
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Happy Birthday to Happyfeet [Dan Collins]

and my friend Steve Young, the Program Director at the Poetry Foundation. You guys rock, even if you are kind of a lefty, Steve.

73 Replies to “Happy Birthday to Happyfeet [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Thanks, Dan! Cause the Facebook told you it was my birthday. Okay for my birthday this year all I want is for Jeff to post something scathing about the stupid “stimulus” farce thing that’s been in the news. That would be very uplifting I think. I’m gonna go have a smoke and come back and refresh.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    That’s true about the Facebook. And your birthday isn’t so far from Jeff’s, and I suppose that makes you Aquarians, but Obamaquarians, because I think I recall that Steve is an Aquarian. And I like Steve, but his wife, Barbarella, I sometimes like and sometimes don’t like. But mostly I like her, for his sake.

  3. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Happy Birthday, hf!

    Does his wife live in a fur-lined spaceship? ‘Cause that would excuse a multitude of sins, if it were me.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    No, but she lives in a brownstone not far from Obamalot in Chicago.

  5. Rob Crawford says:


  6. Dan Collins says:

    Steve is one of the only people that I ever went out of my way to befriend, at Dartmouth. He was at the frat across the street from mine, The Tabard. We roomed together one very amusing summer, and his sis, who went to UVM, came to live with us, too. That’s when I was seeing the woman named Gregg, and Steve’s then-gf had a Siberian puppy that ate all the crotches out of their swimwear and undies, which was somehow our fault. And one morning we were still tripping and the family kitty-corner to us in Norwich started playing “Annie” and singing along to the record, and my friend Walter said, “Dude, I have to go home,” before we even began the ritual Sunday morning brunch with bottomless Bloody Mary pitchers. Good times.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Thanks Rob and Spies! I’m going to muse. I am going to muse about has anyone else noticed a lull in accusations of the Baracky Derangement Syndrome? I sure have. You’d think they would be in a frenzy collating all teh hate but you know what? I think they’re starting to think all “teh hate” might actually be cogent and compelling and they really don’t want to draw attention to it. I think they kinda know. They know that what their filthy socialist false prophet Baracky is doing raping our little treasury is not something they want to dwell on or call attention to, so they’re pretending not to notice people speaking their minds about it. I’m done musing now.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    Steve’s sister is the one who told me that if I ever starred in a sitcom it would be “Everyone’s Pissed at Dan,” and that was a long time before “Everyone Loves Raymond.”

  9. Rob Crawford says:

    Sadly, happy, I think they’re focusing on another target at the moment. You’ve got the Bill Press “lefty talk radio is oppressed!” editorial and the LAT dedicating an over 1,000 word front page story to Limbaugh. They’re preparing the ground for government censorship at the moment.

    Once they’ve established the “reasonable bounds” on free speech, then the “Obama Derangement Syndrome” accusations will come out again. Along with them will be accusations that “deranged” criticism of The One contribute to racial hatred.

    Naturally, pointing out that Obama is a lying douchebag who can’t seem to keep his stated beliefs straight from day to day will count as “deranged”.

  10. Dan Collins says:

    Ssssssshhhhhhhhhhh. Rob, it’s his birthday, dammit!

  11. Rob Crawford says:

    Oh, sorry to be a downer on a happy birthday wish, but it just struck me that not only do the Obamatons seem to be utterly unpersuaded by any argument based on liberty, but many of them seem quite happy to express their wishes for government power over our lives.

    It’s got me down a bit.

  12. Liz Stephans says:

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy Birthday, Happy Feet! Two ‘happy’s in one sentence – has to mean good things :)

  13. happyfeet says:

    oh. I guess maybe but I wonder but that’s not a phony issue like the Rs would so with their stupid gay flag burning amendments. The Fairness Doctrine isn’t constitutional I don’t think and I really doubt they want to risk getting that certified by the Roberts court. That localism thing is more pernicious, but I have a secret for you. Ok don’t tell the dirty socialists promise? Rush would set satellite radio on fire. Thems little fascists better be really careful what they wish for.

  14. happyfeet says:

    Yay! Thanks Liz!

  15. happyfeet says:

    oh … like the Rs would *do*

  16. guinsPen says:


  17. guinsPen says:

    Oh, and HBD, ‘feets. The krill’s on us.

  18. Rusty says:

    Well, damn! Happy Birthday feets.

  19. Darleen says:

    Happy birthday, HF!!!

    It’s 50 degrees and raining but from the amount of skin being shown (tucked, lipoed and spray-tanned) at the Grammys at Staple’s Center, Los Angeles, you’d think it was a 85 degree day in July.

  20. DCLex says:

    happy birthday hf! I have to say that so many of your comments have made me LOL, yes they have. And have made this whole Baracky thing less nausea-inducing. Well, no they didn’t, nothing’s that strong but they have made for some very bright spots in the darkness.

    Yes, ‘darkness’. I said it.

