
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Flabby Decadence on the Potomac?

So I was checking out some pictures from the latest D.C. Blogfest, and I noticed a bunch of the guys in the photos drinking wine.

Guys. Wine.

Unfortunately, none of the photos have captions identifying the shamed offenders, so I’ll just have to be content with snorting at them in the abstract.

Note: Anybody caught drinking wine at the upcoming Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash (anybody, that is, with a penis and without a doctor’s note) will be asked to leave. No excuses. Those’re the rules.

This is the southwest, after all. We cowboys have a reputation to uphold out’chere, and we ain’t about to go sufferin’ no wine-swillin’ effetes in silk shirts and fancy shoes.

Unless, of course, they’re buying…

[links found via Instantman]

13 Replies to “Flabby Decadence on the Potomac?”

  1. How about three weeks from tomorrow?

  2. Doug Dever says:

    Sent to me in an e-mail one day:  Scotch – because the world’s problems were not designed to be solved over white wine.

    Colorado blogfest eh?  I haven’t been to colorado in over a year – I just might have to plan a trip.

  3. Jeff G says:

    By all means, Doug.  Head on out.  Scotch drinkers are always welcome.

    Info can be found <a href=””>here</a>.

  4. Doug, book a flight right into DIA, conveniently located just 117 minutes from downtown Denver.

  5. Doug Dever says:

    Yeah, I remember that fun… the nice thing about the airport being so far out of town is that no one complains about the sound of the planes.

    In any case, I’m booked via Continental to arrive that morning.  I was able, however, to refrain from renting the Jaguar that hertz had available for gold club members.  As fun as it sounds, I’m not paying $120 a day for a rental vehicle. smile

  6. Will says:

    I’ll have a martini thank you.  (Although normally I’d be drinking wine.)

  7. Jonathan says:

    On the off chance anyone should get tired of the Railyard Ale at the ‘koop, there are now two wine bars right on the block.  Enoteca’s been there for 6 years, and there’s a brand new place next to Morton’s called Vegda (or something like that).  <a href=”″>I have to agree</a>, the Wynkoop’s the best place.

  8. Gosh, I don’t know, guys. I’m a little worried about you meeting Jeff now. I mean, what other character said:

    “I never drink… <i>wine</i>.”

  9. Tatterdemalian says:

    I’ll have a chocolate milkshake.

    Shaken, not stirred.

  10. If I come I’ll still be underage by a year …no wine, no nothing.  I guess I’ll have to join Tatterdemalian in drinking chocolate milkshake, but I’ll have mine stirred thank you very much.  But I ask you, why come if I can’t drink huh?  Makes no sense…seeming that is the point of the party!

  11. Ken Layne says:

    I haven’t posted here since … well, ever, although a few MothMan characters posted under my name last year.

    Wine, glorious wine … who could complain about the Drink of Gods? It was good enough for Jesus, Bukowski, Hemingway, Ben Franklin, Picasso and Tom Jefferson … it’s more than good enough for me. Especially the $2.99 bottles of chianti.

  12. Jeff G says:

    Bukowski, Picasso, and Jefferson were all overrated.  Franklin and Hemingway I’ll give you.  The jury’s still out on that Jesus fella.

    When I was living in Bologna, the wife and I drank a bottle or two of wine each night—because it was priced appropriately (like, $2 per bottle). 

    The folks in those DC blog photos, though, are drinking $8 per </i>glass</i> Merlots (from what I can determine from the photos, using apparent viscosity, color, and body density as my measuring sticks).

    Punk suckers, the lot of ‘em.  Now, $5 for a pint of microbrew, on the other hand….

  13. Ken Layne says:

    Dear Jeff,

    You got me on $8 glasses of whatever. I can get two days’ worth of wine for $8.

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