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October 2024


Hope Her Taxes Are Paid Up [Dan Collins]

Obama faces tough question

55 Replies to “Hope Her Taxes Are Paid Up [Dan Collins]”

  1. Rob Crawford says:

    Amazing how little of that story actually dealt with the question and the facts behind it.

    The quote from the questioner about Hannity is out of place; what does it have to do with the question? (Answer: nothing. It does, however, let the reader pigeon hole her as “one of them”.)

    Finally, they repeat the “honest mistake” BS twice, and omit half of the problems his nominees have faced.

    Oh, Associated Pravda!

  2. Rob Crawford says:

    Oh, half the story was about the way Obama selects questions. As if that’s actually newsworthy.

  3. kelly says:

    The nerve of that woman…

  4. Carin says:

    Do you think we could adopt a boy-girl-boy-girl commenter schedule?

  5. Rob Crawford says:

    Huh. I just noticed that they really didn’t quote Obama’s “answer” to her question, just repeated the two words “honest mistake” and then went into his response to the “share a beer with Hannity” crap.


  6. Big D says:

    Forget the question, did she bow properly and back out of his presence?

    Seriously, anyone care to give odds on the press asking a tough question tonight? If they do, someone let me know. As I’m recovering from the flu, I don’t have the stomach to watch.

  7. P.J. says:

    I thought I heard a big jet roaring around NW Indiana today!

    I love how people booed her…those who don’t drink the Kool-Aid must be marginalized, I guess.

  8. Jeffersonian says:

    I love how people booed her…those who don’t drink the Kool-Aid must be marginalized, I guess.

    The press has to do something while The One is being questioned by the great unwashed, PJ.

  9. kelly says:

    Odds are the booing started in the press corps and went from there.

  10. Matt says:

    We’ve already been informed by our trolls that cheating on your taxes does not disqualify you from office or cabinet positions. NOthing to see here folks.

  11. Bob Reed says:

    Pretty short on the deatails of the exchange, considering the story was about the questions…

    Or, O!, the magnificent, munificent, benevolent, brilliant, and most high (PBUH) was long on glib prattle but short on substance-as usual…

    And there was as nealy as many words written about effin’ Hannity as there was the corrupt-o-crats that he nominated; un-effin’-believable…

    Kelly’s probably right; the press probably started the booing much like fans at a sporting event start the cheers, jeers, or the wave…


  12. Log Cabin says:

    You can bet that those guardians of the truth, the mainstream media, will be sending investigative journalists to the home and workplace of this uppity bitch! Time for the full “Joe the plumber” treatment.

    Stone her in the name of tolerance! Foul unbeliever!

  13. Phil says:

    Are all the liberals who voted for Obama certifiably crazy? No, but if the comments here are any indication, a good two thirds of them are.

    Important to note: This is not parody. I repeat. This is NOT a parody. Seriously.

    These are people for whom the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and “demigodlikeness,” as a New York lawyer put it, but also a kind of mirror. And the refracted image of self they see is not one they much admire.

    “I keep thinking about how I squandered my education and youth,” the New York lawyer wrote to me. “I went off to college from high school being completely community-minded, doing a lot of volunteer work for the homeless and for hunger and tutoring poor kids. Then I got to college and forgot my ideals. Barack was my year at Columbia. Why wasn’t I hanging out with him and being serious and following my ideals instead of hanging out in clubs? Same with law school. I partied my way through instead of taking advantage of all that I could have. Both Obamas were there when I was. I feel like if I’d been a better person I would have gotten to know them.”

    A Washington lawyer expressed similar sentiments: “I feel like I know Barack, that I have worked grassroots and have created change in the way that he has. I [also] have feelings of a mom who had possibility but ended up running school auctions and mediating family business matters rather than having the opportunity to be out there on a national level creating change. So when I watch Barack I feel like: I can do that … and what am I doing with my life? Even though he is way smarter and more articulate than me.”

    Another Washington woman, a global health care consultant, expressed her sense of Obama-inadequacy in a dream: “I dreamed I was an Obama girl. I had a chance to be in the same room with him for the first time. There were dark velvet chairs and he was standing there with all this dark and mist around him. His lips so purple and sensuous as if to be otherworldly,” she wrote to me. “I moved gently toward him and then I said the wrong thing. Obama tamped it down like some vapor that didn’t register. He wasn’t even flattered.”

    Here’s one from the comments:

    A personal anecdote:

    Several weeks ago, I was munching on the buttery crust of a blueberry pie and while i was spinning around in the blue blueberry bliss of da pie I began to dream. dream of change. dream of love. dream of OBAMA.

    Obama’s mama was there, cooking a new, cherry rhubarb Kansas corn pie in her overalls. Obama’s papa was there too, munching on a creamy steak and kidney pie of his own.

