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June 5, 2002

Up Mine?  Well, right back at ya’, honey.

The Strawberry-Blond Force of Disquieting Perkinesstrade; over at Up Yours has posted her interview with VodkaPundit’s Stephen Green. The interview itself is a rambling affair, chock full of sexual innuendo — more, in fact, than you can shake a (fleshy and engorged) stick at. Or if you prefer, enough to choke a seasoned Bangkok hooker — one with a mouth like a grouper. In other words, lots. Worth checking out.

Up Mine?  Well, right back at ya’, honey.

The Strawberry-Blond Force of Disquieting Perkinesstrade; over at Up Yours has posted her interview with VodkaPundit’s Stephen Green. The interview itself is a rambling affair, chock full of sexual innuendo — more, in fact, than you can shake a (fleshy and engorged) stick at. Or if you prefer, enough to choke a seasoned Bangkok hooker — one with a mouth like a grouper. In other words, lots. Worth checking out.

Global Warming Cooling

Just in case you haven’t seen it yet…. “President Distances Himself From Global Warming Report,” the New York Times reports: Under intense criticism from conservatives, President Bush distanced himself today from a report by his administration concluding that humans were to blame for far-reaching effects of global warming on the environment. The report, drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency and reviewed by several other agencies and the White House, was

More Arafatada

So let’s see… The ten-year anniversary is tin or aluminum, the twenty-year anniversary is china, thirty is pearl… Remind me again, what’s the traditional gift for a thirty-five-year anniversary? ‘Cause sometimes I forget. Well, if you’re commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Six-Day War — and you happen to be a Palestinian terrorist — the answer is Semtex: “Bomb Kills 16 Israeli Bus Passengers“: Sixteen people — 13 of them

Bookishness.  It can be cool.  Really.

Hmmm. My biorhythms must be dialed to “artsy” today — or at least, “high brow.” Don’t worry, that’ll change. In the meantime, though, more literary references — this time courtesy Sexy northlander, James Lileks (and his latest “Bleat”): Joyce Maynard has achieved an addition level of self-trust, and we can only pray it results in another memoir. Trusting Myself: a Journey of Self Trusting, or, How the Sight of Ten

Bookishness.  It can be cool.  Really.

Hmmm. My biorhythms must be dialed to “artsy” today — or at least, “high brow.” Don’t worry, that’ll change. In the meantime, though, more literary references — this time courtesy Sexy northlander, James Lileks (and his latest “Bleat”): Joyce Maynard has achieved an addition level of self-trust, and we can only pray it results in another memoir. Trusting Myself: a Journey of Self Trusting, or, How the Sight of Ten

The French and Their Jews

The New York Observer is reporting that the French language edition of Saul Bellow’s latest novel, Ravelstein, is graced by a cover that many who’ve seen it insist contains an inappropriate Jewish caricature reminiscent of those you’d see in France and Germany in the 30s and 40s: […] author Saul Bellow depicts the title character of his latest novel, Abe Ravelstein, as a larger-than-life bon vivant, a man with a

Wither “Joe and Sons”…?

Marc Weisblott has posted the second installment of his early reviews of upcoming teevee pilots. This installment: Serious Dramas. And in case you’re interested, yes, I giggled as I typed that…

Wither “Joe and Sons”…?

Marc Weisblott has posted the second installment of his early reviews of upcoming teevee pilots. This installment: Serious Dramas. And in case you’re interested, yes, I giggled as I typed that…