
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024



*Must Credit protein wisdom*

Details are still a bit fuzzy, but I have it from reliable sources that both Fitzgerald and Rove were spotted today—alive as any pair of randy zoo monkeys.

Which means that Jason Leopold is still eligible for the Pulitzer.  Thank goodness.


  1. Major John says:


    Details are still a bit fuzzy, but I have it from reliable sources that both Fitzgerald and Rove were spotted today—alive as any pair of randy zoo monkeys.

    Uh, that wasn’t supposed to hint at something, um, happening between the two, was it?  ‘cause if you have info on that, you’ll get the Pulitzer!


  2. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    The Star News evidently has pictures of Rove shuffling out of the West Wing, practicing his frog-march, while Fitzgerald plays leap-frog over Rove’s manacled frame as Pelosi, Streisand and

    Baldwin applaud wildly.

    Then again, this might just be a Michael Moore masturbatory fantasy, i.e, ahead of the news cycle.

  3. topsecretk9 says:

    Have I told you lately Jeff, I LOVE YOU!

    *Must Credit protein wisdom*

    I am CERTAIN Democratic Underground is on fire with this news.

  4. Robert says:

    Quit trying to steal thunder from my aliens-will-kidnap-Britney’s-baby blockbuster, you neocon!

    TW: We all know that’s the main event.

  5. lee says:

    In a related story…

    President Bush to be impeached by Democratic majority in both houses early 2007!

    Details following…

  6. Sean M. says:

    (With apologies to Journey)

    Don’t stop believin’

    Hold on to the feelin’

    Moonbat people

  7. 6Gun says:

    I don’t know about you guys, but shouldn’t somebody be sued?

  8. Robart MacNamara says:

    But what’s your take on intentionality in Virgil’s “Iliad”?

  9. McGehee says:

    Why is there fuzz in my frog legs?

  10. topsecretk9 says:

    I don’t know about you guys, but shouldn’t somebody be sued?

    Ah yeah! However, Truthout is now no different than the National Enquirer so?

    Maybe Hamsher can organize one of her famed blogswarms to protest TruthOuts LIES, DAMN LIES!!!!!

    or something.

  11. topsecretk9 says:


    Hamsher was thrilled calling it fantastic that Jason Leopold was going to “out” his sources if his report was false…She said it was “fantastic”, because it would show how the blog-o-sphere was far better with transparency and getting things right than the MSM/WAPO….18 days later? …crickets.

  12. topsecretk9 says:

    …crickets…from Jason…or Hamsher. I guess it wasn’t “fantastic” after all…ooops!

  13. Why is there fuzz in my frog legs?

    – They must have been sleeping with the cat again…..

  14. Why is there fuzz in my frog legs?

    – Stop talking that way about your legs McGehee…

    …bada bump…..

  15. Topsecret – Its pretty obvious at this point that Leopold didn’t have any “sources”, unless you mean his cousin Louie who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who….ect ect…Besides “outing” your sources would be the height of stupidity, even if they burn you badly, cause there won’t be any tomorrow if you do that just once…..

  16. topsecretk9 says:

    Actually Big Bang…Larry C. Johnson confirmed, and then William Pitt editor of truthout confirmed and said that Joseph Wilson was working with truthout on the story and confirmed the Rove “indictment”—then later retracted.

    So…I am just taking a wild stab and thinking Jason Leopold’s source is Joseph Wilson—and that would be Joseph Wilson making shit up again? Yes, that is a stretch (//sarcasm off)

    But I know, I agree with your general premise that he was pulling sources out of his ass.

  17. topsecretk9 says:

    Besides “outing” your sources would be the height of stupidity, even if they burn you badly, cause there won’t be any tomorrow if you do that just once…..

    Yes it would be, I guess …unless those sources are lying through their teeth and your reputation is going down in a blaze of glory vouching for them…can you say Dan Rather?

