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October 2024


Yo, My Precedent [Dan Collins] [updated by Jeff]

“It’s never okay to use that word. Unless you’re black, it should never come out of your mouth.”

I guess he’s not my president, after all.

update: Yes, we know it’s a put on. Just so’s you know that we know. That it also happens to be an actual trend is either incidental or metaparodic.

Cut ’em some slack, people. It’s hard out here for a President.

72 Replies to “Yo, My Precedent [Dan Collins] [updated by Jeff]”

  1. Silver Whistle says:

    You have got to be shitting me, First Lady.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anything so mind-bendingly absurdist before.

  3. Mikey NTH says:

    Selling a Cook County hack as the Messiah wasn’t absurdist?

  4. JD says:

    Post-racial post-partisan hoo-ha

  5. Dan Collins says:

    You’ve got a point, my . . . nigger?

  6. Carin says:

    Please tell me that last guy was joking.

  7. TheGeezer says:

    Language is a convention.

    Will we soon be unable to say president?

  8. happyfeet says:

    It’s opposed to be funny I think. I just don’t the funny to be real honest. People patronize black people a lot I think, especially on the tv. I don’t know why they do that. Maybe it’s cause our president is black and very patronizey. But the tv people were patronizing people way before Baracky, especially Viacom. UPN and all. Very cringey, most of it, I thought.

  9. happyfeet says:

    oh. I just don’t *get* the funny I meant. I’m hungry. Too hungry to proof the rest of that.

  10. Carin says:

    Oh, phew. The last guy was joking. Ha ha ha … [nervous laugh]

  11. Dan Collins says:

    I think that the whole thing is a put-on, Carin. And the funniest one I’ve seen in awhile.

  12. Dan Collins says:

    I disagree, hf. I think that it’s cool that they can joke about themselves like that.

  13. cranky-d says:

    Whateves. Saying “president” is probably better than using the other word, but the fact is, a word (or sign) simply stands in for some meaning. The signifier is applying the meaning. So, really, has anything changed at all here? They could call each other “kitty” or “puppy” or whatever, and it would be the same.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    The coolest thing, though, would be if someone at Fox could show this to Eric Holder and get his take.

  15. cranky-d says:

    If it’s a joke, then well, whatevs.

  16. Jeff G. says:

    Clearly a parody.

  17. Carin says:

    It is a parody, but apparently (if you follow links) it is a “real trend.”

  18. Sdferr says:

    Though you might get farther if Holder would read the Declaration I think. Or at least acknowledge its existence.

  19. Carin says:

    You know, I was thinking last night that they could do a great GREAT SNL skit about the stimulus bill not having any pork.

    Did they ever do anything with Chriss Thrill-up-my-leg Matthews?

  20. kelly says:

    Got to be parody. Holder has informed us we’re all cowards when it comes to race matters, right?

  21. happyfeet says:

    I’m a big fat coward on race. It’s just not worth it. They asked me why I didn’t look at racial trends for my report thinger this week and I said oh sure like J did last year in NY? Not even. They made him write a letter after. Jeez. You have to specifically request that stuff and tell me exactly what you want the story to be or I just don’t go there anymores.

  22. cranky-d says:

    Apparently I’m a moron, then, and not in a good way.

  23. cranky-d says:

    That doesn’t make you a coward, hf, that makes you prudent. Most people to not have the luxury of fighting for the truth because that basically puts you out of work.

  24. BJTexs says:

    Attempting to establish some street cred, House and Senate Republicans have taken to calling each other “Too Late with a Spine Socialist Enabling Girly Brats.”

    All except Arlen Spector who is hailed as “Treasonous Shit Stain.”

    “Hey, Treasonous Shit Stain! Is Barry still your daddy? Woof!”

  25. Sdferr says:

    Camel’s nose? ** Could be. h/t Drudge

  26. BJTexs says:

    We know it’s coming, Sdferr but those numbers were severly affected by declining refinery production. Give us 3-4 more consecutive months of numbers like that and Bernanke’s head explodes.

