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February 2009


February 2009

From the Office of Oversight Oversight [Dan Collins]

Josh Gerstein at Politico: In his first weeks in office, President Barack Obama shut down his predecessor’s system for reviewing regulations, realigned and expanded two key White House policymaking bodies and extended economic sanctions against parties to the conflict in the African nation of Cote D’Ivoire. Despite the intense scrutiny a president gets just after the inauguration, Obama managed to take all these actions with nary a mention from the

This Post Isn’t Really About Kate Beckinsale [Dan Collins]

But when my sons watch the Underworld movies, I don’t mind watching her perform acts of ultra-violence in a tight leather catsuit. Since I’m old, though, I save my fantasies for the way she says “monster.” I’d just love to have Kate Beckinsale call me “monster” in that posh accent. In a similar way, I enjoy reading David Thompson report on eurenviroweenies: Note how those who don’t share Mr Hundal’s

House of Mirth-a III [Dan Collins]

From The Hill: A $100,000 fundraiser for Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) held last year at a big-game ranch in Western Pennsylvania may have violated campaign-finance rules, according to campaign-finance experts. Campaign-finance records do not reflect any payments from Murtha to LBK Game Ranch or the company’s president, Bill Kuchera, for the use of the site for the Aug. 21 fundraiser. The records also contain no mention of in-kind donations from

Travis the Chimp [Dan Collins]

Via Gateway Pundit and Jhimmi Carter: Travis the chimpanzee, a veteran of TV commercials, was the constant companion of a lonely Connecticut widow who fed him steak, lobster and ice cream. He could eat at the table, drink wine from a stemmed glass, use the toilet, and dress and bathe himself. He brushed his teeth with a Water Pik, logged on to a computer to look at photos and channel-surfed

A Matter of Ethics [Dan Collins]

As in, Bernie Birnbaum ain’t got any: Two Senate Democrats urged the Justice Department yesterday to quickly release its findings of an ethics investigation into legal opinions under President George W. Bush that paved the way for waterboarding prisoners and other harsh interrogation practices. Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin (Ill.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) are demanding an update on the probe by the department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which

ACORN-holed [Dan Collins]

Rob at Say Anything: I just heard Rep. Michelle Bachman (R- MN) on the Scott Hennen show refer to ACORN getting $2 billion (yes, that’s billion) in new funding from the “economic stimulus” bill Obama and Democrats ram-rodded through Congress with as little debate and scrutiny as possible. Frustrating, no? Bachman noted that the payment to ACORN wasn’t a “stimulus,” it was a pay off. Presumably for ACORN’s efforts in

Death Trip [Dan Collins]

At American Thinker, Marc Sheppard on James Hansen: In a wild rant in Sunday’s Guardian responding to British Prime Minster Gordon Brown’s green-lighting of the controversial Kingsnorth power plant, the head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies managed to outdo even his own sophomoric guilt trips and fear-mongering. Repeating last year’s call for a moratorium on British coal-fired plants, which he has since extended to Angela Merkel, Barack Obama,

Madame C*nt [Dan Collins]

Via Weasel Zippers: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday the Obama administration will make “a concerted effort” to restore the image of the United States in the Islamic world and will seek to “enlist the help of Muslims around the world against the extremists.” Clinton, who on Wednesday will travel to Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, told students at Tokyo University that “this is one of

First Class on Shakespearean Metapoetics [Dan Collins]

Mostly a discussion of Shapiro’s 1599–topicality in Shakespeare–and laying the groundwork for subsequent classes. Please join the conversation on AIM at 8:00 EST if you’re able. I’ll make it available elsewhere for those who can’t attend. I’m vermontaigne. Please email me whether or not you’ll be able to attend tonight. There will be discussion of material, but much of this will be focused on organizational matters.

If You Don’t Think This Is Funny [Dan Collins]

I just don’t know how to please you. The idea that Michigan can’t create enough garbage for its own needs is ludicrous. Patterico on Neiwert on the Bernard Goldberg murders.