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October 2024


Be Very Afraid [Dan Collins]

Wonderful piece on Fear and Loathing of the New Outlawry by Charles Winecoff.

10 Replies to “Be Very Afraid [Dan Collins]”

  1. Bob Reed says:

    Then you can bet gramps would be dismissed as a senile hick who needed to quit abusing the US postal service and get a life – or better yet, join the Hemlock Society.”

    A favorite appelation of one of our resident, admittedly more erudite, ahem commenters; he slings around with aplomb, after a fashin not unlike the “N” word would be at a klan convention…

    Moral of the story: old hippies never die, they just blend in. Can you say ‘stealth jihad?’

    So watch out at your local school board and city council meetings…

    …by the repetez-s’il-vous-plait torture technique of the MSM…

    Fair warning, I’m soooooooo going to be using this turn of the phrase…

    Battered, marginalized ”conservatives” (for lack of a sexier word), the only real subversives in current day America, are poised to become the new counterculture – providing safe harbor for the inevitable tsunami of tired, disillusioned, idea-starved refugees that will soon be coming. So self-proclaimed “radical” fashionistas, be afraid. Be very afraid.”

    When do we officially become Outlaws!..?

    Pretty funny stuff Dan. I’m having visions of twenty-somethings, bailing their old man out of jail after a drug bust, complaining to the desk seargent that all they do all day since retiting is sit around, smoke weed, and listen to steppenwolf and Springsteen…

    Now I think I’m going down to the well tonight
    and I’m going to drink till I get my fill
    And I hope when I get old I don’t sit around thinking about it
    but I probably will
    Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
    a little of the glory of, well time slips away
    and leaves you with nothing mister but
    boring stories of glory days

  2. geoffb says:

    ” Make a wrong turn in Asheville, NC, Las Cruces, NM, or Eureka Springs, AR, and you could find yourself listening to dueling sitars in a lost world of long, stringy, gray hair, bad breath, and love beads. Sounds like Utopia to me!”

    I saw this but in a more bland, PC, nannyized form.

    In the 90’s I bought from my former in-laws a small cottage on a small peaceful lake about 25 miles from my job. My neighbors were older (70’s/80’s) folk who had lived there since the 1950’s. During that decade the whole area changed.

    New homes popped up everywhere. All the new owners were of my age or slightly older, say 50 or so. Retired from public sector jobs and drawing their pensions. Good government union employees all. Mostly nice folk too. Only they all thought it would be nice to meddle in everyone’s lives. For our own good of course.

    By they time I left we had a new “environmental officer”. Charged with making sure everyone has neat as a pin yards, even those parts that were near lake level and so were actually marshland, no environmentally bad things or practices.

    Bad defined by those new folks who only wanted to “help” all those old country folk to see the light. Burn your paper trash bah, leaves in fall, yes but you need a permit and an inspection so you do it right.

    Lord knows those old folks never could have survived with out those good government people’s help. Gack.

  3. TheGeezer says:

    By they time I left we had a new “environmental officer”.

    Hmmmm. Covenants and Condo rules and so forth.

    I’m glad my 1942 2-story is on the main drag. I can leave my trash cans out front for days, until one of the neighbors’ kids drags them in for me. All I have to do is limp a little and slobber like Im having s transient ischemic attack and they just stay away. And, as an added bonus, they leave my right-wing political signs alone, too.


  4. JHoward says:

    That is a great piece, Dan. One could be tempted at a time like this to note that the inmates are running the place…but for the understatement.

  5. Squid says:

    Bad defined by those new folks who only wanted to “help” all those old country folk to see the light. Burn your paper trash bah, leaves in fall, yes but you need a permit and an inspection so you do it right.

    Similar stuff going on at my parents’ place on the lake. The advice I gave to them was to find out who the county’s natural resources officer was, and make a habit of inviting him over for beers on a regular basis. It’s funny how many of these nuisances go away when you count the authorities among your friends.

    You can’t fight the gummint, but you can sure as hell co-opt it.

  6. Rob Crawford says:

    Oh dear lord, help us:

    Accused in a 2002 grenade blast that wounded two U.S. soldiers near an Afghan market, Mohammed Jawad was sent as a youth to Guantanamo Bay. Now, under orders by President Obama, he could one day be among detainees whose fate is finally decided by a U.S. court.

    But in a potential problem, Pentagon officials note that most of the evidence against Jawad comes from his own admissions. And neither he nor any other detainee at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was ever told about their rights against self-incrimination under U.S. law.

    God damn them. God damn them all to the deepest pits of Hell.

  7. RC says:

    Rob, feeling a little like Chuck Heston at the end of “Planet of the Apes” are we?

  8. Mikey NTH says:

    Perhaps it would be better if most of the Gitmo people had been given their right to remain silent?

  9. Rob Crawford says:

    Rob, feeling a little like Chuck Heston at the end of “Planet of the Apes” are we?

    Maybe. Maybe a bit like Caesar at the beginning of “Conquest of the Planet of the Apes”.

  10. SDN says:

    I’m a lot closer to the dedication of The Last Centurion by John Ringo:

    To everyone who has ever felt
    they were looking out over Hadrian’s Wall
    while Rome crumbled behind them.

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