  18. Lew Clark says:

    In the absence of irrefutable evidence that he has not been indicted, shouldn’t we assume that he has.  Hell, in the absence of irrefutable evidence that he hasn’t been indicted, tried, convicted, and executed, shouldn’t we show a little respect and morn his passing?

  19. Wouldn’t it be just a tad heartless to send flowers just yet Lew…..I mean this soon he isn’t even in the ground yet…..

    TW: All in good time grasshopper, all in good time… We must show great patience….

  20. – Joe Wilson?… guys an ass…. He still hasn’t figured out that if either Libby or Rove had been charged with the original “outing” crap, he’d have ended up on the stand. He still might, if Rove ever did get indicted…. Must have a legal death wish….I think he’d take flight if that looked imminent….If what you say is true Top, mans trying to shoot his own feet….

  21. LagunaDave says:

    Any update on Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s condition?

  22. MayBee says:

    From Truthout’s website, dated today:

    Right now we have only general indicators as to why an announcement might not be made when an indictment has been returned. And even though these indicators do exist, we need to more clearly understand exactly what is happening in this case before we can report on them.

    Jeff, the problem with you is that you refuse to open your eyes and see the indicators.  They exist, buddy.  They are in existence.

  23. LagunaDave says:

    Apologies if this has been noted elsewhere, but an interesting post from Ace:

    Why Does The Unhinged Left So Hate Jeff Goldstein?

  24. Good Lt says:

    Which means that Jason Leopold is still eligible for the Pulitzer.  Thank goodness.

    The world of journalism can not wait. The fate of this nation, nay, of existence as we have known it is in great peril. Truthout!

  25. BumperStickerist says:

    I suspect that Jeff will do his share of blog log-rolling and write an entry titled: Why do the Women of the Left Let Ace Buy Them Drinks and Then Not Sleep With Him?

  26. Greg Bacon says:

    Great Site!!! Found it by accident, but already can’t get enough.

    The level of intelligent discourse in the feedback is truly amazing.  And Mr. Goldstein should be awarded some type of award for his courageous stand on that Al Qaida bag man, Padilla.

    These are times which try our great country’s noble soul and such times call for stern measures to keep our great nation intact.

    For starters, we should suspend–of course, only temporary–the Bill of Rights.

    All good Americans should get behind this patriotic move to help defeat the enemy.

    Our brave AG, Alberto Gonzales, is hard at work taking apart Article I.  Why should left leaning, commie loving journalists be afforded the protection of law? 

    Our man now heading the CIA, the honorable Mr. Haydyn, has already used the gentle, persuasive powers of the NSA to take care of that pesky Article IV.

    My suggestion is that all good citizens should take it upon themselves to end–of course, only temporary-the archaic Article II by turning in–just temporary, mind you-Article II by giving their firearms in to the government.

    Since we have the best military in the world, as evidenced by our glorious victory in Iraq–and soon, Persia–true patriots have no need of harmful items like shotguns and rifles.

    Just think what a Padilla type could do with that firepower. Think of the kids!!!

    Nothing good can come of private citizens having firearms.

    Heavens to Betsy, they might get uppity thinking that they are under siege and start up some type of commie loving militia to protect their so-called rights.

    I say Bah.  If they have done nothing wrong, then they have no need to fear the Pentagon or the CIA or the NSA or the ONI or the Department of Homeland Security or the FBI or Delta Force et al.

    Keep America for Americans by winning the “long war” on terror, as so eloquently spoken by the great leader, Donald Rumsfeld.

    One way is to mail in a promise to the Great One, President Bush, that regardless of the cost, you are willing to make every sacrifice to help win this “long war”.

    For instance, one could agree to forgo any Social Security payments upon retirement and have that money applied to the “long war”.

    Or volunteer your children to one of the branches of the Armed Forces.

    Even though we have achieved a glorious, patriotic victory in Iraq–and soon, Persia–we still need boots on the ground to guard against Saddam lovers and other vile leftists.

    The “true” Americans will not begrudge giving up a few so-called rights in order to win this war against a heinous, unseen enemy that seems to lurk behind every bush.