    It’s almost worth it…

  27. happyfeet says:

    oh. That’s scary. I know Baracky’s printing money as fast as he can to ward off inflation. Let’s just cross our fingers it works.

  28. Sdferr says:

    …Despite the big jump in wholesale prices in January, economists do not believe inflation is on the verge of becoming a problem, given the country’s deep recession.

    Lines like that are an unintended joke, I guess. I’m feeling kinda hatey towards much of the press these days.

  29. urthshu says:

    I’m switching over to tulip bulbs. Much more stable currency.

  30. cranky-d says:

    So, they think you cannot have a depression and inflation at the same time? Wow, how dumb can you get?

  31. happyfeet says:

    Me and NG are using a buy one entree get another one of same or equal value for half off coupon for our favorite mexican place what we found on the back of our Ralph’s receipt yesterday. That’s savvy lunching I’m sure we can all agree. I will get the combo with the chicken and carnitas and NG will get either a combo or maybe a wet burrito. If she gets the combo she lets me have her tortillas but if she gets the wet burrito or sometimes the pozole I have to order extra tortillas. We will talk about getting guac and then decide against it cause we’ll remember that it just turns out to be too much food.

  32. N. O'Brain says:

    #Comment by cranky-d on 2/19 @ 1:16 pm #

    c.f., Carter, Jimmy

  33. Dan Collins says:

    I don’t think you’re being a coward, hf. I just think that the parody goes mostly to the anthropological ambitions of the interviewer.

  34. Log Cabin says:

    But why are gasoline prices up? They have jumped .40/gallon here in NorCal in the last month.

  35. Mikey NTH says:

    In Re: AG Holder.

    The reason that there isn’t a ‘discussion’ or ‘conversation’ on race is that too many people know that what you call a ‘discussion’ a normal person would call a ‘lecture’; and frankly speaking, I think too many people are tired of the lecture that runs from slavery to Selma and back in a never-ending loop.

    You want to get beyond race? Then stop talking about race first thing in every situation.

  36. happyfeet says:

    oh. I had to go by the comments at SA cause they block that sort of thing here. I’ll watch when I get home, but it’s my intention to find absolutely no humor in it whatsoever.

  37. Bob Reed says:

    Although this deliciously absurd piece must be tongue-in-cheek at the very least, FWIW NY 1 is a legitimate news station in NYC…

    Must be like those “Mayne Event” pieces done on ESPN…

  38. happyfeet says:

    Someone linked this the other day Mr. Cabin. I didn’t read it.

  39. Bob Reed says:


    Just wait until the O!ne!s EPA starts regulating carbon; then gas will skyrocket regardless of the price of oil…

    They’ll put the refineries out of business…

    Right after they get done issuing a joint study with Hansen on how CO2 is harmful to our nation; The Debate is Over! after all…

    Slightly OT, how does it feel as a Californian to know that the state budget shortfall could have been eliminated, and racks of jobs created, if the offshore oil drilling were resumed…

    Was this option even discussed in all the coverage surrounding the budgetary crisis..?

  40. BJTexs says:

    #34 LC: Refineries and Gas producers have been cutting back their production in the hopes of stabilizing prices. This in the face of demand for all energy sources down, across the board. Meantime OPEC’s cutbacks have been the proverbial drop of rain in the Ocean as world wide demand continues to tank and inventories are high.

    Yup, the energy sector doesn’t make any more sense than any other part of the economy right now.

  41. BJTexs says:

    Energy policy under !O! is going to be a three ring circus on a collision course with the sun.

  42. Sdferr says:

    Here’s another shot at explanation LC, at KnowledgeProblemBlog.

  43. JD says:

    My heating bill was $629 last month. That was an improvement from the month prior.


  44. Obama says:

    Do not worry people you can all heat yourselves by the fuzzy glo of my halo.

