
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar


June 2006

Sinking of the Cole

Only this time, no dead sailors!  So, you know, no harm, no foul. (h/t Dave Price) Meanwhile, in less important breaking news, “Troops cleared in Iraqi deaths is Ishaqi”: A U.S. military probe has exonerated U.S. troops in the deaths of Iraqi civilians in the town of Ishaqi in March, finding American forces followed standard procedures and committed no misconduct, defense officials said on Friday. The Ishaqi incident was one

Iowa Law Students Protest Professor’s Use of “Racial Slur” (UPDATED)

From the Tax Prof Bog: Interesting article in this morning’s Des Moines Register:  Racial Slur Read by Professor Upsets U of I Law Students; Professor Says Racial Term Fit in a Negotiations Class, by Erin Jordan: A professor’s use of readings containing racial slurs has alarmed students and renewed discussions about diversity at the University of Iowa law school…. The university’s Black Law Students Association, a group of 27 students,

Great moments in Tony Baretta lingo (or, how to recycle ancient pop culture references to pretend to “read” the GWOT through a 31-year old teleplay)

“You’re a corpse, man.  Take that to the bank and collect interest on it.” (from ”Woman in the Harbor,” original air date January 31, 1975)*

Live from Kabul, it’s Saturday Night!

Or Friday afternoon.  Or whatever the hell day and time it is in Kabul just now.  I’m not up on my international time zones, to be honest with you. At any rate, Pajamas Media is featuring a podcast interview with Bill Roggio, who just arrived in Afghanistan, and speaks to PJM Sydney editor Richard Fernandez of The Belmont Club about recent riots in the country, as well as other topics

Britain:  “Police Shoot Bomb Suspect” (UPDATED)

From Sky News: A man has been shot by police in an anti-terror raid in London on a suspected chemical bomb factory, Sky News has learnt. The 20-year-old, who has not been identified, was shot in the shoulder and was arrested in hospital—his life is not in danger. His 23-year-old brother – both men are of thought to be of Bengali or Pakistani origin—was also arrested at the scene and

Been feeling a bit under the weather today…

…and boy, are my fingers tired!  And moist. Sorry. It’s the drugs talking.

Casting my vote for “mild” hypocrisy

I’m going to try this one out on my wife, should my summer tan and recent bulk-up (thanks, SuperPump 250 powdered supplement by Gaspari Nutrition!) yield me some spontaneous sexual encounters with off-work Hooter’s waitresses who just happen to be wandering around my neighborhood, their clothing threadbare and wet, as I’m out tending to some lawn edging without my shirt on. That is, if I get caught.  Otherwise, you know,

“New Orleans Sinking Faster Than Thought”

From Breitbart / AP: Everyone has known New Orleans is a sinking city. Now new research suggests parts of the city are sinking even faster than many scientists imagined _ more than an inch a year. That may explain some of the levee failures during Hurricane Katrina and it raises more worries about the future. The research, reported in the journal Nature, is based on new satellite radar data for

“Euston, we have a problem”

Of no particular import, really—the battle isn’t mine, after all—but I thought I’d point this out anyway, if only because it touches on much of the drama we’ve experienced here over the last week or so.  In a post titled “Platform Twelve,” Norm Geras—who no one with an ounce of intellectual integrity could mistake for an arch conservative bent on using linguistic premises as some sort of fascist tool to


*Must Credit protein wisdom* Details are still a bit fuzzy, but I have it from reliable sources that both Fitzgerald and Rove were spotted today—alive as any pair of randy zoo monkeys. Which means that Jason Leopold is still eligible for the Pulitzer.  Thank goodness.