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October 2024


Trouble in Socialist Paradise [Dan Collins]

Anti-Papist advisor to Henry VIII sees treason in Lord Ahmed’s Islamist threats to Parliament:

As far as Cranmer is concerned, any person, however ennobled, who threatens to bring a horde of 10,000 Muslims upon Parliament in order to stifle debate and bully it into submission is no ‘moderate’. By threatening this, Lord Ahmed has shown himself to be one of the very extremists he purports to eschew, committed to the same ideology as those who seek to impose Shari’a law upon the UK and subjugate the kuffar to the will of Allah. He is of the very mindset of those imams imported from Pakistan who poison the minds of Britain’s Muslim youth and distort the teachings of the Qur’an for their own warped ends. He is an arrogant bully, manifestly used to getting his own way, and he lords it over their Lordships to the extent that his religio-political adherence exhorts him to do so.

Can’t we just all get along? Civility NOW! (h/t Frank P.)

5 Replies to “Trouble in Socialist Paradise [Dan Collins]”

  1. Mr. Pink says:

    And just think fighting them only breeds more of them supposedly. I guess the only thing to do is submit.

  2. Bob Reed says:

    You know, by the sound of his tactics, Lord Ahmed sounds like an, ahem, community organizer to me…

    I didn’t know they allowed flak-catchers to get mau-mau-ed in the UK? I thought they were more civil then that…

    Yep, in this country he;s be called a good Democrat, comitted to social justice, and dedicated to achieve it by any means necessary

    Lord Ahmed has been a Labour life peer since 1998…”

    Oh, well that explains it right there; he is a socialist for sure…

    Like I said, he’s fit right in with the Democratic party…

  3. Techie says:

    “Lord Ahmed has been a Labour life peer since 1998. ”

    And you thought we had problems with elections and term limits…………….

  4. Silver Whistle says:

    I would think that His Grace is living more in hope than in expectation. I would imagine a turf accountant giving 100:1 against Lord Ahmed being prosecuted for anything other than the death of Martin Gombar. This government will lie on its back and show its nipples to the Baron Ahmed’s horde of 10,000.

  5. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    He actually used the word “horde”. Well, someone’s going to be getting some hate mail, I reckon.

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