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June 28, 2006

variations on a theme: The “an ordinary clock glimpsed in its moment of brief anti-heteronormative awakening” post (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)

tic tic tic tic tic “Is it me?  Or does the fact that clock hands look like predatory rotating penises stalking a set of mostly curvaceous and feminized numerals reinforce an idea of sexuality that marks us as only slightly more socially advanced in our purported ‘tolerances’ than, say, the Taliban…?” tic tic tic

The MOVEMENT speaks

Via Hot Air, “Berkeley, California, to vote on Bush impeachment”: The municipal council in the liberal California city of Berkeley plans to give voters a say on a measure calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, the mayor said on Wednesday. A number of local governments across the United States have pressed resolutions urging impeachment, but the Berkeley city council’s goal is to be the

A shout back to Andy Sullivan (UPDATED)

Who writes of yours truly: Some quick thoughts. First (and I’m doing my best here): my name isn’t Andy. Second: Goldstein seems to be advancing the notion that there are two teams, and I’m now “aligned” with the homophobic one, i.e. the team Goldstein isn’t on. But what if someone’s approach to politics does not devolve into a moronic question of whose “team” you’re on? I know this is a

I’m a bit behind the news cycle here, but…

…from Powerline, Senate Asks for Leak Damage Assessment: Senator Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, wrote to Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, asking him to investigate and report on the damage done by the media’s “unauthorized disclosure of some of our most sensitive intelligence programs.” Roberts authorizes a broad inquiry, but directs Negroponte to report particularly on leaks regarding the Terrorist Surveillance Program and the Terrorist Finance