
Jeff's Wish List

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June 23, 2006

Okay, no excuses this time.  We demand the armadillo dance&#8212

—Uh huh.  I tried that once.  I “demanded” ABC develop the sitcom idea I pitched them about a struggling female Asian standup comedienne (Margaret Cho) who gets involved with progressive politics and, against the advice of her conservative agent (Tucker Carlson), decides to give her career a boost by becoming a human shield in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.  Tony Shaloub co-stars as the “translator” who doesn’t much like Americans (or Jews);

“The crying on the inside kind, I guess…”

Tom Elia asks: What could be a more perfect metaphor than three men dressed as clowns breaking into a Minuteman III missile launch facility, and vandalizing it? To which protein wisdom answers, “Dunno.  Maybe three men dressed as clowns breaking into a Minuteman III missile launch facility, vandalizing it, then escaping in a 1973 VW Super Beetle stuffed with 13 other self-important, nuclear-averse activist clowns…?” Yeah, I know.  I got

The Language of Dissent

Wait.  Does this mean Sullivan is a “gayist,” or…?  Damn neologisms.  I can never keep up.

This is the way wars end&#8212

—Not with a bang, but with a whimper. Two things:  first, if the insurgents refuse the offer, Iraqi forces, with the help of the US, will have (grudging) international cover to finish them off with extreme prejudice.  And second, nothing much will change in Iraq either way—except, perhaps, that should the insurgents rebuff the Iraqi government’s offer, it will be difficult for the media to keep up the ruse that

Substantive Discourse and the loyal opposition

Seems jreid at the ReidBlog isn’t particularly interested in the latest FBI terror arrests—though she is quite interested in those who are: Here we go. The FBI blow-torch raid and arrests of the Karate Seven down here in South “Flaw-duh” has launched the right wing crazy boat online. [….] Guys. Take a deep breath. Liberty City is not Peshwar. It’s the hood, man. These are probably some militant brothas working

Just keep telling yourself:  It’s because they care about YOUR CIVIL LIBERTIES!

I can’t put it better than Stephen Spruiell at NRO’s Media Blog, so I’m just going to quote and highlight a few key passages, then maybe add some brief closing thoughts: The duo of Eric Lichtblau and James Risen have published the details of yet another classified national-security program. This time, they exposed the workings of a database of financial records that the administration has used to track al Qaeda’s