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June 11, 2002


Freaky. Spooky. Mysterious. And ewwky. All rolled up into one. But hardly surprising. Hell, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Mike Tyson was acting on behalf of Al Qaeda when he bit off the meaty part of Evander Holyfield’s ear (“I dethpoy-el thith eeyaw meat in the name of Awah!”) Says Rummy, “Our interest [in Padilla] is not in trying him and punishing him…Our interest is

Arafat Bombs, Europe Pays

Translated by Stefan Sharkansky from Die Zeit, “Arafat Bombs, Europe Pays” is a must read piece — particularly for those still skeptical about European involvement in Palestinian terrorism. An excerpt: The Israelis found payment receipts with which the salaries for terrorists were paid, through a cascade of transfers, from accounts funded by the European Union. This is an indication that things are going in a frightful direction. But still not

Letters from the Heartland

To: James Lileks, Minneapolis From: JD, Outside the Tastee Freezetrade; Dear Mr. Lileks — Oh yeah? Well then fuck you, buddy! You hear? Just fuck you! Respectfully, Jack Diane (Suckin’ On Chili Dogs, Bible Belt, USA)

Protecting us from ourselves?

The National Review’s John O’Sullivan — no fan of bureaucracies — argues that a Department of Homeland Security won’t really do much to secure the homeland. For Sullivan, […] merging existing agencies such as Customs and the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) into one grand new department will do nothing whatever to defeat terrorism — unless it accompanied by changes in policy, in underlying bureaucratic attitudes, and in personnel. And

Torching the Strawmen

From David Tell’s “The Specter of Terrorism” (on behalf of the editors of The Weekly Standard, and worth excerpting at length): […] There are other, vastly more important and productive questions to be asked about the post-September 11 performance of George W. Bush’s executive branch than ‘Does this mean we’re living in a police state?’ It should little relieve us that the correct answer is no, after all; we have

The Land of Milk and Honey (and of course, chunks o’ “militant”)

Lots going on in the Middle East today — another Arab blew himself up at a schwarma restaurant in Israel, managing to stucco the walls with his own entrails while seriously injuring a little Israeli girl (Ah yes! Strike another blow for justice, praise be!), and a new poll confirms that 2/3 of all Palestinians support the very suicide attacks designed to injure such little girls — which means I’ll

The Land of Milk and Honey (and of course, chunks o’ “militant")

Lots going on in the Middle East today — another Arab blew himself up at a schwarma restaurant in Israel, managing to stucco the walls with his own entrails while seriously injuring a little Israeli girl (Ah yes! Strike another blow for justice, praise be!), and a new poll confirms that 2/3 of all Palestinians support the very suicide attacks designed to injure such little girls — which means I’ll

Amity, of course, means ‘friendship.’

More on the Euro/U.S. ideological divide on the issue of international terrorist threats, this time from Amity Shlaes, writing in The Financial Times: The White House was disconcerted by European incomprehension over its concerns about Iraq. As Mr Bush noted, Iraq is a country that has gassed its own people. Europe may believe that the US is exaggerating the risks, universalising its problems out of an apocalyptic sense of its

Amity, of course, means ‘friendship.’

More on the Euro/U.S. ideological divide on the issue of international terrorist threats, this time from Amity Shlaes, writing in The Financial Times: The White House was disconcerted by European incomprehension over its concerns about Iraq. As Mr Bush noted, Iraq is a country that has gassed its own people. Europe may believe that the US is exaggerating the risks, universalising its problems out of an apocalyptic sense of its

Dick on Bill

In his The Washington Post