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June 24, 2006

When it rain, it pours

Man.  Is Glenn Greenwald having a bad day or what…? Maybe he should have had his chart done.  As a Towhouse premium club member, I hear you get a 20% discount—though that’s probably just another of Zengerle’s vicious RIGHT-WING LIES! POWER TO THE PEOPLE-POWERED PEOPLES’ PEOPLE!

Erasure (UPDATED)

Yesterday I linked to Dan Riehl’s investigative work revealing that MyDD—before it was one of the lynchpin sites for progressive politics and one of its founders, Jerome Armstrong, the Kos-approved political consultant (and co-author of Moulitsas’ Crashing the Gates) for Dem presidential hopeful Mark Warner—was in fact a stock analysis site that used astrology (and perhaps Tarot cards?  I’m not sure how this works, precisely) to predict the vicissitudes of

A post that explores what life might be like if oatmeal could speak, 7

oatmeal:  “For what it’s worth, breakfast used to be the most important meal of the day. Until they went and let the filthy bagels in, that is…”