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October 2024


Obvious punchlines to topical jokes, #6: Alex Rodriguez goes to McDonalds

“…and you may as well go ahead and Supersize that for me, too, honey…”

50 Replies to “Obvious punchlines to topical jokes, #6: Alex Rodriguez goes to McDonalds”

  1. Techie says:

    You know who I blame?

    The front offices and the player’s union. Having fought drug testing tooth and nail for years until it became such an ugly stain on the sport they had no choice but to in the end.

    All international sporting competitions have drug testing and it doesn’t seem to destroy those athletes’ lives.

  2. Jeff G. says:

    Huh. I blame Bush.

  3. B Moe says:

    Both wrong, it was Limbaugh.

  4. thor says:

    He was needled for being so small as a child.

    Where’s the love.

  5. Jeff G. says:

    The love is the 250 million $ contract. What you’re seeing now is the envy and hate.

  6. pledgepolish55 says:

    On the other hand, Techie, if a union I was a member of had the leverage to fight drug testing, I would expect them to as a matter of course.

  7. happyfeet says:

    I think more baseball players should do steroids if it helps them play more better. It’s good to be passionate about what you do I think. You know who needs steroids is that Arlen Specter. He’s really looking sort of beaten down by life lately. I think if he felt better about himself maybe he wouldn’t feel so compelled to betray his country.

  8. happyfeet says:

    Say what you want about Mr. Rodriguez, he’s not all about implementing George Soros’s plans for delegitimizing free enterprise, individual liberty, and the very idea of America itself. Mr. Rodriguez, me and you, we cool.

  9. Stephanie says:

    Well that is rich… I post a baseball analogy on the last thread and you go and put up a baseball post.. so I’ll just post it here to “cover all the bases.”

    Thoroid… bought his knowledge at Balcor’s going out of business sale (and the products purchased were past their expiration date). Thinks he’s hitting homeruns when the infield fly rule is in effect… Stats aren’t even comparable to Mendoza, but he tries REAL hard…

  10. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Base-a-ball been berry, berry good. To him.

    Thank you berry much.

  11. Dan Collins says:

    You know it really shames baseball when these people lie in front of Congress. Because they’re role models.


  12. pledgepolish55 says:

    You’re right, Dan. I can’t believe they would disrespect the dignity and honor or…..


  13. happyfeet says:

    McDonald’s Dispels War Effort Internet Rumors

    people are stupid

  14. Julio Osegueda's Aryan Step-Brother says:

    Arby’s macht fries.

  15. router says:

    inside baseball:

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s crucial victory in getting a $787 billion economic stimulus plan through Congress was achieved quickly, but his hopes of gaining a bipartisan consensus 7 Dems voting NO died an early death.

    The bitter Washington debate over the stimulus plan, which the majority Democrats muscled through both chambers despite nearly unified Republican opposition, has political consequences that boil down to one question: Will it work?

  16. Dan Collins says:

    Mr. President, the taxpayers are revolting!

    You can say that again.

  17. Rob Crawford says:

    Via Hotair: Boston Globe has a story asking whether it’s time to “revisit” our laws on free speech. The anecdotes they use in the story are studiously absent any abuses by professional journalists and they continuously refer to published materials as “speech” (trying to distinguish freedom of speech from freedom of the press?).

  18. Carin says:

    Unless this thread goes OT, there is no place for me here.

    I sure hope Mr and Mrs President had a nice weekend in Chicago. Fancy dinner. Getting away from it all. He’ll be back to work on Tuesday, so no worries.

  19. Carin says:

    I blame Bush for Baracky’s need to get out of Washington so soon after taking the oath. If Bush hadn’t left such a mess, Barack wouldnt’ need a break already.

  20. happyfeet says:

    I sure hope Mr and Mrs President had a nice weekend in Chicago.

    I don’t. They make me sick to tell you the truth.

  21. Carin says:

    I suppose my sarcasm tag didn’t go through, Happy.

  22. happyfeet says:

    oh. no, Carin. I got you. I just wanted to say that is all.

  23. Carin says:

    New York Post had a picture of Michelle carrying out a doggy bag. They looked awfully happy for a couple putting us into a trillion dollars worth of debt.

  24. Dan Collins says:

    That was a wagyu bag.

  25. Carin says:

    He ate at some fancy restaurant in Chicago, and my husband mentions they prolly had to close the restaurant. That’s a big night for service staff. I hope they all voted for Obama, ’cause then they wouldn’t have cared that they lost their money for the week.

  26. Carin says:

    Of course, as a bartender the tips weren’t so great. “Date nights” aren’t big money makers. I always preferred guy’s night out for $$.

  27. happyfeet says:

    A trillion is just a fraction of what Baracky and his woman want to spend this year. At some point it stops being an epochal shift to dirty socialist totalitarian oppression and just sorta looks amateurish I think. And trashy.

  28. router says:

    i saw roxy music live back in ’78. they don’t say much for me today.

  29. router says:

    i’m so happy to do a carter redo

  30. Dan Collins says:

    Maybe not, but this is still a great song, for example:

  31. happyfeet says:

    oh. I’m at work. youtubes are verboten. I’m gonna go smoke. I hope creepy backpack dude isn’t still out there lying on the floor. I wonder what’s in the backpack. I think it’s just me and creepy backpack dude in the whole building. Except for geriatric filipino security guard guy all the way down in the lobby. If he’s out there I’ll venture saying … howdy I think like how they taught me at A&M cause if I can get creepy backpack dude on my side that would probably be wise. He looks like he just got back from The Nam.

  32. happyfeet says:

    oh. Turns out it’s even creepier when you don’t know where creepy backpack dude is than when he’s laying on the floor.

  33. Sean M. says:

    They looked awfully happy for a couple putting us into a trillion dollars worth of debt.

    Spending someone else’s money is lots of fun.

  34. Dan Collins says:

    Wagyu steak: $100/lb
    Sarah Palin’s campaign wardrobe: $180,000
    Dinner at 52 Seats to celebrate a trillion dollar assfucking? Priceless.

    Some things require the Congress. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.

  35. Sean M. says:

    Look out behind you, ‘feet!

  36. Sean M. says:

    Dan, I think someone’s sockpuppeting you over here. At least I hope so.

  37. happyfeet says:

    At some point they turn off the lights in the halls and that’s when it really starts to suck. What else is creepy is that things are so bad that Reynolds is linking to the American Spectator. Dan is being sockpuppeted. M’chelle forgot the doggy bag in the limo. oh. Friday the 13th had a $42M opening. Jeff wan ted to see that. So Jared Padalecki at least is having a good weekend. He’s from Texas. Not everybody knows that about Jared Padalecki.

  38. Bob Reed says:

    Somehow I’m sure that greeeeeeedy white men are to blame…

    And of course, Booooooooooooooosh!…

    Axelrod is the victim here…

  39. router says:

    me i like seeing the “boss” ‘talkin’ down communism and fascism maybe i am be dreaming? yes i think that is right.

  40. router says:

    Jim: Oh, boys! Lookee what I got heyuh.
    Bart: Hey, where the white women at?

  41. Joe says:

    “Is this Big Mac Kosher for Kabbala?”

  42. donald says:

    I umpired a game Alex did in La Grange Georgia in 1992 I think. I called him out on a low strike, and he just stared at me like I was some kinda douche bag or sumpin. Next time up, the pitcher (From Lousiana or sumpin), brought it right under his chin for HIM being a douche and his coach bitched me out for not protecting his player. He was a douche to, so we had three douche’s in one game if you count me. I don’t because I’m just a horse’s ass.

  43. donald says:

    And yeah, I knew who he was, he was a big deal even then.

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