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June 7, 2006

Iran and Diplomacy:  chocolate and peanut butter?  or oil and water?

In what he calls “diplomatic progress,” QandO’s Jon Henke is on board with the “package of incentives presented Tuesday to Iran” that “includes a provision for the United States to supply Tehran with some nuclear technology if it stops enriching uranium—a major concession by Washington, diplomats said.” Writes Henke: If properly negotiated, this could be a significant diplomatic achievement. We would have given up nothing we were not already legally

Meanwhile, somewhere in Jesusland…

John Bolton’s straight-talking mustache, “Regis,” reacts to complaints by UN deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch Brown that US criticism of the UN undermines the orgnanization’s mission

“Regis”: “Yeah, whatever.  Just so long as Brown remembers that when I pinch him on his ass, that means I want him to run and fetch me a sandwich and a Snapple.  And none of that peach iced-tea shit like last time, either.  Some of us still take our masculinity seriously.”* (h/t rls)

CIAo, terrorist

Several people have sent me links to both the BBC and AP articles on those maddeningly difficult to pin down secret US prisons hidden throughout Europe.  Natesnake likes this bit best, from Swiss Senator Dick Marty: “Even if proof, in the classical meaning of the term, is not as yet available, a number of coherent and converging elements indicate that such secret detention centers did indeed exist in Europe,” he

I’m 6’20”, too—but only when I wear my disco shoes

Hilarious.  Yet somehow poignant.  Warning:  This may or may not be safe for work—although if your boss gives you any guff, you could always just accuse him or her of hating America.  That’s what I’d do. If I had a jaggoff for a boss.  Or a job. (h/t Allah, who has cobbled together a bunch of good stuff here)