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June 21, 2006

WMD found in Iraq?

Here’s Austin Bay: I heard a report on Fox News about twenty minutes ago (5 PM Central) that Senator Rick Santorum claims coalition investigators in Iraq found chemical weapons — artillery shells filled with a chemical agent (perhaps sarin nerve agent). The Fox report said Santorum had fought with the Pentagon and White House to get the information declassified. I’d like to see Santorum put his evidence up on the

Pass the popcorn, indeed

Josh Trevino at Red State: TNR’s The Plank re-prints an e-mail from Matt Stoller’s not-so-secret Townhouse group—the entry page for the associated distro list is here — in which Markos Moulitsas asks his fellow left-bloggers to maintain a studious silence on the slowly coalescing story on what looks very much like a Jerome Armstrong-dKos pay-for-play cash nexus. “It would make my life easier if we can confine the story,” he

in which I do my civic duty

Dear ABC News: I suppose the biggest effect global warming has had on my life — aside from putting an end to my childhood fears that the next ice age could arrive at any moment and cancel the Orioles’ season — is that, as frightening as it now seems in retrospect, it made “moderate Democrat” Al Gore a viable national candidate for President, particularly in the minds of those who

My fourteenth brief conversation with the ghost of John Merrick

Merrick: “I AM NOT AN ANIMAL!” Me:  “Uh huh.  Got a riddle for you, John.  Why did the chicken cross the road?” Merrick:  “– I AM A HUMAN BEING!” Me:  “No, that’s not it. It’s because he saw you coming, and you totally grossed him out.” Me:  “I mean, so you’re a freak, so what?  Does that mean instead of the same drool- and strawberry shake-coated burlap bag day after

Howard Dean : military strategy ::  Howard Dean : funkadelic SOUL and collard greens!

Via the New Editor’s Tom Elia, I’m alerted to the latest verbal boner from DNC Chairman Howard Dean, who unleashed this bizarre articulation of Democratic war strategy (liberally peppered with anti-GOP invective) on Monday’s Hardball (with Norah O’Donnell): DEAN: I believe that John Murtha, who served two terms in Vietnam and 37 years as a combat veteran marine, knows a great deal about national defense than anybody in the Republican