  45. Mr. White says:

    You’ve got a point, my . . . nigger?

    Hey, thanks Dan. You just won a bet for me.


  46. Synova says:

    At first the clip seemed like it might be real. Then it sort of started to seem like it was clearly parody or satire. The “nothing rhymes with “president” it’s multi-syllabic” I could take as real… the bit in the classroom, not at all. The fellow at the beginning saying that it’s not okay to pretend that n***er can be used as a positive thing seemed serious.

    But really, as much as that must have been a joke as it went on and on and got sillier… would it be a bad thing? I don’t think so. Words do have power, after all.

  47. cranky-d says:

    Synova, I’ve seen so many stupid things that are real, they had me fooled, though I thought the classroom fight was odd.

  48. Techie says:

    JD. what are you burning, dollar bills?

  49. JD says:

    Techie – I am an evil capitalist.

  50. McGehee says:

    “I’m Rick James, First Lady!”

  51. cranky-d says:

    Subversive of you, McGehee.

  52. Matt says:

    *Right after they get done issuing a joint study with Hansen on how CO2 is harmful to our nation*

    Those gay looking boy band brothers should keep their opinions to themselves imho. Mmmbop my ass. Fuckers.

  53. JD says:

    If the Jonas Brothers and the Backdoor Boyz are on board, it must be true.

  54. phreshone says:

    at Barry’s current pace, calling someone president in 2 years will be insulting…

    Premier Barry will be the official title by then…

  55. phreshone says:

    Backdoor Boyz… wasn’t that the DBA for the male escort service that used to be run out of Barney Franks’ house???

  56. phreshone says:

    Probability they’re recycling stump speeches on the teleprompter = 100%

  57. JD says:

    Baracky is the greatest teleprompter reader EVAH !

  58. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Permanent campaign, baby!

    The stupid fuck hasn’t yet realized that the campaign is over, because that’s all he’s ever done.

  59. guinsPen says:

    Nuke ’em from orbit, it’s the only… wait, have thor move in next door.

    That’ll fix ’em.

  60. easyliving1 says:


    A fugitive from the law.
    A habitual criminal.
    A rebel; a nonconformist: a social outlaw.
    A person excluded from normal legal protection and rights.
    A wild or vicious horse or other animal.

    Welcome. Don’t stay long. Birch is anachronistic.

  61. easyliving1 says:

    How many knew? Jeff is one, I is two.



  62. happyfeet says:

    I didn’t really pay attention to the Mr. White person all day cause it was a very multitasky day. alphie is smarter than him.

  63. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Remember when they used to make fun of Reagan for asking for the questions in advance?

    At least Reagan could remember his fucking lines.

    This Presentdent dude we’ve got right now isn’t one of the brighter ones, is he?

  64. easyliving1 says:

    The consequence, hence significance, of George Lakoff isn’t what I had perceived. It had teh effect of normalizing cognitive dissonance as a legitimate response to overwhelming, rage-inducing logic and rationality.

    The same cannot be said of none but facists.

  65. Ed says:

    Fuck OUTLAW…Too late for that. I’m going with DESPERADO

  66. Joe says:

    Pelosi is a xanaxed enraged chimp that would chew off your best friend’s face, what is the contoversy about that?

  67. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    You forgot the wine part, Joe, but spot on other than that.

    She’s about ten snakes away from being a Gorgon.

  68. Sdferr says:

    An NRO interview with Rick Santelli post viral YouTube.

  69. Bill Shaw says:

    president, please!

  70. Swen Swenson says:

    Premier Barry will be the official title by then…

    Nah, I’m betting on “Your Holeyness”, at least among the taxpayers.

    Fuck OUTLAW…Too late for that. I’m going with DESPERADO

    I’m also betting that when the bill comes due we’re all going to be desperate.

  71. […] Code words. Civility NOW!!! Posted by Dan Collins @ 3:05 pm | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Context, Interpretation and Intention [Dan Collins]”, url: “” });   […]

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