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June 29, 2002

Something Fishy?

I’ve been recommending (in private emails and in the comments sections of various sites) Stanley Fish’s sober defense of postmodernism, available so far only in the print edition of this month’s Harpers. Fish is one of our greatest modern rhetoriticians — and though he’s frequently wrong (sorry, Stanley, but it’s true) he’s nothing if not engaging, brilliant, and remarkably persuasive the vast majority of the time. Too often, the real

Back. Where. We Started.

Lots of great stuff here. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a blog bash to drop some acid for… Umm. Tracers and Steve Green. How can you go wrong?

Lock, Stock, and One Smokin’ Bush!

Sometimes we lose sight of the the forest for the trees. But that’s why we have The Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes, who takes a step back and is able to review Bush’s foreign policy pronouncements from a critical distance. And I have to admit that Bush’s pronouncements do look quite remarkable from afar, especially in the context of past foreign policy positions (well, at least a little over a decades’

Lock, Stock, and One Smokin’ Bush!

Sometimes we lose sight of the the forest for the trees. But that’s why we have The Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes, who takes a step back and is able to review Bush’s foreign policy pronouncements from a critical distance. And I have to admit that Bush’s pronouncements do look quite remarkable from afar, especially in the context of past foreign policy positions (well, at least a little over a decades’

Having your cake and eating it, too

Writing in The American Prowler, Sara Rimensnyder takes a close look at the bloated rhetoric coming from the “oversized community”: Here’s the executive director of the American Obesity Association, talking about Southwest’s policy [of requesting that persons unable to fit into a single seat purchase a second seat at a discount] with the Guardian: ‘It’s a return to the worst kind of discrimination. It’s like putting African-Americans at the back

Fill in the blanks

I agree, Blow Hard. I mean, just frickin’ say it, you know? Criminy! Like anyone really gives two poops, anway. Am I right? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a blog bash to shave for…

A few final thoughts on this whole Pledge dustup…

In my house, the Pledge has become indispensible. “Under God”? Fine, whatever. But howsabout “under a layer of dust so thick it could choke an aardvark?” Coffee tables get filthy, end tables attract grime, wood paneling gets that kinda gritty, oily, dusty schmutz all over it…. These are facts. Sure, Murphy’s oil soap and a rag might do the trick just as well — maybe even Endust, if you can

A few final thoughts on this whole Pledge dustup…

In my house, the Pledge has become indispensible. “Under God”? Fine, whatever. But howsabout “under a layer of dust so thick it could choke an aardvark?” Coffee tables get filthy, end tables attract grime, wood paneling gets that kinda gritty, oily, dusty schmutz all over it…. These are facts. Sure, Murphy’s oil soap and a rag might do the trick just as well — maybe even Endust, if you can