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June 4, 2006

“England afraid to fly its own flag”

From YNet News: Following warnings by extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun, in which the group said that the red cross in the England flag symbolizes the ‘blood thirsty crusaders’ and the occupation of Muslims, some of the largest companies in England have ordered their workers not to wave the flags. The flag has recently appeared in England on everything from bikinis to cars, and sold in endless versions in stores. But

protein wisdom’s Paste Soufflé recipe (UPDATED)

Ingredients: * 1 small jar (approx. 7 1/2 ounces) small curd paste * 1 cup milk * 3 tablespoons butter * 3 tablespoons flour * 1/4 teaspoon salt * dash ground cayenne pepper * 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard * 4 eggs, separated * 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Preparation Strain paste and set aside. In a saucepan, melt butter; blend in flour, salt, cayenne, and dry mustard. Simmer while stirring until

Canuckistan? (UPDATED)

Laguna Dave points us to this Winnipeg Sun article from inveterate anti-American columnist Eric Margolis, which suggests that at least some of the “intellectual class” writing for the Canadian media (read:  Socialists) are likely to treat yesterday’s revelations that Ontario was the target for a major terror attack NOT as reason to get more serious about fighting Islamic extremists, but rather as an excuse to surrender to them (though the

“Alleged Canadian terror plot has worldwide links” (UPDATED)

From the National Post: A Canadian counter-terrorism investigation that led to the arrests of 17 people accused of plotting bombings in Ontario is linked to probes in a half-dozen countries, the National Post has learned. Well before police tactical teams began their sweeps around Toronto on Friday, at least 18 related arrests had already taken place in Canada, the United States, Britain, Bosnia, Denmark, Sweden, and Bangladesh. The six-month RCMP