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October 2024


Madame C*nt [Dan Collins]

Via Weasel Zippers:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday the Obama administration will make “a concerted effort” to restore the image of the United States in the Islamic world and will seek to “enlist the help of Muslims around the world against the extremists.”

Clinton, who on Wednesday will travel to Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, told students at Tokyo University that “this is one of the central security challenges we face — as to how to better communicate in a way that gets through the rhetoric and through the demagogy and is heard by people who can make judgments about what we stand for and who we truly are.”

Clinton’s remarks came in response to a question about the “prejudice” in the United States against Muslims because of terrorism, a term she rejected forcefully, pointing to the history of Christians. “I am a Christian,” she said. “Through the centuries we have had many people who have done terrible things in the name of Christianity. They have perverted the religion.”

I’ve really got nothing to add to that, in the sense that if I started, I’d be blogging all effing day. She’s not a Christian. Bammy’s not a Christian. They worship the Great Progg, and they are its prophets.


If they won’t unclench their fists, we’ll roll over and show them our saggy tits.

35 Replies to “Madame C*nt [Dan Collins]”

  1. Joe says:

    Seriously, what is wrong with her. Yeah, I have grudges against Oliver Cromwell. He was a douchebag. I am not fan of the Inquisition too. It was wrong.

    It was also what, more than 400 years ago?

    And talking about Obama minions, is it me, or does Tim Geithner? remind me of somebody?

  2. alppuccino says:

    Would Jeremiah Wright be on Hil’s list of religious perverters? Father Pfleger?

    Obama rejects and denounces Farakkan. Isn’t that a slam to Islam.

    Nuance. If you put it on a cheese sandwich and grill it, it’s still a grilled cheese sandwich.

  3. Techie says:

    Since when did Hillary get appointed spokesdroid for Christendom?

  4. Techie says:

    I’d be interested to hear the response had she offered “What about the prejudice against Jews in Islamic countries?”

    Also, I thought that all those iman-backed fatwas cited every possible slight for the past 1400 years, including the Reconquista of Spain and the Battle of Pointers/Tours in 733. They are the world-champion of grudge-holding.

  5. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    She’s a relatively smart leader among the democrats. Rank and file dems take their cues from these people. Unbelievable moral relativism. Frankly, Hillary, I don’t give a rat’s ass about what any of the followers of a particular faith do. That’s up to God to figure out and judge…or not. The point is that they are not the faith. I do care what the progenitor of a particular faith did, though. And the differences between Jesus and mo are legion and completely antithetical. The only way to judge a faith is based on the original teachings and actions of the progenitor. We, as humans betray everything.

  6. Bob Reed says:

    Hillz passes multi-cultural judgment on the continuum of Christianity; but it’s okay because she’s being so self depricating about it…

    Well, her little demonstration of moral relativism conveniently ignores stubborn facts about the decidedly non-ecumenical nature of Islam as well as the inconvenient truth that horrific wrongs are done daily, in contemporary times by the Islamo-fascists, as opposed to historical wrongs in the namne of Christianity. Also, hoviolent measures and hateful means are publicly condemned by Christian leaders, but are generally celebrated or at the very least vindicated by Islamic clerics…

    It is astounding how any parallel can be construed, especially considering that there is no analogous Christian construct to dhimmitude or Sharia

    I just knew that my newfound admiration for Hillz would go swirling down the toilet of history once she regularly started running her mouth about subject other than the incompetence of the one!

  7. Bob Reed says:

    I do care what the progenitor of a particular faith did, though. And the differences between Jesus and mo are legion and completely antithetical.”

    Very well put OI,

    Kind of sums it up nicely…

  8. Sdferr says:

    Allies? Who needs allies when you’ve got “smart power”?

    There is a blog-post at Commentary by Gordon G. Chang from three days ago previewing Sec. Clinton’s Asian trip and asking the simple questions, why is she not going to Australia and India?

  9. steveaz says:

    “Through the centuries we have had many people who have done terrible things in the name of Christianity”

    She is employing the “California Parenting” model here. As in, there are no naughty children, there are only good children and bad parents.

    Now, go take a time-out. And, yes, you can watch television during it, but no texting, OK? And Dad will call you when dinner is ready.

    I wonder how Islam’s radicals will respond to this. Permissive parenting without capital consequences hasn’t worked too well for California.

  10. BumperStickerist says:

    I was asked to give a prayer as part of our parents group meeting that was held at the same time as the youth group meeting.

    My prayer went: God, help me to forgive those who have sinned against me and those who would do me harm – but if You feel like smiting them, go right ahead. Who am I to judge?

    Biblically accurate.

    Not politically correct.

  11. Rob Crawford says:

    There is a blog-post at Commentary by Gordon G. Chang from three days ago previewing Sec. Clinton’s Asian trip and asking the simple questions, why is she not going to Australia and India?

