
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Been feeling a bit under the weather today…

…and boy, are my fingers tired!  And moist.

Sorry. It’s the drugs talking.

43 Replies to “Been feeling a bit under the weather today…”

  1. Attila Girl says:

    Actually, that was rather subtle.

  2. CraigC says:

    That’s nothing. I just flew in from Chicago…..

  3. Major John says:

    Nothing a little SuperPump 250 powdered supplement by Gaspari Nutrition cannot fix.

    BTW – when you were feeling under the weather, did you find any red pills? Or pie?

  4. Big E says:

    Anybody know what T-Rex’s job is? 


    It says on his profile that his profession is “radio announcer”.  I checked it earlier since I wanted to know the grand occuptation of someone who presumes to tell other people how to live their lives.  Without being asked no less. 

    I also noted that he occasionaly guest blogs for firedoglake.  You just know that if he keeps up this cutting and insightful assault on your character Jane is so totally gonna let him housesit next time she goes out of town.  Anyway it really seems like you’ve gotten to these morons.  What really surprises me is the complete lameness of the putdowns.  Half the time I think it must be one of the regulars goofing on these jackasses.

  5. SarahW says:

    Last time I felt under the weather, I got a nasty shock. Of course, I was prodding it while wearing water-logged steel-cleated shoes and carrying a golf club.  And standing by a large, somewhat isolated isolated oak tree. On a hillock…. that smarted.  I hope you were wearing rubber.

  6. MayBee says:

    Engaging in a bit of forecast?

  7. commander0 says:

    Our hero has been ‘hawked

    In a good way.  And I “mean” good.

    Where’s Giles Goatboy when you need him?  Why he’s in Iowa.

  8. rls says:

    …and boy, are my fingers tired!  And moist.

    It’s nothing a good dose of digitalis wouldn’t take care of.

  9. rls says:

    Yes, Iowahawk has captured Thirsty and his ilk perfectly and depants them for all to see their withered little members.

  10. alppuccino says:

    Of course, I was prodding it while wearing water-logged steel-cleated shoes and carrying a golf club.


    Geez Sarah, that’s so 1986.  Get those changed to softspikes immediately!!  It’s better for the Tiff Dwarf and the Bermuda.

  11. wishbone says:

    Talcum powder will cure that.

    Or maybe it’s Glenfiddich 21 with a chaser of Tamiflu.

  12. – As long as you can’t see THROUGH your fingers, you’re probably ok…..

  13. As long as you can’t see THROUGH your fingers, you’re probably ok.

    I dunno. I can see through my fingers pretty damned well. I know just what the hell they’re planning, every minute of the day.

    And let me tell you, it’s disgusting.

  14. McGehee says:


  15. wishbone says:

    I think that should be:


  16. Phil Smith says:

    when you sleep where do your fingers go?

    are they pulling out weeds from the dusty soil

    but then never rewarded with the fruits of their toil

    are they scratching their nails on the chalkboards of death

    only seeking attention when everyone in the room has left

    when you sleep

    when you sleep where do your fingers go?

    what do your fingers know

    what do your fingers show

    where do your fingers go

    when you sleep

    do they tremble on the edge of the bed

    or do you fold them neatly by your head

    Excerpted from When You Sleep, Cake

  17. mojo says:

    Musta been a Cumulonimbus Mammatus…

  18. dario says:


    You should immediately go on a pure Guinness diet.

    I just got back from London and Jeff I have to tell you my brother-in-law who lives in near by Oxford took me pub crawling and if it can be believed, the Guinness is even better in the UK.  He claims you can even taste the difference when you hop the boat over to Ireland.  Which, if true would have been dare I say orgasmic.  Also went to some crazy pub in London that served muscles and some Belgin brews that were unbelievable.  So I figure there’s no way our closed on Sunday, no alcohol in Costco, near Bible-belt state is going to have 9% malt brews.  To my delite I’ve discovered Chimay Blue at the local liquor store, unbelievable stuff.  So anyway, believe it or not Guinness can taste even better than it does here in the states.  I didn’t believe my British snob friends until I tried it myself.