    Barack and Michelle were sensually feeding each other the innards of a fruit medley pie. I thought the beans in their hair was bizarre, but I accepted them.

    Finally, the dream crescendoed to a rising climax – a vicious pie fight. Obama had stockpiled the dreaded hot sauce pepper pies, and he burned down us all. except for me. I held fast, using my standard industrial meat pies to destroy him. But yet, he defeated me with a well aimed spicy blow to the face. I died. (in the dream).

    It’s great to here I’m not alone in this Obamamania. Thanks, I’m glad I’m not weird.

    Again – THIS. IS. NOT. A. PARODY. This is a legit NY Times article with yuppie liberals blabbering about their creepy Baracky dreams and sex fetishes (yes, really – read the article). No wonder these people voted for this man. Their lives are so dull, empty and meaningless, they’re living vicariously through Baracky. They didn’t elect a President, they elected a shrink. And they achieve happiness by redistributing OTHER people’s money, because it makes them feel better about themselves (kinda…selfish, no? We’re truly, truly fucked folks.

    Hey parsnip, thor, etc, so why did YOU vote for this inexperienced socialist loser? Self-esteem booster?

  14. Dan Collins says:

    Great, Phil. Now I need to shower.

  15. Jeffersonian says:

    Fucking spooky. Za Stalina!!

  16. Big D says:

    I may never eat pie again.

  17. Big D says:

    Thank God his dream wasn’t about enchiladas! I would hate to have to give those up.

  18. Phil says:

    Great, Phil. Now I need to shower.

    Sorry, I know. I shouldn’t have exposed this to the woman and children. But I do think it’s important to know how we got here as a nation, why we elected this fool and who we’re actually dealing with. It actually seems to make some sense of Crazy Andy Sullivan’s creepy obsession with Sarah Palin’s uterus. Crazy Andy hangs out with THESE people. It’s important to realize we did in fact elect this man because a decent chunk of the electorate that voted for him are in need of legit therapy. We are now American Idol nation.

  19. happyfeet says:

    That’s really really pitiful. oh. Ok I guess that can’t be right cause I don’t feel pity I feel disgust.

  20. JohnAnnArbor says:

    I’ve seen an interesting idea bounce around the intertubes. As Treasury Secretary, Gelterner’s (sp?) signature will be on currency in a few months. Write “TAX CHEAT” next to the signature.

  21. Dan Collins says:

    But surely

    I thought the beans in their hair was bizarre, but I accepted them.

    signals that this is a gag, yes?

  22. Jeffersonian says:

    And the stimulus is one big messiah money shot across her cheek.

  23. easyliving1 says:

    I give Obama credit for taking the question and not screening guests. I doubt this will last much longer.

  24. happyfeet says:

    I liked that tax cheat stamp Mr. Reynolds linked.

  25. Carin says:

    You know, after the crazy of the last eight years, it’s not as if it would have simply disappeared. This is simply the new manifestation.

  26. happyfeet says:

    I thought Obama’s mama was the tell.

  27. lee says:

    Can anyone help me? I’ve got the song “Age of Aquarius” (except it’s Ba-rrack-i-us instead of A-quar-i-us) stuck in my head, and I can’t get it out!

  28. Phil says:

    Another Washington woman, a global health care consultant, expressed her sense of Obama-inadequacy in a dream: “I dreamed I was an Obama girl. I had a chance to be in the same room with him for the first time. There were dark velvet chairs and he was standing there with all this dark and mist around him. His lips so purple and sensuous as if to be otherworldly,” she wrote to me. “I moved gently toward him and then I said the wrong thing. Obama tamped it down like some vapor that didn’t register. He wasn’t even flattered.”

    I had to laugh when I read that. It made me think of this:

  29. Carin says:

    Lee, I think this song could help. For the next four years.

  30. Carin says:

    quick, someone remind me. Am I supposed to take the blue pill, or the red one?

  31. Carin says:

    HA. That’s funny. I want a stamp.

  32. Phil says:

    This one kinda sums up the current Baracky infatuation by some of our less serious citizens:

  33. Carin says:

    Oh, for fuck’s sake … these people are looney. I’m gonna have to start giving people their space. I’ll never know when one of these wackos is nearby:

    What’s wonderful is that this political/cultural experience is propelling American society – and perhaps the planet – into a whole new phase of evolution and development. But, like the deep tremors felt moving from adolescence to young adulthood, this change is stressful, even agonizing. We are growing up as a country and as human beings, learning to live responsibly with uncertainty, dropping the personal and corporate facades induced by consumerism, looking at ourselves with more collective candor and a search for real meaning. Who cannot applaud this unfolding human drama? But…we are giving up comfortable notions and platitudes, exchanging them for painful scrutiny and re-evaluation. Let’s encourage and support ourselves, our families and our neighbors in this effort, as we will be stronger and larger people for it.

