
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


The Language of Dissent

Wait.  Does this mean Sullivan is a “gayist,” or…? 

Damn neologisms.  I can never keep up.

23 Replies to “The Language of Dissent”

  1. Tom says:

    He prefers “ass-ist”.

  2. McGehee says:

    So does this “-ist” thingie mean I’m a “humorist?” ‘Cause I likes me some humor. And I’ve heard that bona fide humorists can actually, like, get paid and shit.

  3. The Colossus says:

    Gayest, maybe. 

    In the Ozzie Guillen sense of the word.

  4. Hoodlumman says:

    I’m partial to doucheist, myself…

    Note: alt. spelling – douchist

  5. mojo says:

    I’ve heard that bona fide humorists can actually, like, get paid and shit.

    No, no. No “and”, bubela.

    It’s “get paid shit” I’m afraid…

    SB: got

    smart ass turing test

  6. Murel Bailey says:

    Maybe we need a reality show where they bring people from all walks of life to meet Andrew Sullivan so he can call them bigoted anti-homosexual theocrats to their face and then we can see which of them get tired of it and punch him inna stummick.

    Surely there’s a few eligible contestants left, meaning there must be at least a couple of dozen people he hasn’t accused yet. I want to see him call Richard Simmons a homophobe on that show and have Richard tell him he feels sorry for him.

  7. Stopped reading Sullivan a while ago simply because he’s one of those guys who will try to hijack an idea or a word or a movement and try and force it to be what HE thinks it should be. 

    Even something like the Catholic Church, I’m glad that Andrew is the one true Catholic and the past 2000 years off tradition, the Holy See and the Chatechism are all wrong.  I mean the trick is to know you’re wrong when you’re wrong.  I mean Christ, they let me in.

    TW: staff.  16 years of Catholic school and I never got to touch the bishop’s staff.

  8. Old Dad says:


    Great idea. Let’s call it Amurrican Bigot. Andrew can play the mean Simon Judge. Ann Coulter can be Paula, and Chris Rock can be Randy.

    Producers will recruit Bubbas from all fifty states. Contestants then will be secretly filmed as they are forced to watch Liberace reruns.

    We’ll make millions.

  9. ahem says:

    My favorite -ists are falangists, although why anyone would develop a prejudice agains finger-bones is beyond me.

  10. ken says:

    “The point is to portray your political opponents as part of a Manichean struggle against existential evil.”

    One way to start doing that is calling your opponents “Christianists.”

  11. Phil Smith says:

    He’s a “Faboo!!!”list.

  12. Darleen says:

    Tongues from here to Kyoto will thank him.

    Nope. Nada. Not.going.there.

  13. I’m holding out for the Latin Americanized version, e.g., as Ozzie Guillen or Commandante Ortega might say, “Andrew is a Gayista!” Maybe we can reunite the remaining members of The Clash to put out a double album if Mick can spare his BAD self for a few weeks.

    Turing Word: sort, as in, not that there’s anything wrong with that sort of thing.

  14. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    See, this thread is what I’ve been begging for- more Ozzie love.  Seriously, Jeff is always promising with the intentionalist deconstruction of Ozzie Guillen, but it’s always put off for terrorism this and paste eating that.

    Side topic- I love A.J. Pyrzenski.  I love his stupid antics and his getting punched.  He’s the punky QB of the Sox.  And he and Crede are middle-of-the-lineup magic more often than not.

  15. tongueboy says:



    Definitely not a cherophobist.






  16. The Colossus says:

    Heh.  Crede.  Had him on my fantasy team last year and he did nothing for me.  This year, what?  13 home runs so far? 

    Me, I’ve got no opinion on the “Ozzie as homophobe” meme.  I do know that his mismanagement of the bullpen last year cost me at least three wins from Mark Buehrle. 

    Screw you, Ozzie.

  17. ThomasD says:

    My favorite -ists are falangists, although why anyone would develop a prejudice agains finger-bones is beyond me.

    Careful, otherwise someone could accuse you of being homophonobic. wink

  18. Major John says:

    By my old Chet Lemon card!  Lay off Ozzie or feel my wrath! (what?  Ozzie Guillen, not Ozzie Cougar, the Kane County Cougars – single A’s finest team – mascot…oh).

    I like Ozzie for three reason; 1) he swears alot, 2) he doesn’t like Jay Marriotti, 3) he brought home a World Series championship in my lifetime – before the Cubs could….HAHAHAHAHAHA…uh, sorry about that. You see, I am in a mixed marriage…I married, uh, a Cubs fan [hangs head].  She is a really wonderful woman, other than that…

  19. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    He’s more of a pen-ist these days…

  20. Muslihoon says:

    Side topic- I love A.J. Pyrzenski.

    I like Zbigniew Brzezinski. Like your guy, he has an unpronounceable name. (And he was Carter’s guy. Trust Carter to foist this on the American people.)

    Wikipedia says:

    He was known for his hawkish foreign policy (more favorable toward armed intervention) at a time when the Democratic Party was increasingly dovish (less favorable toward armed intervention). He is a foreign policy realist, and considered to be the Democrats’ response to Henry Kissinger, also a realist, who served under President Nixon.

    Sounds like a good guy!

  21. MarkD says:

    Being Carter’s guy on foreign policy is like being branded inept.  I wouldn’t put it on my resume.

  22. McGehee says:

    He’s more of a pen-ist these days…

    What’s he got against pencils?

  23. ahem says:

    ThomasD: I was wondering if someone would get that gag… Back atcha!

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