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October 2024


Wingnuts + Churchill + Obama = Moonbat Idiocy [Dan Collins]

Because it’s clear how much he cares by the way he takes care of his half-brother even as he rallies for Raila Odinga, yes?

68 Replies to “Wingnuts + Churchill + Obama = Moonbat Idiocy [Dan Collins]”

  1. SarahW says:

    The comments!!!! Churchill = Bin Laden.

    “wotching said…
    I wonder how some of them would feel with a bust of Bin Laden (or the equivalent thereof) in their living space?

    Zero ability to place things in context – except into the hatred box.”

  2. SarahW says:

    I can’t find my hatred box. Dammit.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    If it’s like mine, it’s disguised as a suggestion box.

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    Good Kenyans demand nothing less than ethnically-appropriate torture.

  5. Bob Reed says:

    You all don’y understand…

    O! couldn’t have a statue of the man that refused to catch the Mau-Mau-ers flack…

    Churchill wasn’t enough of an enlightened multi-culturalist

    I mean, just necause O! won’t let Raila hold a little sumpin’-sumpin’, when 20$ would exceed years of wages in Kenya; that don’t mean nothin’…

    I can’t see how that would help, you know, Michelle’s children anyway…

    He ain’t heavy, He’s my brother…


  6. Alec Leamas says:

    But, but . . . he’s European!

    They do know that he defeated Chancellor Hitler, no?

  7. m’eh –

    I’m okay with Barack deciding to put whichever damn statue he wants in the Oval Office.

    except the Remington Bronc Buster statue:


  8. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Hatred box? Are we back to talking about Amanda Marcotte again already?

  9. Sean M. says:

    Check your email, Dan.

  10. B Moe says:

    Cross posted over there, if it gets through moderation.

    Who’d want a bust of someone who was responsible for torturing your grandfather?

    It would be like having a bust of Bush, Cheney, or Rummy in your home.

    Or Lincoln if you are from the south.

  11. router says:

    damn racists oh /sarc off

  12. router says:

    yes Bart!

  13. router says:

    for thoroid

    Lyle: Now, come on, boys! Where’s your spirit? I don’t hear no singin’. When you was slaves, you sang like birds. Go on, how ’bout a good ol’ nigger work song?

    yo thoroid

  14. router says:

    Taggart: I got it! I know how we can run everyone out of Rock Ridge.
    Hedley Lamarr: How?
    Taggart: We’ll kill the first born male child in every household.
    Hedley Lamarr: [after some consideration] Too Jewish.

  15. router says:

    Bart: [holding his own gun to his head] Nobody moves or the nigger gets it.

  16. router says:

    “Reverend Johnson: Now I don’t have to tell you good folks what’s been happening in our beloved little town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped. The time has come to act, and act fast. I’m leaving. “

  17. Joe says:

    This is what the bust reminds me of.

    If you find the video link creepy or distracting, close your eyes.

  18. Stephanie says:

    AMC’s 35th Anniversay retro on Blazing Saddles… watching it, too. Kinda spoiled it though with the bleeped out words… think I’ll get out my uncensored version, while I still allowed to own it.

    Wonder when it’s going to be relegated to the dustbin like Huck Finn?

    Oh, and up yours, nigger.

  19. router says:

    Lilly ein prosit

  20. Jeffersonian says:

    Maybe there’s another reason why Obama doesn’t like Churchill.

  21. Cuz Churchill wouldn’t shut his yap about the Muslims:

    “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

    And Cuz Churchill opposed slavery:

    “The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”

  22. geoffb says:

    Over 40 years ago, 1963-4, in tenth grade, I had two or three weeks of my government class devoted to propaganda techniques. Nazi and Communist both.

    Do they do anything like that anymore? Anyone with a more recent class, high school level, that examined how media manipulates minds?

  23. Jeffersonian says:

    We did it back in, as I recall, Geoff, freshman year History. That would have been about 1974.

  24. Joe says:

    Comment by geoffb on 2/15 @ 10:46 pm #

    Over 40 years ago, 1963-4, in tenth grade, I had two or three weeks of my government class devoted to propaganda techniques. Nazi and Communist both.

    Do they do anything like that anymore? Anyone with a more recent class, high school level, that examined how media manipulates minds?

    Only to tell kids how evil George W. Bush was. Seriously, that goes on. It is definitely not the class you took.

  25. happyfeet says:

    belatedly what I would like to say is Bobby Orr! I think. I will try to do better next time.

  26. thor says:

    Fuck Churchill’s bust if it’s even mildly or remotely a reminder to our great President Barack Obama of the slaughter of the 300,000 Kikuyu of Kenya and the torture of hundreds of thousands more during the internment of the entire Kikuyu population of Kenya.

    If the distraction of Churchill’s bust is in anyway symbolic to President Obama of crimes perpetrated against the hundreds of thousands of men and women in Kenya then may that that Churchilian gargoyle find petrol, flames and ashes. There is no sane defense for sheer racist slaughter.