    I mean, the fuck?

  34. Carin says:

    Oh, totally, Phil. It’s kind of ironic. NOt in “rain on your wedding day” way either.

  35. Carin says:

    Or good advice, that you just didn’t take.

  36. Carin says:

    You know, dinner time I’m often alone here. And then, it gets later, and you guys get busy and I’m in bed or something.

    It’s not fair. Or, maybe THAT is ironic?

  37. happyfeet says:

    That happens a lot. It’s a lull. I hope Ric is doing ok. That’s what I’m thinking about during this here lull. And I have no idea what’s for dinner.

  38. Phil says:


    I actually went through about 100 of the comments to that article. I don’t know why really – I guess I was just struck by how INSANE these people are. On the other hand, it was educational. Based on my rough estimate of the comments, I figure the next time I’m at some cocktail party and some liberal tries to strike up a conversation with me, there’s about a 2 in 3 chance that person is certifiably crazy. So it’s a better than even chance the conversation will devolve into a therapy session and I’ll be back at the punch bowl by then.

  39. Mr. Pink says:

    “What’s wonderful is that this political/cultural experience is propelling American society – and perhaps the planet – into a whole new phase of evolution and development. But, like the deep tremors felt moving from adolescence to young adulthood, this change is stressful, even agonizing. We are growing up as a country and as human beings, learning to live responsibly with uncertainty, dropping the personal and corporate facades induced by consumerism, looking at ourselves with more collective candor and a search for real meaning. Who cannot applaud this unfolding human drama? But…we are giving up comfortable notions and platitudes, exchanging them for painful scrutiny and re-evaluation. Let’s encourage and support ourselves, our families and our neighbors in this effort, as we will be stronger and larger people for it.”

    This is probably a sample of the political analysis that was experienced by a large portion of China circa 1949-1976.

  40. meya says:

    Hope he doesn’t put on a flightsuit.

  41. Dan Collins says:

    I challenge you to insert your own looniest creations in there and see whether anyone calls you out. I would, but I’m typing through my cat.

  42. N. O'Brain says:

    “looking at ourselves with more collective candor and a search for real meaning.”

    Well, that’s all fascisty and shit, ain’t it?

  43. Rob Crawford says:

    We are growing up as a country and as human beings, learning to live responsibly with uncertainty, dropping the personal and corporate facades induced by consumerism…

    “Consumerism” is one of those liberal code words. What this really means is “I’m finally going to have a chance to force you people to value the things I value!”

  44. N. O'Brain says:

    “#Comment by meya on 2/9 @ 7:05 pm #

    Hope he doesn’t put on a flightsuit.”

    Who, O!bama?

    Is he smart enough to fly a jet fighter?

  45. Rob Crawford says:

    Is he smart enough to fly a jet fighter?

    He’s gotta be smarter than Daschle — that guy’s too stupid to even drive a car!

  46. Mr. Pink says:

    “If they are sincere about it”?????

    If??? If?????

  47. Mr. Pink says:

    Why does this guy not just put a picture of Bush beside so when he gets a question he doesn’t like he can just throw a dart at it. No earmarks my fuckin ass. I am about to throw a fuckin shoe at my TV.

  48. SDN says:

    Actually, Don McLean foresaw the coming of the O! and wrote His Hymn Number One.

  49. SDN says:

    Oh, and Carin? I got my CCH just to deal with loons like these commenters…..

  50. geoffb says:

    “I actually went through about 100 of the comments to that article. I don’t know why really – I guess I was just struck by how INSANE these people are.”

    My take is this is just a continuation of the astroturfing. Creating the illusion that all, everywhere are falling down in adoration of the Obama vision that we are all Community Organiziers now. Marching as one with “The One” leading us.

    A boiler-room operation. Press puts out the hook, allows comments. Send in the sockpuppets. Draw in regular people who think this is the way to be liked, popular, in. If it slows have a puppet drop in another heartrending story. All pre-written by real experts at manipulating others. Probably from the 900 sex line industry.

    Have to find some use for all that leftover campaign cash. There will be plenty more once the trillion dollar bill passes.

  51. JD says:

    This is the most racist thread, EVAH!

  52. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Hope he doesn’t put on a flightsuit.”

    This is what makes meya the most boring disingenuous troll of them all. See, meya, Joe brought actual examples of crazy over the top Obama worship. The only examples of Bush worship that you “think” you have are in your pea sized brain. I know you’re too daft to see the difference.

  53. Squid says:

    The reason they try to sell the “end of consumerism” as a good thing is that they’re desperately trying to save themselves from the torches-and-pitchforks crowd that’ll be coming along when they realize that what really happened is that these people took all their money away.

    “We did it for your own good! Put those rocks down, please! Violence never solved anything!”

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