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June 5, 2006

And now, for your moment of Zen—presented by way of an out of context Gordon Lightfoot lyric for no good reason that I can think of

I can see her lookin fast in her faded jeans She’s a hard lovin woman, got me feelin’ mean Sometimes I think its a shame When I get feelin’ better when Im feelin’ no pain Sundown ya’ better take care If I find you been creepin ‘round my back stairs Sundown ya’ better take care If I find you been creepin ‘round my back stairs Sometimes I think its a

Grieving Mom Cindy Sheehan and 70s Kung-fu expert and counterculture icon Billy Jack discuss strategies for twenty-first century anti-war activism while ostensibly maintaining their commitments to fighting global terrorism, 20

“People ask me all the time, ‘Cindy?  Do you support the murderous killbots manufactured by our military to wage wars for profit at the behest of a Jewish cabal secretly controlling world goverment?’ And my answer is always the same:  I support only those troops who don’t themselves support the exploitation of the Iraqi people, and who won’t allow the war profiteers to carry on with their death and destruction

I wonder… (UPDATED)

Were Dick Nixon still alive, would he be able to stand the irony?  Or would his head simply pop like a “Camelot” champagne cork…? (h/t Craig C) **** update:  Oh my!  Keith Olbermann’s going to have a lot of hate to spread around among those Dems who are wandering off the reservation… (h/t IP)

The NSA, FISA and the Canadian / transnational terror plots

AJ Strata and John Stephenson discuss the likely roles played by both the NSA and FISA in the recently revealed breakup of a major terror attack plan in Canada. But that’s only because AJ Strata and John Stephenson, by even presuming to broach the subject, have no compunction whatsoever about revealing themselves some of the worst enemies of American values alive. At least, I think so.  Still waiting on word

Conservative Stalwart Andrew Sullivan is MORE MORAL THAN THOU (UPDATED)

At the risk of prompting unstable people to issue anonymous threats against his beagle, I reprint this latest from The Daily Dish: The United States is a rogue nation that practices torture and detainee abuse and does not follow the most basic principles of the Geneva Conventions. It is inviolation of human rights agreements and the U.N. Convention against torture. It is legitimizing torture by every disgusting regime on the