    British Airlines flies direct from Denver now, you can make it your personnal Mecca.

  19. Excerpted from When You Sleep, Cake

    m’kay, so am i the only one that always thinks of Jeff when they hear a Cake song. cause i do, i figure that’s what jeff must sound like (and really he sorta does) and the lyrics are odd enough….

  20. Jeff says:

    I have a question about intentionality.  What is the intentionality of the Bush administration in cutting New York City’s Homeland Security budget in half on the grounds that it contains no major terrorist targets?

    I guess all the major terrorist targets are in Jackson, MS, or Montgomery, AL, or Denver, CO, where the majority of Protein Wisdom readers reside.  Hoping you’re enjoying all that government pork (paid for by blue state taxpayers), righteous neocon dudes! Remember 9-11!!

  21. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Your question makes no sense.  But I suspect—and granted, I’m only speculating here—that you were just trying to shoehorn in that bit from “The Blotter.”

    Which, say, how’s that Hastert indictment coming along, anyway?

  22. wishbone says:

    Ummm, Jeff,

    DHS was the Democrats idea…remember?

    Didn’t think so…

  23. Jeff says:


    Yeah, I remember.  The Democrats proposed DHS, and Bush opposed it.  Then Bush realized DHS would be an incredible vehicle to transfer taxpayer money to his corporate cronies, while spreading a little dough among his redneck base. 

    Your point was?

  24. Jeff Goldstein says:

    …whereas the Democrats would have used it for truth, justice, and the American way.

    Almost enough to make you curse representative democracy, ain’t it Jeff?  If only people had voted right!

    Now please, stop wasting our time. You aren’t anywhere on topic for this thread.  Go find someplace else to play.

    And if you want to waste your time composing another angry message and posting it, fine. But when I get around to it, I’ll just delete it.  So keep that in mind.

  25. CraigC says:

    Dario, you were in a pub that served muscles? Wow. I hope they were Type II A skeletal muscles, for that long-term anaerobic workout.  You don’t want smooth muscles cuz they don’t do all that much, and there are a lot of them in the, you know, uterus.

  26. wishbone says:

    Jeff (not Goldstein),

    Anyone who is a regular here knows that I believe the creation of DHS was a bad idea, badly executed.

    Your somewhat confused strain of thought goes like this if I get it right:  Dems propose DHS, Bush opposes, Dems pitch hissy fit, Bush caves (nope, I’m not happy about that), DHS turns into the horrible mess that it is and the President is solely responsible.

    We have three branches of government, not one, and the folks in the black robes do not have a dog in this fight.

    And to your final point: 

    Homeland Security officials said the District had far fewer potential targets than the larger jurisdictions, such as California, it competed against. They said the decisions came after an elaborate process aimed at fairly dividing anti-terror funds.

    from the WaPo.

    However, and here is what you left out–conveniently, I suspect–</blockquote>In contrast, the Washington region—including the Virginia and Maryland suburbs—ranked in the top 25 percent of metropolitan areas for risk, she and other officials said.<blockquote>–ditto, WaPo.

    So if I am correct, the channeling of money to evile BushCo corporate masters is most prevalent in California, that well known red state.  Want to try again?  Or maybe just get your facts straight BEFORE attempting to sound authoritative?

  27. LagunaDave says:

    Et tu, Reynolds?

    Nasty creatures, armadillos. They carry leprosy, you know.

    Jeff, now that Thersites has been shown to the door, I guess it’s time for a take-down of this latest tenured snob. 

    I could easily believe the armadillo in question carries any number of venereal diseases, but leprosy?

  28. Master Tang says:

    I guess all the major terrorist targets are in Jackson, MS, or Montgomery, AL, or Denver, CO, where the majority of Protein Wisdom readers reside.

    This Moonbatterotti focus on the South (Denver, I think was clearly included only to indict our esteemed host’s locale) is fascinating.  Even our own Actus seems to have a fixation on it – more than once he’s shown a barely-concealed rage about the way things turned out in 1865 that one would normally expect (albeit in an opposite direction) from the most die-hard SCV supporters.