    And if they complain, well, there’s some open cells at Gitmo and Abu Ghriab.

    Now, please excuse me as it’s time for my goose stepping lesson.

    Greg Bacon

    Ava, MO

  27. jamrat says:

    Well Greg, that certainly was original. Haven’t you ever heard of brevity being the soul of wit?

    TW: heard


  28. syn says:

    Dear Great One Greg Bacon

    In case you haven’t noticed there is an enormous hole in the gound where the World Trade Center, occupied by an International Community of Human Beings, once stood.  Where is your Collectivist sensitivity?

    Some fucking goose-stepper you turned out to be.

  29. Good God, are all lefties idiots? Greg can’t even properly name the elements of the Bill of Rights, and he expects us to take him seriously.

    Hint: They’re Amendments. The Articles are in the main body of the text.

  30. Patrick Chester says:

    jamrat: He has to drown his readers in verbosity to cover up any holes in his thinking.

  31. Patrick Chester says:

    (Oh, and when people do start pointing out problems he can gleefully gesture at the parts that someone didn’t bother to deal with and claim that means his critics agree with it. Yawn.)

  32. BumperStickerist says:

    Technical Semiotic Question for Jeff:

    Greg probably means ‘Ammendment’ and not ‘Article’, but he wrote ‘ammendment’ instead of ‘article’.  Repeatedly.

    Am *I* as the reader supposed to spackle over that gaping hole of ignorance displayed by Greg by mentally switching the signifier-thingie to myself to mean ‘Ammendment’ or can I just enjoy the fact that Greg’s a prolixic douchebag?

    Just keeping it meta-real.



  33. Hint: They’re Amendments. The Articles are in the main body of the text.

    Posted by Robert Crawford

    And what is Article 1 of the US Constitution? Can ya name it without looking?

  34. And what is Article 1 of the US Constitution? Can ya name it without looking?

    Establishes the legislature, but what does that have to do with the price of ham in Peshawar?

    Go read the crap “Greg” was spewing. He was talking about “Article I” and journalists, then “Article IV” and the NSA, then “Article II” and firearms. Now, where in Article I is the press mentioned, where in Article II are firearms mentioned, and where in Article IV is search and seizure mentioned?

    Do you really want to come to the defense of such an elementary error? Or are you simply bound to do so because Greg appears to have the same political stand as yourself?

    TW: Because if that’s it, then you have problems.

  35. alppuccino says:

    You have eyes and yet you do not see.

    Greg posted at sunrise.  His “last name” betrays his involvement with some huge pork cartel.

    And now, I must away to the skillet to quell my jones for fatback.

  36. Richard says:


    Well Greg, that certainly was original. Haven’t you ever heard of brevity being the soul of wit?

    That’s all well and good, but you’re forgetting that bloviation is the soul of a half-wit.  I think somebody here owes Greg an apology…


  37. Do you really want to come to the defense of such an elementary error? Or are you simply bound to do so because Greg appears to have the same political stand as yourself?

    TW: Because if that’s it, then you have problems.

    Posted by Robert Crawford

    Nah. I saw the bit of Abu Gonzales going after Article 1, which is also true. The whole “separation of powers” and “the Legislature makes the laws” and “Executive enforcing the laws the Legislature passes” seem so restrictive to Republican Presidents.

    Since that business with the illegal funding of the contras, it seems the Republicans would prefer the Executive make the laws, via EO or signing statement, and the Legislature rubber stamp those via not exercising their Article 1 duties.

  38. Jim in KC says:

    Any update on Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s condition?

    Still dead, LagunaDave.

    And as far as I know, Mercury is still not planning a De Sade edition of the Marquis.

  39. Nah. I saw the bit of Abu Gonzales going after Article 1…

    Context doesn’t mean much to you, eh? Greg wrote:

    For starters, we should suspend–of course, only temporary–the Bill of Rights.

    All good Americans should get behind this patriotic move to help defeat the enemy.