  21. happyfeet says:

    oh. That’s why all the limos on Ventura headed over the hill. I had no idea it was Grammy day. Thank you DC and guins and Rusty and Darleen. After this stimulus passes DC? I think things will be different. Very badly so. If they can get away with this farce than they know they indeed have a de facto supermajority and things will move very very quickly. Yes, darkness.

  22. Hope it was a happy one, indeed.

  23. Bob Reed says:

    Happy Birthday happyfeet!

    Many happy returns to you, and may you have more of these days in front of you than you have already enjoyed…

    Hope you have a reeeeeealy tasty birthday cake…

  24. happyfeet says:

    Thank you SI and Bob. It was ok. I had to work all day. I’m leaving the office in a few minutes actually. I *almost* bought red velvet cake this morning but I didn’t. I’m on chantix is why so I don’t have to pay the stupid SCHIP tax starting in April and already I’m smoking less which means I really probably should be careful cause they say the average weight gain following cessation is like 7 pounds. My luck I would be an outlier.

  25. happyfeet says:

    oh. They call it cessation. It’s a very sophisticated process.

  26. DCLex says:

    Yup hf… Yannowwhut? it’s a damn crying shame I have to worry about those stupid senators from NH and PA…I have my hands full keeping up with McCain’s little dog Lindsay (thanks again – THAT one I stole). Our own DeMint is doing fine.

    But senators/reps should not have so much power and we shouldn’t have to watch them so damn close; especially the ones from states we dont even live in! We have better, more productive shit to do.

  27. happyfeet says:

    DeMint is a rock star.

  28. Pablo says:

    Happy birthday, ‘feets! One good way to wean off the nicotine without stuffing your face is smoking dope. YMMV.

  29. serr8d says:

    Yes, by all means have a happy b-day ‘feets!

    You’ve probably seen this, most likely..

    To a Turtle

    Taciturn turtle, Sparton of simple space,
    Of what do you think as you make slow pace
    Across the humming highway’s span?
    So small a life to immerse
    In the ferment of the Universe!
    Yet, someway, you, too, are akin to man.

    What man of words could more assure
    That simple things will e’er endure
    Tho centuries never pause;
    Tho civilizations fall and rise,
    Nothing ever falsifies
    The immortality of God’s great laws.

    Tenacious turtle, bent on destined ways!
    Unyielding man no more conveys
    His faith in future dawns.
    World-bound in spinning, sonant space,
    He lifts his resolute, little face.
    Salute the turtle thrusting on.


  30. DCLex says:

    Yeah, DeMint…bless his heart, he tries to make up for Graham, but that’s a tough job for anyone.

    Best of luck with the stop-smoking. Sorry, “cessation”. Oct was a year for me, after 28 years of it. Just take it one hour at a time. Life is SO much easier now.

  31. N. O'Brain says:

    HB, feets, it’s turtles all the way down.

    And in the famous words of B. B. King, “The Krill Is Gone!”

  32. irongrampa says:

    Allow me to add my best wishes also, young sir.

  33. Sdferr says:

    Happy Birthday happyfeet! Best wishes for the remains of the day when you had to work t’other parts. Yay cake. (Well and yay smokes, but not yay smokes too.)

  34. cranky-d says:

    Happy birthday, happyfeet.

  35. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Happy Birthday, happyfeet! Hope it was/is a great one. Take care.

  36. N. O'Brain says:

    A musical tribute to hf on his BD:

  37. happyfeet says:

    World-bound in spinning, sonant space. Love that. Thanks pablo and serr8d and Mr. Brain and irongrampa… and also Sdferr and cranky and OI too. The quitting smoking thing – I’m not kidding it got a LOT easier when Baracky signed the tax increase whenever it was. ok I’m heading homeward now.

  38. geoffb says:

    Happy Birthday Happyfeet!

    God grant you many years, many happy years!

    May all the joy you bring to everyone return to you a thousandfold.

  39. Big D says:

    Happy Birthday Feets. If you get back to Texas, I’ll cook you a steak or smoke up a brisket for you. Hope the day was joyous!

  40. Nan says:

    Happy Birthday, happyfeet. I hope you had a wonderful day.

  41. SDN says:

    Happy Birthday, happyfeet.

  42. RC says:

    Another happy birthday, Mr. ‘feets, from Colorado!

  43. gebrauchshund says:

    And another “Happy Birthday” from Colorado!

    I quit chewing tobacco a couple years ago, but tonight I’ll smoke a cigar in your honor.

  44. McGehee says:

    HB, HF.

    That said, effective … <consults watch> … now, I will no longer “do” birthday wishes on teh intarwebz unless it’s someone I see fairly often in meatspace. Conversely, anyone that doesn’t see me fairly often in meatspace need not concern him/herself with wishing me HB next time mine rolls around. They make me uncomfortable anyway. Like I have to find out their birthdays if they have one and remember to wish them HB.

    Seems like everybody’s got a birthday these days. Like they’re entitled or something.

