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June 9, 2002

Fatty Fatty Two-by-Four

Jacob Sullum has (another) great Reason column on out-of-control food fascists and the sinister plans they’re hatching to rob me of my nickels — all because I happen to like the occasional greasy french fry with my dead pressed animal-in-a-bun. In his column, Sullum makes the Swiftian suggestion that rather than taxing all junk foods (which punishes the thin as well as the fat), we simply have the government weigh

Girls in their summer dresses (Or, “Bikini Waxing”)

Lots of noise across the blogosphere concerning Den Beste’s string bikini fetish (which he first copped to in this notorious post). So deafening is the blog roil, in fact, that Ol’ Steve felt compelled to respond to allegations that he’s some creepy old pedarest hunkered down in his computer-laden (though paneling-free, surprisingly!) porn room, banging out stickly little essays with his free hand. Note to Steve: I think the “creepiness”

Girls in their summer dresses (Or, “Bikini Waxing")

Lots of noise across the blogosphere concerning Den Beste’s string bikini fetish (which he first copped to in this notorious post). So deafening is the blog roil, in fact, that Ol’ Steve felt compelled to respond to allegations that he’s some creepy old pedarest hunkered down in his computer-laden (though paneling-free, surprisingly!) porn room, banging out stickly little essays with his free hand. Note to Steve: I think the “creepiness”

The Plan

Expect blogging to be light today. I need to go grocery shopping, and I need to spend some time with my lovely wife, who notes (rightly so) that I’m starting to look like a “stooped Hefty bag crammed full of cottage cheese” — presumably from sitting in front of the computer, web surfing and eating buttered crumpets all day. I need some spinach or something, evidently. Anyway, grades are due

Mothman, Redux

War Liberal Mac Thomason sent along this careful debunking of the Mothman myth, courtesy of Joe Nickell, special to the Skeptical Inquirer (March-April 2002). Here’s a sample: But what about the red-eyed ‘Mothman’ sightings? The creature at the old munitions area ‘had two big eyes like automobile reflectors,’ and others echoed that description, including one man who, alerted by his dog in the direction of his hay barn, spotted it