    Our brave AG, Alberto Gonzales, is hard at work taking apart Article I.  Why should left leaning, commie loving journalists be afforded the protection of law?

    Now, to anyone who reads what was written, rather than desperately searching for a way to excuse the idiocy, the bolded passages but Greg’s remarks in the context of the Bill of Rights, the Amendments.

    But I guess that’s what started this whole thing—a bunch of paste-eaters who insist on reading what an author wrote vs. a bunch of high-minded intellectuals who will read whatever they find convenient into a text.

    The whole “separation of powers” and “the Legislature makes the laws” and “Executive enforcing the laws the Legislature passes” seem so restrictive to Republican Presidents.


    Clinton sure as hell didn’t let any of that bother him. And the Congressional Democrats (and too often, the Congressional Republicans) seem to have a hard time with it, too.

  40. MarkD says:

    Where can I buy a “Paste Eater” T Shirt?

  41. CrawfordTexas says:

    do the Pasate Eaters T-Shirts come with Depends, or do you have to wet the bed on your own?

  42. Good Lt says:

    do the Pasate Eaters T-Shirts come with Depends, or do you have to wet the bed on your own?

    You wet the bed? Ewww.

    Also, “pasate” is not the same word as “paste.”

  43. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Besides “outing” your sources would be the height of stupidity, even if they burn you badly, cause there won’t be any tomorrow if you do that just once…..

    “Oh, no, Valerie!  We burned Jason Leopold!  Now how will we ever get our message out?!”

    “I don’t know, Joe, O god, I don’t know, I don’t know…!”

  44. Clinton sure as hell didn’t let any of that bother him. And the Congressional Democrats (and too often, the Congressional Republicans) seem to have a hard time with it, too.

    Posted by Robert Crawford |

    What? You seem to have forgotten the whole impeachment and trial of Clinton? The failure of Clinton’s judicial nominees to get an up and down vote, let alone committee hearings.

    Can’t even get Abu Gonzales sworn to testify the truth in front of the current Congress, let alone proper investigations of the illegal avoidance of the FISA Courts and illegal data collection.

    But it’s amazing how you state:

    But I guess that’s what started this whole thing—a bunch of paste-eaters who insist on reading what an author wrote vs. a bunch of high-minded intellectuals who will read whatever they find convenient into a text.

    and then try to distract from:

    Our brave AG, Alberto Gonzales, is hard at work taking apart Article I.

    Which is what the author wrote and I, as a high-minded intellectual, will read and elaborate upon as I find convenient.

  45. just dave says:


    Shorter Moronic Brownshirt Fuck: Mommy, I’m scared!

  46. Homer Simpson says:


  47. 6Gun says:

    Context doesn’t mean much to you, eh?

    Context doesn’t mean shit to Tom-Tom, Robert.  On another thread he got all high and mighty about my turnabout after his dishing a prior ample dose of steaming moonbat rhetoric.

    Evidently some folks are held to different standards than others.

    Ah, the left.  Sound familiar?

  48. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Tom reminds us that liberals are to “tolerance”

    as Andrea Yates is to motherhood.

  49. MayBee says:

    Paste eating is so mundane.  In my school, the really creative kids ate crayons.  I like to think Jeff would be at least a crayon eater, possibly a marker-sniffer.

  50. Jim in KC says:

    Tom is hard at work trying to win the title of “Day’s Silliest Comment,” although he’ll have to do better than he has so far in order to beat some of the previous winners.

    Hint for Tom:  try combining your factual errors with borderline incomprehensibility and spelling errors, and you’ll be there, man!

    Good luck!

  51. tomaig says:

    Come on now, folks – Tom Wai Tu Dimm is very very smart and clever – I mean, you simply HAVE to be a genius if you can come up with such original gems as, “Bushevik…Merkins…Pretzelnitwit” and a true stroke of inspiration – “Henry


    Did you catch that subtle, nuanced humor? Busheviks – kind of like the BOLsheviks?  Get it? 