    There’s a potential dissertation topic in that – how the Deep South (which still tends to elect Democratic candidates to state and local offices by a wide margin) emerged in the Twenty-First Century as emblematic of Red-State Conservatism in the eyes of Liberal/Progressive America.

  29. LagunaDave says:

    What is the intentionality of the Bush administration in cutting New York City’s Homeland Security budget in half on the grounds that it contains no major terrorist targets?

    The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.—P.J. O’Rourke

    Any questions?

  30. wishbone says:

    Two words, Master Tang:  George Wallace.

    Yeah, he was a dolt on race, but if you wanted to see the left-wing of the Democratic Party start foaming and the mouth and peeing on the carpet, have Wallace drop in to their “big tent.”

    Classic moment, his win in the 1972 Florida Democratic primary when he won 44% of the vote (winning in every county in a field of 9) leading Edmund Muskie, then the front runner, to call 44% of the Democratic voters in the state bigots and worse.

    It never seems to occur to them that their paucity of ideas is what makes people like Wallace an option to begin with…

  31. wishbone says:

    One more thing:

    Screwball Jeff above also leaves out that NEWARK, friggin New Jersey got a 40% increase in DHS grants this year.

    Yeah, it’s a port, but New Jersey also has two Democratic senators.  So, there goes the whole red state claim down a rat hole.

    Intellectual sloth, the mark of the American liberal.

  32. DeepTrope says:

    I dunno, could be the trauma of watching the Suns lose in Dallas, but I’m having trouble putting all this together.  Even though heavily into Cake before Jeff, I see Maggie’s and Phil’s connection except for the moist part.

    But, hey, not-Jeff, how come red states have to pay for Kennedy-Kerry to keep windmills out of their line of sight?  Not much to do with security there.  Probably just a Bush plan to help out McCain’s trust-fund cronies.  That’s probably moist enough to cause a rash.

  33. Master Tang says:

    Wishbone, I think you’re onto something there.  Perhaps it goes even further back than Wallace – maybe the Dixiecrats in 1948?  It’s an intriguing idea:  the vehemence of Progressive fulminations against an archetypal “South” is in direct proportion to the amount of cognitive dissonance, projection, and absolute denial about their own history and origins that animates them.

    That would be a fascinating dissertation – on a topic that I don’t think any poly-sci type has touched, at least not since Alec Lemas back in the early Eighties.

  34. Odd, Master Tang, that you haven’t worked in any product placements from Taco Bell.

    Or, to be a little more on-topic, your rubber glove.

  35. Master Tang says:

    Naw, I’m sticking with:

    “We are two ventriloquists…”

    Anything else would be gnowrdab.

  36. docob says:

    Iowahawk has got Goldstein’s back. Two of the 4 or 5 best active bloggers in a wondrous confluence! Beauty!!  grin

  37. Ted Whileman says:

    Been feeling a bit under the weather today…

    Hey, at least you got to third base.  I bought her appletinis all night long, and all I got for my troubles was a litany of complaints about her loser ex, and a soggy car seat when I left my window rolled down.  Global warming, my ass.

  38. dario says:


    Not only did they serve muscles, they dressed like monks.  As a bonus they could care less about my ability to spell mussel or Belgian.  Much to my dismay.

  39. tomaig says:

    Man…I guess he really showed YOU, didn’t he, Mr. Paste-Eater-in-Chief?

  40. – Tang… Yes, the “New Left” definately hates the Dixiecrats, (which still exist to this day in pockets of the Southeast), for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which, there is a good deal of evidence that last minute Dixiecrat swing voters were instrumental in giving bush a needed Pluralty in Florida, in both 2000, and 2004. Go Dixie. Heh.

  41. David R. Block says:

    Show what? The big socialist health care plan she touted could have come from the commies. It approximates what they had.

    All it shows is the guy’s ignorance.

    TW: Why should we pattern a health care system after those in failed states?


  43. Dave Eaton says:

    At least your drugs talk, Jeff. Mine just stare petulantly at me. I know it’s something I said or did, but damn if I can figure out what it is.

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