well, it may not be Camelot, but it’s Waiver-ley. Osama Sam-Lufti threatens Britney.

Liz and what’s-his-face meet Jeff

…At 2 MT. From what I understand from Dan, you can IM or email directly. You can watch here — but to grab the higher quality feed live, you’ll need to download the viewer software. I’m told it takes about 3 minutes to download. Or you can watch the delayed feed here plug-in free.* Don’t be afraid to IM or email questions. Because frankly, I don’t have all that much

Opinion: Obama and the Augean Stables [Dan Collins]

I would like personally to thank the demi-God Obama for undertaking the hard task of exposing political corruption in Washington, DC, one nominee at a time. And to answer Drew M’s question, Mrs. Edwards promises John’s book will tell all.