    Easy: Democrats see no reason to maintain close relations with friendly powers, particularly stable democracies. For one, they don’t see how they could harm those relations. For another, it’s unusual for the rich and powerful in those countries to attempt to influence US politics by illegally funneling money into Democrat campaign coffers.

  12. Hillary De Vries Clinton says:

    But you see, Baron Obastard, I know as a Clinton when you will send the executioner. You will hold back just so long as I am useful. To move sooner would be wasteful and I’m yet of much use.

  13. Obama says:

    You can be the one to turn out the lights Hillary.

  14. Bob Reed says:

    Good point Sdferr…

    I guess we don’t care about either place. Even though India, as the worlds most populous democracy, would be a perfect fit ally and a great counterbalance to both the Pakistani’s and the Chinese…

  15. Mr. Pink says:

    So she calls herself a Christian now? This is news to me.

  16. geoffb says:

    “Sec. Clinton’s Asian trip and asking the simple questions, why is she not going to Australia and India?”

    Party, or I should say Ideology, Progressive Ideology is more important than mere country. She is visiting
    her allies. Private, face to face. Certain Indonesian’s were very important to her husband’s administration. Must get all her ducks in order.

  17. Mr. Pink says:

    So when is she going to visit the FALN clubhouse?

  18. Dan Collins says:

    I don’t know, but imagine how angry she’s making Jhimmi, horning in on his action like that.

  19. Mr. Pink says:

    Yeah he must be pissed that in 2009 Hillary beat him to be the first on their knees in a foreign country. She always struck me as the kinda gal who would never be in that position. Funny though if you think about it these two serve the same position for Hamas and North Korea as John “the Maverick” McCain does to Democrats and the MSM.

  20. LTC John says:

    “enlist the help of Muslims around the world against the extremists.”

    Madame Secretary, I suggest you stop by the Baghdad area and visit a little organization called MNSTC-I. They have been helping a small group (300,000 or so) of people who have been doing just that thing.

  21. geoffb says:

    ““I am a Christian,” she said. “Through the centuries we have had many people who have done terrible things in the name of Christianity. They have perverted the religion.””

    She is of the radical left form of “Christianity”. The Gamaliel Foundation is just one of many examples of this form of “Christianity”.

    I’m using the quote marks because the religion practiced by the left in these groups is no more Christian than the Jeremiah Wright version. The churches are simply a cover, a tax exempt cover for political activities.

    Politics is the religion of the left. Community Organizing is the way worship. Of proselytizing and converting the heathen to surrender their lives to their god, power, political power.

    They have a new chosen one now in the White House. Worship services are ongoing and now funded, through the great Stimulus bill, by all of us great unwashed, heathen unbelievers.

    It is no longer enough to sell them the rope. We must provide it our selves, build the gallows, put our heads in the noose, and pull the trap door open. They get to sit as the audience, drinking and eating, making rude comments, and cheering each hanging.

  22. Joe says:

    Tim Geithner says: “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.”

    This is rather nerdy and geekish of me (as all Dune references are), but Geithner does look like Brad Dourif’s Piter De Vries in Dune

  23. Pablo says:

    Madame Secretary, I suggest you stop by the Baghdad area and visit a little organization called MNSTC-I. They have been helping a small group (300,000 or so) of people who have been doing just that thing.

    LTC John, I was thinking along the same lines, though I had al-Anbar and the likes of Sheik al-Rishawi in mind. I wonder if the Hildabeast has met him.

  24. Dan Collins says:

    You guys are right. I should have shown more respect. Let me fix the post title.

  25. happyfeet says:

    She is very tacky.

  26. Pablo says:

    Why do you suppose she isn’t stooping by Iraq? After the Tuzla dash, Baghdad should be a piece of cake.

  27. Rob Crawford says:

    Madame Secretary, I suggest you stop by the Baghdad area and visit a little organization called MNSTC-I. They have been helping a small group (300,000 or so) of people who have been doing just that thing.

    Except that they’re not helping against the same “extremists”. In fact, odds are they ARE the extremists Hillary’s talking about…

  28. LTC John says:


    I don’t think Sec Clinton would consider the (300,000) Iraqi Security Forces “extremists”. What I am afraid is that she has not even thought of what we have accomplished in Iraq at all.

  29. LTC John says:

    “we” – change that to “they”.

  30. Matt says:

    *Since when did Hillary get appointed spokesdroid for Christendom*

    On the upside, at least Obama didn’t appoint a “religion czar”

  31. Sdferr says:

    Oh, she’s thought about it LTC John and she doesn’t like it one little bit. That is, the bit that took a bite out of her in the primaries in revenge for her initial vote for the mission, that is.

  32. Wm T Sherman says:

    “Through the centuries we have had many people who have done terrible things in the name of Christianity”

    She is, how you say, rather self-defecating.

  33. router says:

    “Through the centuries we have had many people who have done terrible things in the name of Communismhristianity”

  34. donald says:

    She’s a relatively smart leader among democrats”. There you go.

  35. Carll says:

    Thats what I’m talking about lol :)

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