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June 23, 2002

The Seventh Deadly CNN

Reader Jacques — who has some connection to Vermont maple syrup that I’m interested in exploring — sent along a link to this Jerusalem Post story: “CNN chief: No more airtime to bombers’ families“: “CNN will no longer give airtime to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers ‘unless there is a compelling reason to do so,’ Eason Jordan, CNN’s chief news executive and news gathering president, has told The Jerusalem

The Brunch Theme, Continued

Here, check this site out. …because sometimes we like our Vodka without a Pundit hanging all over it. By the way, it being Sunday and all, I thought I’d offer you my very special (and erstwhile quite secret) Bloody Mary recipe — developed over years of painstaking trial and error. And by “painstaking,” I mean enjoyable and shitfaced, of course. And nude, more often than not. (All measurements approximate; the

The state bird of South Dakota?  Why, the ring-necked pheasant, no?

“Given a blank map of the United States, one in three fourth-graders can’t find their state and mark it with an X,” CBS News reports. “When asked to write the name of the ‘state or district where you live,’ many marked an adjacent state or wrote the name of their city.” The question was on a national geography test given last year, the results of which were released Friday by

The state bird of South Dakota?  Why, the ring-necked pheasant, no?

“Given a blank map of the United States, one in three fourth-graders can’t find their state and mark it with an X,” CBS News reports. “When asked to write the name of the ‘state or district where you live,’ many marked an adjacent state or wrote the name of their city.” The question was on a national geography test given last year, the results of which were released Friday by

What, no “Paradise Theater”?

RetroCrush has posted its selection of “The Top 10 Most Controversial Albums of All Time.” My initial reaction (thanks for asking)? “W.A.S.P.? Who in the Sam Hill is W.A.S.P.? Where’s ‘Smell the Glove,’ for pity’s sake?” Oh. And another thing: If you’re keen on seeing John Lennon’s schlong, I’ve got you covered with this link. If you’re keen on seeing a nekkid Yoko, I’ve got you covered there, too —

What, no “Paradise Theater”?

RetroCrush has posted its selection of “The Top 10 Most Controversial Albums of All Time.” My initial reaction (thanks for asking)? “W.A.S.P.? Who in the Sam Hill is W.A.S.P.? Where’s ‘Smell the Glove,’ for pity’s sake?” Oh. And another thing: If you’re keen on seeing John Lennon’s schlong, I’ve got you covered with this link. If you’re keen on seeing a nekkid Yoko, I’ve got you covered there, too —

And now for something completely different

It began simply enough: at breakfast one morning, Alice looked into her bowl of oatmeal and saw the face of God, bearded, sad-eyed, and dotted with raisins. She dribbled some skim milk into the bowl and watched as His face grew faint beneath the bluish puddle; she spooned on some sugar and saw His face dissolve altogether. Alice had never before seen the face of God. Until now, she wasn

I’m Speechless

Cardinals pitcher Darryl Kile was found dead in his hotel room this morning. He was 33.

I’m Speechless

Cardinals pitcher Darryl Kile was found dead in his hotel room this morning. He was 33.

Like Cinemax Friday Night, only without the moving pictures

Sex talk between chicks. And you thought blogging was for computer nerds only.