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June 27, 2006

Elevating the Discourse (UPDATED and UPDATED AGAIN)

Frustrated troll (and highly-regarded Sadly, No! commenter) Lo Ping Wong: Your son is going to grow up to be a cockslapping faggot just like you Jeff. Posted by Lo Ping Wong | permalink on 06/27 at 03:14 PM Translation:  “I’m all for gay marriage.  If the fags want a license to poke each other in their filthy fag ears, that’s cool with me.  Because I’m progressive, and I care!  But

a CITIZEN JOURNALIST attempts to pick a few hot stocks using astrology, if only as a way to test empirically the ability of the stars and their interpreters to gauge financial markets

To help me out, I solicited the aid of noted astrologer Michael Thiessen, who advises me (well, me and everybody else born between Jan 21 and February 19) not to let my emotions get out of hand. “Believe in yourself,” he tells me/us, “and so will those who count. Enjoy a quiet dinner for two and discuss some of the plans you have for the future.” Using this advice, I

Hoist the Black Flag, neocons!

At 3 PM EST.  Today’s guest is Mark W. Smith, author of Disrobed: The New Battleplan to Break the Left’s Stranglehold on the Courts, who, as Ace notes, will “be floating the idea that future victims of terrorism can sue the NYT on an ‘aiding and abetting’ theory.” Listen in at Rightalk.  Call in number is 866-884-TALK.

The Color of Money

“He thinks like them, so they support him, don’t believe anything else”—Townhouse member Steve Gilliard, on why Maryland Senate hopeful, Republican Michael Steele, is an Uncle Tom racist Oreo who takes money from Whitey (and not the good kind of Whitey, either) in order to keep the black man down. Left unanswered in the fury of Gilliard’s question begging:  why would “they” lend their support to someone who doesn’t think

I’m sure this is bad news, but I confess that I can’t find the “bad” part straightaway….

From Chris Allbritton, Back to Iraq: The day after PM Nouri al-Maliki introduced his plan for national reconciliation, seven insurgent groups from the Ba’athist/Nationalist side of the insurgency have reportedly contacted the Iraqi government in order to offer a truce. The groups include the 1920 Revolution Brigades, the Muhammad Army (jaysh al-Muhammad), Abtal al-Iraq (Heroes of Iraq), the 9th of April Group, al-Fatah Brigades, and the Brigades of the General

Classical Liberalism:  a primer

From conservative Milton Friedman.  (Video link courtesy Matt Sherman).

“The Ohio ‘Kossola’ Connection”

The liberal Buckeye State Blog is not at all impressed with the performances of Kos/Armstrong in Ohio—nor are they falling in line with Greenwald, et al., and trying to change the subject of the “Ko$ola” story to the “ethics” of the TNR (which issued a correction).  Instead, the staff at BSB keeps its attention focused on the real issues at play here: Does kos have influence over other bloggers? Of