  27. meya says:

    Trillion dollar socialism. Office decorations. So many scandals! and what? is it? WEEK 4 OF THE FAILED OBAMA PRESIDENCY

  28. happyfeet says:

    He’s such an effin loser.

  29. happyfeet says:

    You know who hates Chris Dodd, meya? Glenn Reynolds.

  30. mongo78 says:

    Over 40 years ago, 1963-4, in tenth grade, I had two or three weeks of my government class devoted to propaganda techniques. Nazi and Communist both.

    Do they do anything like that anymore?

    No, they just teach the Communist propaganda straight-up, now.

  31. Jeffersonian says:

    There is no sane defense for sheer racist slaughter.

    Not even in defense of a noble project like the Fairness Doctrine. thor?

    But, as I said, it’s important that the butchers of Africans be of the proper ethnicity so as to not provoke the delicate sensibilities of the Western soggy set.

  32. Mark A. Flacy says:

    of the slaughter of the 300,000 Kikuyu of Kenya

    Seems high.

  33. Stinky Esposito says:

    Would he be as upset if it were his MATERNAL grandparent, say, that Churchill threw under the bus? It seems defensiveness regarding ancestors is kind of selective in the Obama camp.

  34. N. O'Brain says:

    whore caught in another lie.

    Good job, cockbreath.

  35. N. O'Brain says:

    whore hates Churchill because he was one of the leaders who defeated fascism.

  36. Carin says:

    Baracky’s big on meaningless sybolic gestures, so removing the statue is right up his alley.

    It’s a ton cheaper than floating some jack toward that school like he promised. Or helping out his brother. I wonder if some Republican can step forward and help out his brother?

  37. Carin says:

    I think he also hates Churchill because he uttered so many cool quotes. Unlike him, who despite being the greatest speaker of our time hasn’t really come up with anything very profound.

    Oh, except the “I won” bit.

  38. Pablo says:

    I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.

    That’s pretty snappy, ain’t it?

  39. Carin says:

    Yea, but I can’t really see myself putting that in my random sig thingie on my email.

    Of course, THAT could be really funny.

  40. Carin says:

    Not to go OT, but I’m thinking the Chavez dealo may have some … relevancy for our media. Those dupes down there just voted for a dictatorship. Some would see the propaganda and state controlled media outlets (along with mandatory airing of presidential addresses) as … like … a warning bell.

    I’m going to go look for liberal concern about this.

  41. If the distraction of Churchill’s bust is in anyway symbbolic to President Obama of crimes perpetrated against the hundreds of thousands of men and women in Kenya then may that that Churchilian gargoyle find petrol, flames and ashes.

    Two points:

    1) Would Churchill’s bust be a distraction from Obama tending the unicorns and watering the Skittle trees? Some might think it wise for Obama to have Churchill’s bust there as a cautionary tale.

    And Petrol and Ashes? Dude – Never in the history of mankind has petrol melted bronze into ashes. Google it

  42. Carin says:

    Oh, I found some in Huffpo comments :

    Hopefully in the next eight years we will begin the process of taking this country of our away from the free market system and follow in the footsteps of bold leaders like Chavez. We need to throw out this system that has proven itself ineffective in today’s world economy. The rich fat cats of this country fear the rise of the poor and the middle class. THAT’S why the Republicans have been against the stimulus bill. It lets government resume the role it needs to as protector of the people.

    Next step: Nationalized Health Care and the muzzling of jingoistic buffoons like Limbaugh and Hanitty.

  43. N. O'Brain says:

    “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

    -Winston Churchill

  44. Carin says:


    Yes we can! The Venezuelan yes we can! The kind that continues to demand real change!

    This is what can happen when a country has a real, courageous leader — notwithstanding his faults, and he has plenty.

    It’s what’s not going to happen in America, whose “leader” is turning out to be a chronically disappointing, gutless, pro-establishment “triangulator” who’ll have to be led by the nose by his constituents to effect real, broad, fundamental change in America.

    This is what can happen in a real democracy, with opposing parties that represent opposing interests.

    It’s what won’t happen in the American faux democracy with two parties that couldn’t be more bi-partisan if they tried, working as they do for the same corporate interests.

    Viva the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela! Eat your heart out, America!

    Oh lord.

  45. N. O'Brain says:

    “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”

    -Winston Churchill

  46. Carin says:

    You know what they need at HuffPo? Unicorns and rainbows. Those peps are crazy.

  47. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    the muzzling of jingoistic buffoons like Limbaugh and Hanitty.

    Μολὼν λάβε, bitch.

  48. Rob Crawford says:

    The left hated Churchill when he was warning against the dangers of Naziism — he was a “war monger”. When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, the Internationale sent out the word, and Churchill was OK.

    Then Hitler fell, and Churchill had outlasted his usefulness. A grateful nation kicked him to the curb, and instituted economic controls so damaging they were still under war-time rationing twenty years later.

