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June 19, 2006

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, abridged 25

Often times, it is the scenic route that, by encouraging one to resist the easy path, leads most directly to enlightenment.  Which doesn’t mean, of course, it is a good idea to fly sorties into Iraq out of freakin’ Okinawa.  Because that’s just crazy talk.

A Million More Mogadishus…?

J. Peter Pham, director of the Nelson Institute for International and Public Affairs at James Madison University and an academic fellow of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, on the growing threat taking shape in Somalia.  From the WSJ, “The New Taliban” (subscription only): On June 5, an armed Islamist group, the Union of Islamic Courts, took control of Mogadishu, Somalia’s largest city, after heavy fighting against “warlords” representing

Classified operations under way

Behind the curtains here at protein wisdom, a team of highly trained military specialists is hard at work trying to correct the server optimization problem that is causing my site to crash repeatedly.  In the mean time, I sit and wait and laugh as they put themselves in such cyber peril—like the vile, presumptuous CHICKENSERVERFIXERHAWK that I am… Dance for DADDY, IT boys!