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June 26, 2002

If you’re going to San-Fran-Cisco….You’re likely either nuts or stoned…

A Federal appeals court in San Francisco has just ruled that the “Pledge of Allegiance” is an unconstitutional endorsement of religion, and therefore cannot be recited in schools. The Pledge. Of Allegiance. To the United States of America. Unconstitutional. So whaddya say? Time to take the rabid PC puppy out to the woodshed and put it down like Old Yeller? Good, me too. I’ll get the rifle — before we

If you’re going to San-Fran-Cisco….You’re likely either nuts or stoned…

A Federal appeals court in San Francisco has just ruled that the “Pledge of Allegiance” is an unconstitutional endorsement of religion, and therefore cannot be recited in schools. The Pledge. Of Allegiance. To the United States of America. Unconstitutional. So whaddya say? Time to take the rabid PC puppy out to the woodshed and put it down like Old Yeller? Good, me too. I’ll get the rifle — before we

What, we maybe did something to upset you?

Yeah. And now that you mention it, I don’t remember a whole lot of Hebrews ridin’ around in Lawrence of Arabia, either. No desert pit stops to “have a shvitz? And maybe a cup of cawfee? Is that too much to ask?” At least none that I can remember. And so a pattern emerges: Arabs didn’t like the Jews then, and they don’t much like the Jews now. Coincidence? Or

Tof-me?  No, tof-u, buddy!

Is the end nigh? Have we really gone and done it this time — destroyed the planet, raped the great orb, despoiled the spinning Mother of all Mothers? Don’t ask me. But here’s Ronald Bailey (writing in Reason), and he doesn’t seem to think so. Nor do “Great Restoration” proponents like Jesse Ausubel: In an article published this week by the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

Tof-me?  No, tof-u, buddy!

Is the end nigh? Have we really gone and done it this time — destroyed the planet, raped the great orb, despoiled the spinning Mother of all Mothers? Don’t ask me. But here’s Ronald Bailey (writing in Reason), and he doesn’t seem to think so. Nor do “Great Restoration” proponents like Jesse Ausubel: In an article published this week by the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

No Straddling of Fences

In his latest NRO column, Victor Davis Hanson examines the idea of an Israeli wall: Walls, for better or worse […] bring to disputes both political and moral clarity — especially in the manner that they reveal exactly who wants to broach them and in what direction. The Berlin Wall and the DMZ in Korea made it clear that purportedly content communists wanted out of their countries more than supposedly

Moral Clarity Week, Revisited

In his most recent column, Dennis Prager asks, “why isn’t the left out there leading pro-Israel demonstrations?” After all, Israel is fully democratic, has a highly developed feminist movement, holds annual gay pride parades, has an independent and liberal judiciary, an active and influential leftist press, and leftist (even Socialist) parties — in short, it embodies the very institutions and attitudes the left claims to celebrate. Whereas the Muslim Arab

The Sullivan Report.  (No, not that Sullivan).

Overheard at the watercooler late next week: “Enron? What’s an Enron…?”

The Sullivan Report.  (No, not that Sullivan).

Overheard at the watercooler late next week: “Enron? What’s an Enron…?”