
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

February 2009


February 2009

Be Very Afraid [Dan Collins]

Wonderful piece on Fear and Loathing of the New Outlawry by Charles Winecoff.

Blowing Up Public School Systems [Dan Collins]

Probably the single most discussed part of O!s question-and-answer in Darleen’s thread from last night, and face it, there were some doozies, was this bit: I think there are areas like education, where some in my party have been too resistant to reform, and have argued only money makes a difference. And there have been others on the Republican side or the conservative side who said, no matter how much

Hope Her Taxes Are Paid Up [Dan Collins]

Obama faces tough question

SecProgg Obamitarianism Becomes Established Faith [Dan Collins]

Time to march: Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement after Democrats voted 43-54 against his amendment to strike language from the economic stimulus bill that discriminates against students of faith. Senator DeMint’s amendment would have eliminated a provision that bans any university or college receiving funds to renovate buildings, from allowing “sectarian instruction” or “religious worship” within the facility. This would in effect bar use

What Would We Catholics Ever Do [Dan Collins]

without the counsel of Trent? In my piece about Christmas in Darfur at Big Hollywood, I mention the revelation that the famous Lancet “study” attributing 650k Iraqi deaths to the Eeeevil Chimperor has been debunked because the author could not supply a legitimate explanation of his methodology, and for my troubles, I am given this: Trent – February 9th, 2009 at 6:44 am Don’t you find it ironic that you

Never Let Go the Opportunity [Dan Collins]

to turn a problem into a catastrophe. Peter Schiff on the Porkstrosity. (h/t Maggie’s Farm) Preston Taylor Holmes has choice words for DOJ Obamanominee David Ogden, and another egregious asshole gets a blog devoted to his antics. Bad review for the O! More fodder for this morning’s round-up, Arlen Specter reveals why he backs the Omnibus Shafting Act. Movietone! He’s now Senator Halfaloaf.

Too Bad About the Whole Reliving Business [Dan Collins]

Article about 60 Minutes interview with Captain Sullenberger forces passengers to relive reliving of ordeal.

Happy Birthday to Happyfeet [Dan Collins]

and my friend Steve Young, the Program Director at the Poetry Foundation. You guys rock, even if you are kind of a lefty, Steve.

I’m Ready to Start My Online Course [Dan Collins]

I’m still working on the other platform that was very kindly set up by our benefactor, so if you’re interested, please email me at vermontaigne-at-gmail-dot-com. We are beginning with 1599, which is the most accessible of the texts. If you want to get an idea of the subject matter, that’s a good place to start–minimal investment on a book you should probably read anyway, if you’re interested in Shakespeare. When

C’mon Leftists, Go Into Your Dance! [Dan Collins]

So funny! [B]ut near the end of the show things turn tasteless as well. Ferrell/Bush asks the audience for a moment of silence to honor our troops who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. At the performance I saw, most of the audience members went silent but a few tittered nervously. Who can blame them? This is a comedy show. They were expecting a gag, and they soon got one. After