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June 10, 2002

The Dapper Don Sleeps with the Fishes…

John Gotti died today. The Teflon Don is no more. Related: Jack Dunphy, NRO: “John Gotti Meets His Maker”

The Dapper Don Sleeps with the Fishes…

John Gotti died today. The Teflon Don is no more. Related: Jack Dunphy, NRO: “John Gotti Meets His Maker”

Yeah, and deep, too…

One more before I go, though. From Instapundit: Tapped is joining Lou Dobbs in declaring the war one against fanatical Islamists, not simply ‘terror.’ So now Bush is not only to the left of Richard Cohen on guns in the cockpit, now he’s to the left of The American Prospect on the war! Is this because of Karen Hughes’ departure? Nothing beats a snarky professor. Nothing. And before you bother

Yeah, and deep, too…

One more before I go, though. From Instapundit: Tapped is joining Lou Dobbs in declaring the war one against fanatical Islamists, not simply ‘terror.’ So now Bush is not only to the left of Richard Cohen on guns in the cockpit, now he’s to the left of The American Prospect on the war! Is this because of Karen Hughes’ departure? Nothing beats a snarky professor. Nothing. And before you bother

Cue:  That one Icicle Works song.

Off to turn in grades. Yup. Blessed, blessed peace.

Cue:  That one Icicle Works song.

Off to turn in grades. Yup. Blessed, blessed peace.

Goddamn the Pusher Man

From The Straits Times: “Sharp rise in adults taking Ecstasy in Taiwan“ Higher stress levels at work and at home and the easy availability of the drug may be reasons for the trend, say experts. Yeah, that, and because it’s some good shit. (Whoops! Was that out loud…?) [update: On a more serious note, Radley Balko on fallout from the “drug wars”]

The Word is Spreading, Evidently

From Yahoo News: “Security guards killed two men armed with knives who attempted to hijack an Ethiopian Airlines’ aircraft while it was making a domestic flight in this Horn of Africa nation, a government official said Sunday.” The two men attempted to hijack the aircraft carrying 42 passengers after it took off from Bahr Dar, 250 miles northwest of Addis Ababa, shortly after 5 p.m. local time, said Information Minister

Close Encounters of the PC Kind?

“What the fuck is a ‘World Anthem,’ and why in the name of all that’s holy are these educational bureaucrats allowing it to be played at my kid’s graduation ceremony? Where’s the freakin’ ‘Star Spangled Banner,’ for shit’s sake?!” ….Is what one Denver-area couple wondered on May 24th. (Well, without the “fuck” and the “shit’s sake,” I mean. That was me, embroidering. I do so love the swear words.)

A Soldier’s Story

I missed this story the first time around, so maybe you did, too. At any rate, here’tis (from FOXNews): A U.S. Army lieutenant whose jaw is wired shut from a bullet wound he received in Afghanistan claims screeners at San Francisco International Airport denied him permission to pass through security with wire clippers used to snap open his jaw in an emergency. Lt. Greg Miller, a combat medic and member