  45. happyfeet says:

    Thank you all up there. The brisket is an especially nice wish I think. Ok that song makes my day. Who knew? That’s too cool. I’ve gotta find that. McGehee, it’s okay I think to be the birthday curmudgeon. You can be the birthday curmudgeon and I’ll be the Olympics curmudgeon.

  46. B Moe says:

    Happy Birthday, ‘feets! Mine was Friday, I just don’t celebrate them quite so much anymore, the novelty has kind of worn of it you know what I mean.

  47. happyfeet says:

    Yes. This one was mostly sort of reflective.

  48. B Moe says:

    I really probably should be careful cause they say the average weight gain following cessation is like 7 pounds.

    You really do need to be careful and keep up your exercise, in my case I gained about 70, but a more sedentary job had a bit to do with that. I have since lost about half of it, and am slowly making progress downward, but it would have been a lot easier to just nip it in the bud.

  49. happyfeet says:

    That’s a good caution I think. My job is getting more sedentary. which is good cause they are expanding the stuff I do enormously which gives me some sense of security, but … when I first poked my head in here I had a sweet 35-hr work week going on. That’s just gone gone gone. I imagine maybe when I get the new stuff under my belt I might could get back to that, but I’m not counting on it. That’s sort of sad cause sweet 35-hr work weeks are really really beautiful things.

  50. Agam says:

    Happyfeet, all the best to you for your birthday (I think it’s still before midnight where you are).

    I’m a longtime faithful reader of PW but never commented before. So here is your happy birthday wish from Thailand.

    There are so many great commenters here, and though I do miss Jeff when he’s busy with other stuff, one thing is sure. A day without happyfeet is like a day without sunshine. You are one of a kind, with a style that’s contagious.

    Best wishes.

  51. happyfeet says:

    thank you Agam. You made me smile at my monitor.

  52. Mark A. Flacy says:

    Happy birthday, ‘feets!

    Good luck with the “stop smoking” thing; I’ve stopped smoking for just over 20 years now, after a 10 year >2 pack a day habit. It takes a while for fresh cigarette smoke to stop smelling good to you.

  53. Happy Birthday, ‘feets!

  54. Oh, I keep meaning to tell you about how thanks to you I had to explain “lesbian cereal” to my parents at Christmas. We were in a Walmart in Duncan, OK so mom could get the granola bars she likes for breakfast… made by Kashi. They didn’t have the cereal there, so a few weeks later I took a picture of it with my cell phone at Central Market and sent it to her.

  55. SarahW says:

    Happy (belated) Birthday Happyfeet!

    I dance for you!

    You are like the Duggar Family of amazing observations. With better recipes, too.

  56. SarahW says:

    I hope all your birthday wishes come true.

  57. Stephanie says:

    Happy Birthday HF!!!!eleventy!1!1!

    I think I just memed all over you… too bad you don’t have that Purell fixation thing anymore.

  58. Silver Whistle says:

    Tartan turtle love on your birthday, Feets.

  59. Cowboy says:

    I missed your birthday, ‘feets!

    Oh, well, happy belated to you!

  60. alppuccino says:

    Consider this an early birthday wish for next year happy.

  61. Carin says:

    Happy Be-lated birthday Happy. I didn’t get you anything. And, after you gave me those unicorn things. I feel bad.

    But, remember in the spring I promised to send you some mint! Spring’s right around the corner.

  62. JHoward says:

    Another happy belated, ‘feets.

  63. happyfeet says:

    Thank you and also good morning! Having the Fatboy in my head on the way to work was nice this morning. Kashi I haven’t had in forever. Did you know Kashi was a Kellogg’s brand? They are. I’m a lot less favorably disposed towards those people after they got so prissy about Mr. Phelps, who is a true for real American which probably isn’t true of most of the lesbian cereal eater people. The mint will be neat – I can’t remember but it came up recently … something I could have used it for but ended up not making. I’ll flag it next time it pops into my head.

    But you know what the best part of yesterday was? Learning that the #1 bestest way to stimulate the economy was … Food Stamps!!!!! The intuitive truth of this hit me like a concentrated beam of Hope. Up, up and away … in Baracky’s beautiful, his beautiful balloon!! With food stamps!!! Hmmm. Would it be insider trading if I bought stock in those people what make teh Ho Hos???

  64. Mr. Pink says:

    Happy Birthday. Have a shot of yager on me.

  65. McGehee says:

    You can be the birthday curmudgeon and I’ll be the Olympics curmudgeon.

    Well okay, but the Olympics are pretty demanding — you may need a spotter.

  66. kelly says:

    Happy belated BD, hf. You’re way cooler than the street punk Prez from ChiTown.

  67. Mikey NTH says:

    A good day to you, haps, and here’s to many more!

  68. Squid says:

    Happy birthday, ‘feets. You’re a force of nature that I’ve come to appreciate more and more. Like the Northern Lights or something.

  69. happyfeet says:

    Thank you three there, Squid and Mikey and kelly. But I was just thinking I never got my birthday wish at #1. I wished really really hard too.

  70. Jeff G. says:

    Happy happy, happy.

    Day late, dollar short. Sorry for that.

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