  52. Wow.

    He’s even trying to defend his taking a line out of context, which was done in order to defend someone who couldn’t even keep the concepts of “Article” and “Amendment” straight.

    And trying to say I’m the dishonest one for insisting on reading the original statement in context, rather than batting at his strawman.

  53. capt joe says:

    Tom Tom, if you are so concerned about

    it seems the Republicans would prefer the Executive make the laws, via EO or signing statement, and the Legislature rubber stamp those via not exercising their Article 1 duties.

    Please have a chat with your own party.

    because they sure aren’t helping your argument.

  54. TODD says:

    “Paste eating is so mundane.  In my school, the really creative kids ate crayons.  I like to think Jeff would be at least a crayon eater, possibly a marker-sniffer.”

    In my day it was the wonderful smell of the ditto machines, ahhhh, ditto……………..

  55. kelly says:

    More trollstank on this thread, too.

    Tom-daii tou blow me:

    Your imbecilic, infantile schtick is tiresome. Let’s stipulate that you hate Bushco with the same intensity that you lick your dog’s anus. Fine. Lets also stiplulate that you’re an attention-starved, pimply adolescent positively buzzing with the frisson of your lame attempts at mocking your elders. Guess what? At the end of the day, you’re still a pathetic loser grasping your tiny dick in one hand and sucking your thumb with the other.

  56. Eric Anondson says:

    Paste eating, crayon eating, ditto sniffing, car exhaust breathing, window licking, …

    Might as well come up with as many terms for stupidity as possible, because folks who “reality-base” progressives will sooner or later have them used against.  Frankly, I have a fondness for “window-licker” because my drill sergeants called us that quite regularly.

  57. Actually LD, the Good Generalissimo was seen again at the Madrid El’Mall con Stellor Edaddos StarBucks, enjoying his usual morning Latte’ and Lox bagal. Later he was observed commandeering a couple of Liberals to carry his body into the “Jimjam Bowling hall”, where its reported he registered four straight games of 140, using someone elses balls.

  58. Simon says:

    Back to the original post…

    You may mock, Jeff – but Truth Out is standing by the story despite the, whatsitcalled, um, complete lack of evidence.

    So how does that make you feel, eh? They’ve got you now.

  59. stoo says:


    Let’s not steal all the moonbat hope. Is there a precendent for posthumous indictment?

  60. – “[This] a unique situation, and frankly a stressful one. We would like to thank all of those who have offered their support during the course of this ordeal. We fully intend to press on.”

    – Erm…. Marc….. theres nothing unique about a Liberal making a complete Ash of themselves….

    – On the bright side they are promising to make any details pf the “Mysterious Ghost of the Rove indictment” available as soon as they have any… Well sometime in this mellenia anyway…..

  61. 6Gun says:

    It gets better, BBH:

    Clearly the question is: “If Karl Rove has been indicted, why has there been no official announcement?” Right now we have only general indicators as to why an announcement might not be made when an indictment has been returned. And even though these indicators do exist, we need to more clearly understand exactly what is happening in this case before we can report on them.

    Read:  We probably don’t have jack.  Hope you can’t tell.  Here’s some spin to keep up these most serious of tones.  We’ll hold on until all credibility is gone and then close the site.  Or maybe something will yet happen.  Those are our options.

  62. capt joe says:

    Kelly, I understand your point but if only you could make it in a less objectionable way wink

  63. tachyonshuggy says:

    That TruthOut page is. . .weird.

  64. mojo says:

    “Oh Freude! Nicht dese tone!”

    SB: major


  65. Pablo says:

    Thanks for the heads up, Marc.

    How about if EVERYONE who is reading this (Yes, this means YOU!) sends some money TruthOut’s way so they can continue to be one of the ONLY really reliable source for news in the U.S.

    It’s easy – all you have to do is click on the big letter “S” on the left side of this page.

    Paying the likes of Jason Leopold for being the ONLY really reliable news source?

