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June 7, 2002

Ah, Baseball. Your Country’s Pastime

Anybody else as excited as I am about Interleague play? I mean, Phillies-Tigers! Yup. Hard to beat that.

Ah, Baseball. Your Country’s Pastime

Anybody else as excited as I am about Interleague play? I mean, Phillies-Tigers! Yup. Hard to beat that.

Flabby Decadence on the Potomac?

So I was checking out some pictures from the latest D.C. Blogfest, and I noticed a bunch of the guys in the photos drinking wine. Guys. Wine. Unfortunately, none of the photos have captions identifying the shamed offenders, so I’ll just have to be content with snorting at them in the abstract. Note: Anybody caught drinking wine at the upcoming Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash (anybody, that is, with a penis

Cheer up, sleepy Jean….

Marc Weisblott — busy with present day teevee pilots and obsessed with ABC mini-series The Hamptons’ resident pseudo-celeb, Jaqueline (“Like, I am like, sooo not the airhead I was like, totally portrayed as”) Lipson — passed along to me this item from Orange County Weekly: “

Cheer up, sleepy Jean….

Marc Weisblott — busy with present day teevee pilots and obsessed with ABC mini-series The Hamptons’ resident pseudo-celeb, Jaqueline (“Like, I am like, sooo not the airhead I was like, totally portrayed as”) Lipson — passed along to me this item from Orange County Weekly: “

Heh heh.  They said “box”…

For those of you interested, here’s a link to the XBox commercial that American censors have banned from U.S. television. You’ll need a media player of some sort to view it. Personally, I think it’s kinda cool, the commercial — and not in any way demeaning to anyone in particular. If anything, it renewed my profound respect for the power of, er, womanhood. Phallocentric, vertical science — particularly physics —

Heh heh.  They said “box”…

For those of you interested, here’s a link to the XBox commercial that American censors have banned from U.S. television. You’ll need a media player of some sort to view it. Personally, I think it’s kinda cool, the commercial — and not in any way demeaning to anyone in particular. If anything, it renewed my profound respect for the power of, er, womanhood. Phallocentric, vertical science — particularly physics —

Unfortunate by Birth

Toledo – “Nick and Sarah Arena gave birth to a baby boy early Thursday morning at St. Luke’s Hospital. They’re huge Detroit Red Wings fans, so when they found out they were having a boy, they decided to name him Joe Louis…as in the stadium where the Wings play. Add in thier [sic] last name and he’s Joe Louis Arena.” ‘When I started watching the Red Wings, I put two

Judge Ye Not, Lest Ye Bee Gees-ed

“[…An] appeals court has interrupted the work of the famed Condom Judge of Brooklyn,” the New York Post’s Andrea Peyser reports. Supreme Court Justice Gustin Reichbach earned that nickname a decade ago, when he handed out condoms to hookers and addicts from his bench in Criminal Court. But it is Reichbach’s continued sensitivity toward more violent sorts that drives prosecutors to the Maalox and honest citizens to their homes. And

Moxley Moxy

Breaking: “Kennedy Cousin” Michael Skakel found guilty in the 1975 murder of Martha Moxley. Skakel, now 41, was convicted largely on circumstantial evidence. “He hung himself by his own petard,” prosecutor Jonathan Benedict told reporters outside of the Connecticut courthouse, referring to Skakel’s own admissions over the years. More here. Well, somebody killed Ms. Moxley. Was it Skakel? Dunno. Did he cover his tracks alone? Doubtful. But it’s all academic,