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February 2009


February 2009

Not Much News [Dan Collins]

that I’d care to report on. Maybe I’ll find a bit of inspiration later in the day. Frank P. sends along word that you oughtn’t open any emails with the heading, “Life Is Beautiful,” as they will tend to erase your hard drive. Yesterday brought news that my elder son, Brendan, has won a scholarship to his mom’s alma mater, Marquette, so that’s cool.* This afternoon, I’ll be driving the

You Don’t Say? [Dan Collins]

Chimp in Conn. attack had unusual bond with owner Travis the chimpanzee’s relationship with his owner, a lonely widow, was closer than those of some married couples. She gave him the finest food, and wine in long-stemmed glasses. They took baths together and cuddled in the bed they shared. Travis brushed Herold’s hair each night and pined for her when she was away. If she left the house alone, Travis

More Alleged Assaultive Dead Chimp Cartoon Rage [Dan Collins]

Someone named Michael Wolff at the Newser blog “Off the Grid” is yammering on again about the racism of the Delonas cartoon that we mentioned yesterday. But what Wolff and others don’t get is–Obama didn’t write the damn thing. He let friggin’ Congress do that. If he’d have said “sign the next stimulus bill,” then that would certainly associate Obama with Travis the Chimp. He didn’t. Hell, Obama didn’t even

Yo, My Precedent [Dan Collins] [updated by Jeff]

“It’s never okay to use that word. Unless you’re black, it should never come out of your mouth.” I guess he’s not my president, after all. update: Yes, we know it’s a put on. Just so’s you know that we know. That it also happens to be an actual trend is either incidental or metaparodic. Cut ’em some slack, people. It’s hard out here for a President.

Hoover Me This, Asswipe [Dan Collins]

What could it mean? Peter Wehner (I hope he doesn’t mind my stealing his entire post) at Commentary has up a revealing piece on Fairness Doctrine fan Bill Moyers: In today’s Washington Post, we learn that “J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI found itself quietly consumed with the vexing question of whether [Lyndon Johnson aide Jack] Valenti was gay.” According to the article, “the files, obtained by The Washington Post under the

More from the Office of Oversight Oversight [Dan Collins]

Byron York, via Ace, via Hot Air: You’ve heard a lot about the astonishing spending in the $787 billion economic stimulus bill, signed into law this week by President Barack Obama. But you probably haven’t heard about a provision in the bill that threatens to politicize the way allegations of fraud and corruption are investigated — or not investigated — throughout the federal government. The provision, which attracted virtually no

Another Real True Inside Story of Hitch [Dan Collins]

Tatiana had never felt this way before about one of her marks. It had, up to this time, been just a game with her. Many a time and oft the curvaceous Russian spy had tantalizingly set her sights on operatives of the West, and used her irresistible feminine wiles to draw them in to their doom. But now . . . having tasted his throbbing man muscle in all its

The Real True Inside Story of Hitch and the Syrian Nazis [Dan Collins]

There’s been a lot of misdirection on the intartubes over the real true inside story of Hitch and the Syrian Nazis. Ace, who’s been over there in Lebanon with him and some other guys, does a nice job of trying to play things down, on the theory that it’s really Hitch’s story to tell, since he was the one who got kicked in the head, and that it’s going to

Snow Days [Dan Collins]

Trip Shakespeare.

Metapoetics Group [Dan Collins]

For those of you in the course, the Google Groups site is insisting I look like a computer virus, so I’m posting something below the fold for the moment.