    Then Churchill made his “Iron Curtain” speech, and became an enemy of the left. Suddenly, acts which he had no role in became his personal crimes — despite the fact they’d disappear in the rounding error when you totaled up the victims of his enemies.

  49. Rob Crawford says:

    SPB — one of the “charming” trolls over at Patterico was expressing the desire to see Limbaugh sent to the guillotine yesterday. The left seems rather blasé in its use of totalitarian language.

  50. Jeffersonian says:

    Hopefully in the next eight years we will begin the process of taking this country of our away from the free market system and follow in the footsteps of bold leaders like Chavez. We need to throw out this system that has proven itself ineffective in today’s world economy. The rich fat cats of this country fear the rise of the poor and the middle class. THAT’S why the Republicans have been against the stimulus bill. It lets government resume the role it needs to as protector of the people.

    Next step: Nationalized Health Care and the muzzling of jingoistic buffoons like Limbaugh and Hanitty.

    I have no doubt whatsoever this will be attempted. There are always those who will man the valves at the “showers.”

  51. N. O'Brain says:

    “The left seems rather blasé in its use of totalitarian language.”

    It’s the gibbering fascist peeping out from behind the mask.

    Nothing new there.

  52. Carin says:

    It’s getting bad, folks. Read this and then go buy more guns.

  53. Jeffersonian says:

    “We’re at very early stages on this, but the chairman has made it clear that oversight of the Internet is one of his top priorities.”

    Oh goody, Waxman as ‘net kommissar.

  54. meya says:

    “whore hates Churchill because he was one of the leaders who defeated fascism.”

    What till you hear what he thinks of FDR.

  55. N. O'Brain says:

    “What till you hear what he thinks of FDR.”

    whore loves him some socialists.

  56. N. O'Brain says:

    …and failed economic policies.

  57. alppuccino says:

    I heard the deaths of 42 people can be traced back to Winton’s cigars.

  58. Jeffersonian says:

    …and failed economic policies.

    and court-packing schemes.

  59. meya says:

    “…and failed economic policies.”

    And Amity Shlaes has a book on that now!

  60. baldilocks says:

    He’s making peace with the Kikuyus. Last year’s Kenya violence was mainly a low-level war against the Kikuyu, with the Luo being the main antagonist. (The Luo tribe is Obama’s, mine and PM Odinga’s.)

  61. thor says:


    Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/16 @ 6:37 am #

    whore hates Churchill because he was one of the leaders who defeated fascism.

    Slut-boy-P’brain hates Stalin because he defeated Hitler, and slut-boy loves him his Hitler (elevaty!!!11!!)

    Where did I ever say I hated Churchill?

    Before your next post, stop. Take your dick out of your hand, dick-puller, and think. Ask yourself if what you’re about to post merely further illuminates your obvious low-IQ or it is at all related to another post or the thread topic in general. Everyone here is sick of you and your repetitive dumbassed take-a-nap posts. You ain’t funny. You’re not entertaining. Relevant doesn’t describe your posts. You’ve become a wind-up clucker, an annoying, mechanized, redundant one-track dope. Grow up.

    Now, back to our normally scheduled programming.

    Dan, who cares which busts Obama chooses for his office knick-knacks. It’s his option to re-decorate, as it was with all who came before him.

  62. baldilocks says:

    “Who’d want a bust of someone who was responsible for torturing your grandfather?”

    Why would the Brits have tortured Obama’s grandfather? He wasn’t Kikuyu. The Mau-Mau was a Kikuyu insurgency. Obama claim about his grandfather is suspect but it gets a pass because most Americans are familiar with the history specified. I say that the claim of his Gramp’s torture is BS like just about everything else that Obama says.

  63. baldilocks says:


  64. B Moe says:

    Hopefully in the next eight years we will begin the process of taking this country of our away from the free market system and follow in the footsteps of bold leaders like Chavez.

    Anybody got any good recipes for chicken feet?

  65. Bob Reed says:


    It still remains that Obama talks a lot about sacrifice and responsibility for others…

    Why then can’t he let his brother hold a little somethin’? I mean, O!s got soooooooooooo much more do-re-mi than Raila he could certainly let him have a few hundred to ease Raila’s burden a bit…

    He doesn’t seem to have a problem redistributing other people’s money here at home…

    You’re loaded; why don’t you send Raila a little somethin’..? Instead of muttering about things that Juliette revealed to be factually incorrect…

    Jus’ Sayin’…

  66. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    It still remains that Obama talks a lot about sacrifice and responsibility for others

    Or, heck, how about buying a brisket and putting it in the slow cooker?

    Even Jimmy Carter turned down the heat in the White House (or claimed to have) and wore a sweater.

    Barky cranks it up to sauna-like temperatures and dines on $100/lb. steak.

    Swiped from (I think) Prof. Reynolds: why is it that the people who keep telling us that there’s a crisis don’t act like there’s a crisis?

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