    Caveat emptor, kiddies. Didn’t you read his book?

  66. Defense Guy says:

    Did someone mention Clinton Judicial appointees?  Not a great idea to make claims that you cannot back up with facts.

    But then facts have always gotten in the way of the current crop of the dedicated caring crew.  Much better to just scrape the surface of a particular subject and make claims, helps to avoid the nasty realities of the world that way.

  67. Pablo – cognitive reading requires at least a 5th grade edumakation. Did you read some of those posts? The deluded led by the desperate. I bet some 3rd year poly-sci’s are gleefully punching up their dissertations on “post-non indictment depression syndrome”.

  68. Actually LD, the Good Generalissimo was seen again at the Madrid El’Mall con Stellor Edaddos StarBucks, enjoying his usual morning Latte’ and Lox bagal. Later he was observed commandeering a couple of Liberals to carry his body into the “Jimjam Bowling hall”, where its reported he registered four straight games of 140, using someone elses balls.

    so… he’s some kind of zombie!?

  69. maggie…. you probably are pulling my leg….but if not ask one of your friends what a “blind 140” is in bowling… otherwise disregard….and yes…. a corpse could score a 140. Bob Newhart did a bit on this a long time ago, talking about Russian body keepers dragging Trotskies embalmed body from bowling alley to bowling alley because they were so bored…..

  70. – but the good news is the feisty Generalissimo is still going after all these years of mobidity….Nothing stops the man!!!!! (Old announcement on SNL news skit)

  71. Joel says:

    Tom reminds us that liberals are to “tolerance”

    as Andrea Yates is to motherhood.

    Posted by proudvastrightwingconspirator | permalink

    on 06/01 at 08:53 AM


    That’s not completely fair to Mrs. Yates–while deluded, at least she understood (on some level) that what she did was wrong.  Substituting Cindy Sheehan for Andrea Yates would make a better comparison.

  72. RTO Trainer says:


    Actually LD, the Good Generalissimo was seen again at the Madrid El’Mall con Stellor Edaddos StarBucks, enjoying his usual morning Latte’ and Lox bagal. Later he was observed commandeering a couple of Liberals to carry his body into the “Jimjam Bowling hall”, where its reported he registered four straight games of 140, using someone elses balls.

    While all of that is definitely true, he’s still dead.

  73. RTO – Of course…. Dead and kicking…..

  74. Dorian says:

    They’re using indictment indicator at Truthout. This is like litmus paper and turns red when an indictment on a Republican is looming and blue for the same on a Democrat.

    They’re indictment indicator might be old or they may have simply grabbed some red paper in their haste to get the “truth” out.

  75. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    Point taken.

    How about: Tom reminds us that liberals are to “tolerance” what Islam is to peace. Does that work for you?

    Or: Tom reminds us that liberals are to “tolerance” what Kennedy’s are to sober driving.

    Or: Tom reminds us that there’s no intolerance like liberal intolerance.

    I’m willing to work with you here, in the spirit of conservative “tolerance”……

  76. DeepTrope says:

    Can I get a paste eaters anonymous t-shirt?

    A whole bunch of you said this better but maybe Tom is just on the laamm from reality.

    TW:  needs

    trolls have them too.

  77. Ric Locke says:

    Tom is reality based, in the same sense that the troops operating in Iraq are based in Orlando.

    Communications between base and distant forward operating areas can be difficult. The Army seems to have solved most of the problems; perhaps Tom and his cohorts should investigate some of the measures taken. Clearly they have had no useful contact with base in a long time.



  78. Albert "What did you do with my formula?" Einstein says:

    It’s Schroedinger’s Indictment!

    Fitz and Rove are neither dead nor alive until the indictment is unsealed!

  79. Slartibartfast says:

    Tom is reality based, in the same sense that the troops operating in Iraq are based in Orlando.

    Well, some of them are from Orlando, anyway.

    Ric, you don’t live in O=town, do you?  Because if you do, I might have to buy you a beer or twelve.

Comments are closed.